University of Central Arkansas Emporia State University
Subject Code Description Subject Code Description
ACCT 2310 Prin Acct I AC 200T3 Acct Elective
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ACCT 2311 Prin Acct II AC 223 Financial Accounting I
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ACCT 3316 Intro Taxation AC 423 Income Tax of Individuals
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ADSE 2309 Amer School System CI 200T3 Free Elective
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ADSE 3309 Amer Sch Sys CI 300T3 Educ Elective
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ADSE 4303 The Mid Sch CI 400T3 Educ Elective
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ART 2300 Appreciation AR 105 Art Appreciation
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ASVC 2360 Busn Machiine BU 200T3 Bus Elective
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ASVC 3361 Busn Comm OS 330 Business Communications
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BIOL 1400 Biology For Gen Education GB 100 General Biology
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BIOL 1400L Biology of Gen Educ Lab GB 101 General Bio Lab
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BIOL 1430 Gen Zoology ZO 214 Biology of Animals
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BIOL 1430L Gen Zoology Lab ZO 215 Biology of Animals Lab
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BUSN 1321 Prin Data Proc IS 100T3 Free Elective
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BUSN 3321 Business Law I BU 353 Legal Environment of Business
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BUSN 3322 Business Law II BU 373 Law of Business Associations
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BUSN 4325 Real Est Mgt FI 355 Real Estate
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CHED 2201 Field Exper ED 220 Introduction to Teaching
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CHEM 1450 Col Chem I CH 123 Chemistry I
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CHEM 1450L Col Chem I Lab CH 124 Chemistry I Laboratory
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CHEM 1451 Coll Chem II CH 126 Chemistry II
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CHEM 1451L Coll Chem II Lab CH 127 Chemistry II Laboratory
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ECON 2320 Prin Econ I BC 103 Principles of Economics I
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ECON 2321 Prin Econ II BC 104 Principles of Economics II
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ECON 3331 Money & Bank BC 353 Money And Banking
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ECON 4370 Mac Econ Anal EC 400T3 Econ Elective
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EDUC 3220 Educ/Tech IT 371 Instructional Media
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EDUC 3310 Applied Learn PY 334 Educational Psychology
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EDUC 4301 Skl Hum Rel FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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ENGL 1310 Comp I EG 101 Composition
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ENGL 1320 Comp II EG 102 Composition II
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ENGL 2300 Children'S Literature EL 230 Use Chldrn Lit/Elem Classroom
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ENGL 2305 World Lit I EN 207 Introduction to Literature
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ENGL 2306 World Lit II EN 200T3 Lit Elective
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ENGL 2370 Int Fiction EG 200T3 Eng Elective
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FINA 3330 Manag Fin FI 330 Fund/Financial Mgmt
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FINA 4324 Insurance FI 346 Risk Management
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FINA 4335 Fin Mkt/Inst FI 400T3 Fin Elective
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GEOG 1300 Physical Geography GE 254 Physical Geography
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GEOG 1305 Prin Geog GE 101 World Regional Geography
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GEOG 1310 Cultural Geog GE 100T3 Geog Elective
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GEOG 3351 Weather & Climate ES 319 Meteorology
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H ED 2200 Health & Safety HL 200T2 Health Elective
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H ED 2201 First Aid HL 155 First Aid And Personal Safety
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HIST 1300 Western Civ I WH 101 Surv of Ancient & Medieval Civ
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HIST 1310 World Hist I WH 101 Surv of Ancient & Medieval Civ
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HIST 1320 World Hist II WH 102 Survey of Modern Civilization
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HIST 2301 Am Nation I AH 111 US History to 1877
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HIST 2302 Am Nation II AH 112 US History Since 1877
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KPED 1181 Racquetball PE 180 Racketball
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MATH 1390 College Algebra MA 110 College Algebra
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MATH 1392 Plane Trig MA 112 Trigonometry
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MATH 1395 Bus Math BU 100T3 Bus Elective
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MATH 1591 Calculus I MA 161 Calculus I
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MATH 2351 Number Systems MA 307 Number Systems
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MATH 2561 Calculus II MA 262 Calculus II
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MATH 4345 Coll Geometry MA 421 College Geometry
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MCOM 1121 Prmediaapp JO 100T1 Jo Elective
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MCOM 1300 Media And Soci JO 200 Mass Communication
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MCOM 1362 Teleprac&Prc JO 100T3 Jo Elective
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MCOM 2300 Begreporting JO 301 Elements/News Reporting
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MCOM 3300 Adv Rpt & Ed JO 302 Advanced Reporting
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MCOM 3305 Pub Design JO 300T3 Jo Elective
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MCOM 3308 News Editing JO 300T3 Journ Elective
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MGMT 3340 Mgmt of Org MG 300T3 Mgt Elective
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MGMT 3345 Purng & Mtrl MG 300T3 Mgt Elective
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MGMT 4345 Persnl Mgmt MG 444 Personnel/Human Res Mgmt
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MGMT 4347 Org Strategy MG 400T3 Mgt Elective
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MKTG 3350 Mktg Fund MK 360 Principles of Marketing
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MUS 12V1 Voice MU 250 Applied Music
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MUS 3330 Appreciation MU 226 Music Exploration
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P ED 1110 Beg Swimming PE 140 Elementary Swimming
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P ED 1122 Beg Golf PE 125 Golf
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P ED 1125 Cond Activity PE 100T Activity Elective
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P ED 1290 Intro to Physical Education PE 170 Introduction to Physical Educ
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P ED 2225 Softball And Speedball PE 100T Activity Elective
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P ED 3240 Sec School Athletics Programs PE 300T3 Free Elective
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PHYS 1400 Phys Science PS 214 Physical Science
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PHYS 1400L Phys Science Lab PS 215 Physical Science Laboratory
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PHYS 2410 Applied Phys PH 140 College Physics I
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PHYS 2410L Applied Phys Lab PH 141 Coll Phys I Lab
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PSCI 1330 U S Government PO 121 American National Government
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PSCI 2330 American Government PO 121 American National Government
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PSYC 1300 Gen Psych PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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PSYC 2300 Child Growth & Development PY 211 Developmental Psychology
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QMIS 2320 Busn Stat I BU 255 Business Statistics
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SPCH 1101 Forensics SP 142 Intercollegiate Forensics I
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SPCH 1122 Theatre Act TA 105 Theatre Practicum
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SPCH 1310 Basic Speech SP 101 Public Speaking
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SPCH 1350 Intro Theatre TA 125 Theatre Appreciation
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SPCH 1362 Intro Broadcasting SP 100T3 Speech Elective
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SPCH 1370 Voice & Phonetics TA 213 Voice And Diction
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SPCH 2102 Forensics SP 200T1 Speech Elective
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SPCH 2300 Clinical Speech SP 200T3 Speech Elective
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SPCH 2302 Argumentation Debate SP 222 Argumentation & Debate
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SPCH 2331 Stagecraft TA 236 Stagecraft
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SPCH 2380 Oral Interp I TA 128 Oral Interpretation
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SPCH 2390 Acting I TA 235 Introduction to Acting
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SPCH 3103 Forensics SP 242 Intercollegiate Forensics II
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SPCH 3391 Acting II TA 355 Advanced Acting
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SPCH 4320 Play Directing TA 400T3 T A Elective
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SPCH 4360 Dir Forensics SP 400T3 Speech Elective
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SPCO 2303 Sign Language RE 200T3 Free Elective
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SPED 1301 Intro to Special Education SE 550 Survey of Exceptionality
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SPED 2301 Language Devev of Excep Ch SE 200T3 Free Elective
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