Florida State University Emporia State University
Subject Code Description Subject Code Description
ACC 3121 Interm Financial Accounting II AC 313 Intermediate Accounting II
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ACC 3301 Mgt Actg Plng Control AC 233 Managerial Accounting I
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ACC 3401 Cost Accounting I AC 333 Cost Accounting
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ACG 2021 Intro Financial Actg AC 204 Financial Accounting I
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ACG 3101 Fin Actg & Rep I AC 303 Intermediate Accounting I
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ACG 3341 Cost Actg I AC 333 Cost Accounting
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ACG 3351 Cost Actg II AC 503 Managerial Acctng II
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ACT 330 Intermed Fincl Acc I AC 303 Intermediate Accounting I
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AMH 1000 American Civilization AH 111 US History to 1877
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AMS 1363 Iss Amer Civ: Unverty FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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ANT 2410 Cult Anthro AN 110 Intro to Cultural Anthropology
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APB 1150 Gen Biology GB 100 General Biology
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APB 1150L Gen Biology Lab GB 101 General Bio Lab
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ARH 3051 Hist Criticism Art II AR 235 Ar Hist II/Renais/Modern
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ART 2003 Sur Studio Art Practc AR 200T3 Art Elective
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BSC 1005 Gen Bio Non-Majors GB 100 General Biology
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BUL 3111 Legal Concepts of Business BU 353 Legal Environment of Business
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BUL 3330 Law For Accountancy BU 353 Legal Environment of Business
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BUL 3350 Ucc Bus Law Prob BU 363 Law of Commercial Transactions
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CCJ 4131 Police Pub Relatn FREE 400T2 Free Elective
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CGS 2060 Computer Literacy IS 113 Intro to Microcomputer App
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CGS 3403 Cobol For Business IS 283 Cobol Programming
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CLT 3370 Classical Mythology EG 355 Mythology
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ECO 2013 Ecs of National Economy BC 103 Principles of Economics I
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ECO 2021 Economics Price System EC 200T2 Econ Elective
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ECO 2023 Economics Price System BC 104 Principles of Economics II
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ECO 2031 Economics And Modern World EC 200T2 Econ Elective
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EDF 1005 Intro to Education ED 220 Intro to Teaching
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EME 2040 Intro to Eductn Tech ED 200T3 Educ Elective
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EME 4301 Audiovisual Equipment FREE 400T2 Free Elective
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ENC 1101 Fresh Comp & Rhetoric EN 107 English Composition I
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ENC 1142 Freshman Imagin Writ EN 108 English Comp II
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FAD 2230 Fam Relshp Life Dev SO 261 Marriage And Family
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FIN 3244 Fin Mkts/Inst/Intl F FI 300T2 Fin Elective
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FIN 3403 Financial Management of Firm FI 300T3 Fin Elective
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FSS 3337 Commercial Food Management FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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FSS 3337L Comm Food Service Lab FREE 300T2 Free Elective
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FSS 3338 Int Food & Functions FREE 300T2 Free Elective
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FSS 3338L Int Food & Function Lab FREE 300T2 Free Elective
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FSS 3423 Food Serv Engineering FREE 300T2 Free Elective
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GEO 1331 Environmental Scienc GB 100T3 Biol Elective
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GLY 1000 Dynamic Earth ES 100T3 Free Elective
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GLY 1000L Dynamic Earth Lab ES 100T1 Free Elective
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GLY 1892 Envir Issues In Gly GO 100T3 Geol Elective
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HEFT 3424 Cost Control Sys Ana FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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HFT 3000 Analysis of Hosp Comp FREE 300T2 Free Elective
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HFT 3284 Administration Policies FREE 300T2 Free Elective
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HFT 3424 Cost Control Sys Ana FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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HFT 3503 Organ/Prom Hotel/Rest FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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HFT 4294 Management Seminar FREE 400T2 Free Elective
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HUM 1920 Fig Colloquium FREE 100T Free Elective
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HUM 2236 Renaiss to 20Th Cent FA 220 Analysis of The Fine Arts
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HUM 3324 Cultural Imperialism EG 300T3 Lit Elective
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ISM 3004 Info Res Man For Bus IS 113 Intro/Microcomp Applic
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LIT 2020 The Short Story EG 207 Intro to Literature
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MAC 1105 College Algebra MA 110 College Algebra
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MAC 1114 Analytic Trignometry MA 112 Trigonometry
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MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra MA 160 Functions of Calculus
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MAC 2311 Calc W/Anlyt Geom I MA 161 Calculus I
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MAC 3233 Cal/Bus/Non Phys Sci MA 165 Basic Calculus
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MAN 3010 Concepts of Management MG 342 Principles of Management
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MAN 3109 Organizational Behavior MG 443 Organizational Behavior
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MAN 4720 Administrative Policies MG 400T3 Mgmt Elective
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MAR 3023 Basic Market Concepts MK 360 Marketing
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MAT 1033 Basic Mathematics MA 100T2 Math Elective
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MET 1010 Intro to Atmosphere ES 100T3 Earth Sci Elective
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MGF 1106 Math for Lib Arts I MA 100T3 Math Elective
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MUH 2012 Mus West Cul 19-20Th C MU 200T3 Music Elective
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MUH 2051 Music World Cutlures MU 200T3 Music Elective
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MUN 2110 Marching Chiefs MU 245 Marching Band
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MUN 2130 Symphonic Band MU 100T1 Music Elective
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MUN 2460 Chamber Music MU 200T1 Music Elective
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MUT 1111 Music Theory I MU 118 Music Skills I
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MUT 1112 Music Theory II MU 119 Music Skills II
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MUT 1241 S Sing/E Train I MU 100T3 Music Elective
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MUT 1242 S Sing/E Training MU 100T1 Music Elective
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MVB 1311 App Music Prin Tpt MU 100T2 Music Elective
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MVK 1111 Class Piano MU 131 Group Piano I
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OCE 1001 Elem Oceanography ES 100T3 Free Elective
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PEL 1341 Tennis PE 127 Tennis
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PEM 1171 Aerobic Dance PE 103 Aerobic Dance
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PHI 2630 Ethical Issues/Life Choices PI 255 Ethics
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PPE 3004 Intro Psycho Personality PY 300T2 Free Elective
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PSY 2012 Gen Psychology PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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QMB 3200 Method Bus Decision BU 300T3 Bus Elective
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RMI 3011 Risk Manag Insurance FI 346 Risk Management
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RMI 3015 Risk Management Insurance FI 346 Risk Management
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SPA 2001 Comm Sci and Disord SP 200T Speech Elective
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SPC 1600 Fund of Speech SP 101 Public Speaking
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STA 2122 Intro to Applied Statistics MA 120 Elementary Statistics
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STA 3014 Fund Bus Statistics BU 255 Business Statistics
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SYG 1000 Intro Sociology SO 101 Introduction to Sociology
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SYO 3100 Fam Prob/Soc Change SO 300T3 Free Elective
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THE 3000 Intro to Theatre TA 125 Theatre Appreciation
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WOH 1030 Modern World Since 1815 WH 102 Survey of Modern Civilization
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