Calif St Univ, Dominguez Hills Emporia State University
Subject Code Description Subject Code Description
BUS 102 Legal Aspects of Bus Trans BU 100T2 Bus Elective
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BUS 130 Essentials Accounting I AC 100T2 Acct Elective
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BUS 131 Essentials Accounting II AC 204 Financial Accounting I
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BUS 170 Intro to Comp & Data Proc IS 100T2 Cis Elective
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BUS 171 Computer Systems For Bus IS 100T2 Cis Elective
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BUS 205 Social Respon of Business BU 200T2 Bus Elective
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BUS 210 Mgmt & Organ Theory MG 342 Principles of Management
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BUS 211 Production Management MG 200T2 Mgt Elective
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BUS 250 Elements of Marketing MK 360 Marketing
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ECO 111 Economic Theory EC 100T2 Econ Elective
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ECO 211 Economics Theory 1B Macro BC 103 Principles of Economics I
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ENG 350 Advanced Composition EG 301 Advanced Composition
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MKT 350 Prin of Marketing MK 360 Principles of Marketing
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PER 131 Lifetime Sports/Dance/Disco PE 100T Activity Elective
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PER 131A Lifetime Sports/Dance/Jazz PE 100T Activity Elective
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PER 131B Lifetime Sports/Dance/Modern PE 100T Activity Elective
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PER 131C Lifetime Sports/Dance/Jazz/Int PE 100T Activity Elective
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PER 131D Lifetime Sports/Dance/Belly PE 100T Activity Elective
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PER 131E Lifetime Sports/Dance/Ballet PE 100T Activity Elective
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PER 131F Lifetime Sports/Dance/Tap PE 100T Activity Elective
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PER 134 Sel Sport St Dance/Choreograph PE 100T1 P E Elective
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PER 134A Selected Sports Studies PE 100T1 P E Elective
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PER 134B Sel Sports St/Dance/Mod/Beg PE 100T1 P E Elective
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PER 134C Sel Sports St/Dance/Mod/Inter PE 100T1 P E Elective
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PSY 482 Psych of Coach & Team-Build PE 420 Psychology of Sport
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SBS 318 Cultural Pluralism SO 300T3 Soc Elective
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SPA 110 Beg Spanish I SA 100T3 Span Elective
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