Georgia State University Emporia State University
Subject Code Description Subject Code Description
AC 201 Prin of Acct I BU 200T3 Bus Elective
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AC 202 Prin of Acct II AC 223 Financial Accounting
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AC 2101 Prin of Acct I AC 200T1 Accounting Elective
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ACCT 2101 Prin of Acct I AC 200T1 Accounting Elective
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ANTH 1102 Intro to Anthropology AN 101 Intro to Anthropology
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BA 201 Intro to Mgt Info Systems IS 213 Mgmt Info Systems Concepts
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BED 122 Orientation to Computers IS 100T3 Cis Elective
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BIO 141 Principles of Biology GB 140 Principles of Biology
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BIO 142 Organisms & Their Environ GB 100T3 Biol Elective
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BIO 380 Molecular Cell Biology MC 150 Molecular & Cellular Biology
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BIO 382 Plant Biology BO 212 Biology of Plants
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BIO 388 Microbiology MC 316 Microbiology
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BIO 389 Microbiology Lab MC 317 Microbiology Lab
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CHEM 122 Chem Principles II CH 123 Chemistry I
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CHEM 123 Chem Principles III CH 100T3 Chem Elective
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CHEM 215 Chem Lab II CH 127 Chemistry II Laboratory
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CHEM 240 Organic Chemistry I CH 370 General Organic Chemistry
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CHEM 241 Organic Chemistry II CH 200T2 Chem Elective
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CHEM 303 Intro to Chemistry CH 110 Introduction to Chemistry
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CHEM 312 Chemistry Lab III CH 300T1 Chem Elective
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CHEM 342 Organic Chemistry III CH 300T2 Chem Elective
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EC 201 Prin of Economics BC 103 Prin of Economics I
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EC 202 Economics Problems BC 104 Prin of Economics II
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ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics BC 103 Principles of Economics I
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EDMT 335 Concept/Issue Mid Chd Math FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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ENG 112 Composition II EN 108 English Comp II
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GEOG 101 World Geography GE 101 World Regional Geography
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GEOL 102 Intro Geology II GO 100T3 Geol Elective
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HADM 201 Hadm Computer Applicatns IS 100T3 Cis Elective
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HIST 1112 Sur World Hist Since 1500 WH 102 Survey of Modern Civilization
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HIST 113 Hist Or Wes Civ HI 111 U.S. History to 1877
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MATH 104 College Algebra MA 110 College Algebra
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MATH 107 Elementray Statistics I MA 120 Elementary Statistics
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MATH 1111 College Algebra MA 110 College Algebra
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MATH 1113 Precalculus MA 160 Precalculus
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MATH 126 Precalculus MA 160 Functions of Calculus
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MATH 205 Informal Geometry MA 200T3 Math Elective
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MATH 211 Calc of One Variable I MA 200T3 Math Elective
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MATH 212 Calc of One Variable II MA 200T3 Math Elective
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MATH 215 Multi-Variable Calculus MA 200T3 Math Elective
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MATH 220 Discrete Mathematics MA 200T3 Math Elective
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MGT 350 Mgt Concepts/Theory/Pract MG 342 Prin Mgmt/Orgniz Behav
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PHIL 2010 Introduction to Philosophy PI 225 Introduction to Philosophy
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PHIL 241 Logic & Critical Thinking PI 256 Logic
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PHYS 101 Intro Physics I PH 100T3 Physics Elective
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PHYS 102 Intro Physics II PH 100T3 Physics Elective
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POLS 101 American Government PO 121 American National Government
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PSY 101 Elementary Psychology PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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PSYC 1100 Nat Sci Aspects of Psy PY 100T3 Psy Elective
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PSYC 3010 Psychological Statistics PY 520 Statistics I
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PSYC 3140 Abnormal Psychology PY 427 Abnormal Psychology
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PSYC 4040 Developmental Psychology PY 211 Developmental Psychology
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SOCI 3156 Sexuality And Society SO 300T3 Soc Elective
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SOCI 4150 Sexual/Intimate Violence SO 400T3 Soc Elective
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SPAN 2001 Intermediate Spanish I SA 213 Intermed Spanish I
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SPCH 150 Public Speaking SP 101 Public Speaking
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