Ellsworth Community College Emporia State University
Subject Code Description Subject Code Description
15 1010 General Biology GB 100 General Biology
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15 1010L General Biology Lab GB 101 General Bio Lab
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20 1130 Intro to Typing OA 108 Keyboarding Fundamentals
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35 0900 Reading Improvement EL 072 Improvement In Reading Skills
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35 1010 English Comp I EN 107 English Composition I
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35 1020 English Comp II EN 108 English Composition II
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45 1000 Intercoll Ath PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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45 1040 Physical Fitness PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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45 1060 Weightlifting PE 174 Weight Training
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45 1220 Volleyball PE 117 Volleyball
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45 150 Intro to Phys Educ PE 100T2 P E Elective
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45 1500 Intro to Phys Educ PE 100T2 P E Elective
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45 1520 First Aid HL 155 First Aid And Personal Safety
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45 1610 Sports Officiating PE 310 Rules & Mech of Offic Men'S Sp
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45 1650 Coaching Authoriz PE 100T3 P E Elective
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45 2990 Theory of Basketball PE 351 Fund & Coaching of Basketball
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55 1110 Art Interpret AR 105 Art Appreciation
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60 1000 Math For Gen Ed MA 100T3 Math Elective
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60 1010 College Algebra MA 110 College Algebra
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60 105 Intro to Statistics MA 332 Introduction to Statistics
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65 1090 Intro to Music MU 124 Basic Music
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70 1000 Physical Science PS 214 Physical Science
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75 1010 General Psychology PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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80 1030 Sociology SO 101 Introduction to Sociology
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80 1110 Intro to Geog GE 101 World Regional Geography
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80 1310 World Civilization WH 101 Surv of Ancient & Medieval Civ
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80 1330 U S History AH 111 US History 1754-1877
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80 1360 Criminal/Juvenile SO 100T3 Soc Elective
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80 1410 First Responder FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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80 1420 Law Enforcement FREE 100T2 Free Elective
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80 1440 Criminal Investigation SO 125 Intro to Criminal Justice
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80 1450 Constitutional Law FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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80 1500 Human Beh & The SO 100T3 Soc Elective
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80 2050 Criminology SO 353 Criminology
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80 2060 Juvenile Delinquency SO 418 Juvenile Delinquency
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80 2210 American Government PO 121 American National Government
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85 1010 Basic Prin of Speech SP 101 Public Speaking
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85 2000 Intro to Drama TA 125 Theatre Appreciation
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ACC 111 Intro Accounting I AC 100T Accounting Elective
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ACC 121 Principles of Accounting I AC 223 Financial Accounting I
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ACC 122 Principles of Accounting II AC 233 Managerial Accounting
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ACC 161 Payroll Accounting AC 100T Accoutning Elective
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ACC 311 Computer Accounting AC 300T Acct Elective
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ART 101 Art Appreciation AR 105 Art Appreciation
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ART 124 Computer Art AR 100T Art Elective
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BIO 105 Introductory Biology GB 101 General Biology Lab
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BIO 105 Introductory Biology GB 100 General Biology
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BIO 138 Field Ecology EB 100T Ecology & Biodiversity Elect
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BIO 151 Nutrition GB 385 Nutrition
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BUS 102 Introduction to Business BU 140 Bus Dyn/Profess: First Yr Sem
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BUS 161 Human Relations BU 100T Business Elective
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BUS 230 Quant Methods for Business Dec BU 200T Bus Elective
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BUS 291 Employment Portfolio and Caree FREE 200T Free Elective
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CHM 122 Introduction to General Chem CH 110 Chemistry for Today's World
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CHM 122 Introduction to General Chem CH 110LB Chem for Today's Wrld lab
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COM 148 Diversity and the Media SP 100T2 Speech Elective
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CRJ 120 Introduction to Corrections SO 340 Community Corrections
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CRJ 201 Juvenile Delinquency SO 200T Sociology Elective
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CSC 110 Introduction to Computers CS 115 Elements of Computer Science
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CSC 116 Information Computing IS 100T1 CIS Elective
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CSC 118 Computer Systems and Applicat IS 113 Intro to Microcomputer Applic
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CSC 120 Computer Systems & Apps III IS 100T CIS Elective
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ECN 115 Personal Finance BU 241 Personal Finance
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ECN 120 Principles of Macroeconomics BC 103 Principles of Economics I
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ECN 130 Principles of Microeconomics BC 104 Principles of Economics II
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EDU 160 Human Growth & Development PY 211 Developmental Psychology
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EDU 213 Introduction to Education ED 220 Introduction to Education
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EDU 223 Multicultural Education ED 200T1 Education Elective
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EDU 235 Children's Literature EL 230 Children's Literature
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EDU 240 Educational Psychology PY 334 Educational Psychology
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EDU 245 Exceptional Learner SD 550 Survey of Exceptionality
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EDU 255 Technology in the Classroom IT 325 Instructional Tech for Educato
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EDU 260 Art for Elementary Educator AR 324 Elementary Art Education
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EDU 282 Field Exp Exploring Teaching ED 200T1 Education Elective
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ENG 105 Composition I EG 101 Composition I
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ENG 106 Composition II EG 102 Composition II
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ENG 109 Integrated Composition EG 102 Composition II
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HIS 110 Western Civil:Ancient to Early HI 101 World Cultures to 1500
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HIS 112 Western Civil:Ancient to Early HI 101 World Cultures to 1500
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HIS 13 Western Civ: Early Modern to P HI 102 Modern World Civilization
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HIS 145 Modern East Asian Cultures HI 100T History Elective
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HIS 151 U.S. History to 1877 HI 111 U.S. History to 1877
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HIS 152 U.S. History since 1877 HI 112 U.S. History Since 1877
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HIS 214 Russian History and Culture HI 419 Soviet Union
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HUM 287 Leadership Development Studies FREE 200T Free Elective
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JOU 110 Introduction to Mass Media SP 324 Mass Media & Society
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MAT 110 Math for Liberal Arts MA 100T Math Elective
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MAT 117 Math for Elementary Teachers MA 100T1 Mathematics Elective
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MAT 129 Precalculus MA 160 Precalculus
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MAT 156 Statistics MA 120 Elementary Statistics
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MAT 158 Statistics II MA 100T Math Elective
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MMS 136 Writing for Digital Media EG 100T2 English Elective
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MUA 120 Applied Piano MU 251 Applied Music-Piano
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MUS 100 Music Appreciation MU 226 Music Appreciation
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MUS 140 Concert Choir MU 100T Music Elective
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MUS 152 Vocal Ensemble MU 244 Hornet Revue
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MUS 205 Jazz History and Apreciation MU 226 Music Appreciation
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PE 102 Coaching Authorization PE 100T Physical Education Elective
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PEA 138 Lifeguard Training I PE 243 Lifeguard Training
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PEA 146 Physical Fitness I PE 100T Activity Elective
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PEA 181 Water Safety Instructor I PE 100T Physical Educaion Elective
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PEA 187 Weight Training I PE 174 Weight Training
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PEC 102 Coaching Authorization PE 100T1 Physical Education Elective
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PEC 109 Coaching Ethics, Tech & Theory PE 305 Theory of Coaching
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PEC 120 Body Structure and Function PE 100T Physical Education Elective
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PEC 130 Care and Prevention of Ath Inj PE 345 Prevent & Care of Athletic Inj
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PEC 180 Sports Off: Ftball/Wrstlng/Vol PE 100T Physical Education Elective
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PEC 182 Sports Off: Bsktbl,Sftbl,bsbll PE 100T Physical Education Elective
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PEH 102 Health HL 150 Critical Health Iss/Dec in Soc
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PEH 110 Personal Wellness PE 100 Active Living
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PEH 142 First Aid HL 155 First Aid and Personal Safety
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PEH 175 Sports Psychology PE 100T PE Elective
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PEH 256 Current Issues in Sports manag PE 200T PE Elective
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PEV 135 Varsity Football PE 205 Varsity Sport
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PEV 160 Varsity Softball PE 205 Varsity Sport
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PHI 105 Introduction to Ethics PI 301 Ethics
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PHS 120 Exploring Physical Science PS 214 Physical Science
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PHS 120 Exploring Physical Science PS 215 Physical Science Lab
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POL 111 American National Government PO 121 American National Government
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PSY 111 Introduction to Psychology PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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PSY 121 Developmental Psychology PY 211 Developmental Psychology
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PSY 241 Abnormal Psychology PY 427 Abnormal Psychology
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PSY 251 Social Psychology PY 333 Social Psychology
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REL 101 Survey of World Religions PI 369 World Religions
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SDV 108 The College Experience FREE 100T Free Elective
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SOC 110 Introduction to Sociology SO 101 Introduction to Sociology
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SOC 115 Social Problems SO 202 Social Problems
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SOC 120 Marriage and Family SO 261 Intimate Relationships
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SPC 112 Public Speaking SP 101 Public Speaking
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SPC 120 Intercultural Communication SP 350 Intercultural Communication
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SPC 122 Interpersonal Communication SP 100 Interpersonal Communication
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