San Diego State Univ Emporia State University
Subject Code Description Subject Code Description
AFRAS 140 Oral Communication SP 101 Public Speaking
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AMIND 140 US History Am Ind Per to 1870 HI 111 U.S. History to 1877
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AMIND 141 US Hist Am In Per since 1870 HI 112 U.S. History Since 1877
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AMIND 470 Roots of Indian Tradition AN 400T3 Anth Elective
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ANTH 002 Cultural Anthropology AN 110 Intro to Cultural Anthropology
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ANTH 101 Human Biocultural Origins AN 320 Human Evolution & Civilization
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ART 002 Design & Aesthetics AR 102 Two Dimensional Design
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ART 005 Art Orientation AR 100T3 Art Elective
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ASTR 101 Pricinples of Astronomy PH 110 Intro to Space Science
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ASTR 109 Astronomy Lab PH 111 Intro/Space Science Lab
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BIOL 330 Natural Hist Animals & Plants GB 300T3 Free Elective
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BU 255 Elemen Statistics For Bus BU 255 Business Statistics
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C LT 270A World Literature EG 220 Early World Literature
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C LT 270B World Literature EG 221 Later World Literature
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C LT 445 Modern Lat American Lit EG 400T English Lit Elective
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CAL 201X Math Supprt, Econ, Pols, Soc FREE 000T Not Transfer Credit
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COMM 103 Oral Communication SP 101 Public Speaking
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COMM 160 Argumentation SP 222 Argumentation & Debate
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COMM 245 Interpersonal Communication SP 100 Interpersonal Communication
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ECO 001 Prin of Econ BC 103 Principles of Economics I
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ECON 101 Principles of Economics BC 103 Prin of Economics I
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ECON 102 Prin Econ BC 104 Principles of Economics II
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ENGL 006 Comp & Lit EN 107 English Composition I
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ENGL 051 English Lit EN 250 English Literature I
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ENGL 100 College Composition EG 101 Composition I
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ENGL 220 Intro to Lit EG 207 Introduction to Literature
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ENS 116 Golf PE 125 Golf
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ENS 122 Surfing PE 100T3 Activity Elective
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ENS 331 Exer/Nutr for Hlth/Fit/Perf HL 150 Critical Health Iss/Dec in Soc
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FIN 140 Business Law BU 100T Business Elective
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FIN 240 Legal Environment of Bus BU 353 Legal Environment of Business
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FRENC 100A Elementary French I FR 100T1 French Elective
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FRENC 100B Elementary French II FR 110 French Language & Culture I
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FSCS 035 Marriage & Family SO 261 Marriage And Family
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GEN S 100A USEM: Athletics PE 100T1 Activity Elective
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GEN S 100B Unvsem: Athletics PE 100T3 Activity Elective
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GEOG 002 Intro Cult Region GE 101 World Regional Geography
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GEOL 002 General Geology ES 110 Intro to Earth Science
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GEOL 100 Planet Earth ES 100T1 Earth Science Elective
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HIST 017 American Civilization AH 111 US History to 1877
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HIST 017B American Civilization II AH 112 US History Since 1877
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HIST 100 World History HI 101 World Cultures to 1500
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HIST 110A American Civilization HI 111 U.S. History to 1877
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HIST 110B American Civilization HI 112 U.S. History Since 1877
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HS S 021 Prin Health Liv HL 150 Health For Human Wholeness
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HTM 201 Intro to Hosp & Tour FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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HUM 030 Legacy of Israel FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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IDS 180 Principles of Information Syst IS 113 Intro/Microcomp Applic
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INFO 290 Business Communication BE 330 Business Communication
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LING 100A English Composition for Intern IE 075 Commun Skills of Intern Studen
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LING 100B English Composition for Intern IE 075 Commun Skills for Intern Stude
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LING 200 Advanced English for Intern St FREE 000T Not Transfer Credit
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LING 270 Elem Stats for Lang Studies FREE 000T Not Transfer Credit
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M & S 103 Nap In Mex Am Com FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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MATH 120 Calculus For Business MA 100T3 Math Elective
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MATH 210 Number System Elem Math MA 200T3 Math Elective
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MTHED 212 Children'S Math Thinking MA 200T1 Math Elective
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MUS 051 Intro to Music MU 100T3 Music Elective
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MUSIC 151 Intro Mus: Amer Pop Mus MU 226 Music Appreciation
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OCEA 100 The Oceans ES 100T2 Sci Elective
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P E 019 Bowling PE 123 Bowling
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P E 032 Ballroom Dancing PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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P E 033 Folk Dance PE 131 Elementary Folk & Square Dance
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P E 034 Int Modern Dance PE 133 Elementary Modern Dance
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P E 034B Int Modern Dance PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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P E 036 Dance Jazz PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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P E 038 Adv Modern Dance PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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P E 082 Rhythm Anal Movmt PE 100T2 P E Elective
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P E 171 Intercol Basketball PE 210 Varsity Basketball
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P E 276 Intro to Sport & Phys Ed PE 170 Introduction to Physical Educ
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P E 361 Weight Training & Phys Fit PE 174 Weight Training
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P E 371 Physical Growth & Develop PE 300T3 Pe Elective
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PE 103A Beginning Jogging PE 104 Walking and Jogging
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PE 120 Beginning Batminton PE 000T Activity Elective
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PE 145 Waterskiing PE 000T Activity Elective
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PE 147 Windsurfing PE 000T Activity Elective
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POLS 101 Intro Am Pol Global Persp PO 121 American National Government
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PSY 001 General Psychology PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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PSY 101 Introductory Psychology PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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RELS 101 World Religions PI 369 World Religions
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RWS 100 Rhetoric of Written Argument EG 101 Composition I
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RWS 200 Rhet Written Arg Context EG 102 Composition II
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SOC 001 Intro Sociology SO 101 Introduction to Sociology
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SOC 201 Elementary Social Statistics SO 550 Research Meth & Stat in Sociol
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SP C 011 Fund Interp SP 100T3 Speech Elective
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SP C 103 Oral Communication SP 101 Public Speaking
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SPAN 101 Introduction to Spanish I SA 110 Spanish Language & Culture I
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SPAN 102 Elementary SA 111 Spanish Language & Culture II
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SPAN 201 Intermediate SA 213 Spanish Language & Culture III
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SPAN 202 Intermediate SA 214 Spanish Language & Culture IV
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SWORK 350 Cultural Pluralism SO 300T3 Free Elective
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THEA 120 Heritage of Dramatic Lit TA 100T3 Theatre Elective
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ZOO 008 Human Anatomy ZO 200 Intro to Anatomy & Physiology
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ZOO 008LB Human Anatomy Lab ZO 201 Intro to Anatomy & Physio Lab
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