Northwestern College Emporia State University
Subject Code Description Subject Code Description
ART 105 Intro to Studio AR 100T4 Art Elective
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BIO 111 Botany BO 212 Biology of Plants
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BIO 111LB Botany Lab BO 213 Biology of Plants Lab
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BIO 112 Zoology ZO 214 Biology of Animals
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BIO 112LB Zoology Lab ZO 215 Biology of Animals Lab
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CED 201 Intro Chr Educ FREE 200T4 Free Elective
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CHE 111 General Chem I CH 123 Chemistry I
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CHE 111LB General Chem I Lab CH 124 Chemistry I Laboratory
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CHE 112 General Chem II CH 126 Chemistry II
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CHE 112LB General Chem II Lab CH 127 Chemistry II Laboratory
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EDU 102 Found of Educ ED 100T4 Educ Elective
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EDU 202 Early Field Exp CI 200T1 Educ Elective
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EDU 204 Educational Psychology PY 334 Educational Psychology
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EDU 242 Intro to Students W Mild Disab SE 200T2 Free Elective
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ENG 124 Basic Writing EN 078 English Practicum
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ENG 184 College Writing EN 107 English Composition I
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HIS 101 Western Civilization to 1789 WH 101 Surv of Ancient & Medieval Civ
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HIS 101A Way of The West AH 100T4 Hist Elective
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HIS 150 Intro to Historical Inquiry AH 100T2 Hist Elective
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HIS 225 History of Rome WH 323 History of Rome
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HIS 357 Civil War & Reconstruction AH 300T4 Hist Elective
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MAT 105 Topics In Contemporary Math MA 100T3 Math Elective
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MAT 107 Math Elem Tchr EE 317 Tchg Mathematics In Elem Sch
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MAT 111 Calc For Mgmt, Life & Soc Sci MA 165 Basic Calculus
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MUS 113 Exploring Music MU 226 Music Exploration
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MUS 180 Symphonic Band MU 100T0 Mus Elective
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MUS 283 Trombone Lessons MU 264 Applied Music
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MUS 2 83 A Trombone Lessons MU 264 Applied Music
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PED 101 Concepts of Physical Fitness PE 100 Lifetime Fitness
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PED 101A Concepts of Physical Fitness PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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PHI 105 Intro to Philosophy PI 225 Introduction to Philosophy
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PSY 111 General Psychology PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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REL 110 Intro to Biblical Studies PI 100T4 Phil Elective
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REL 125 Gospel For World PI 100T2 Phil Elective
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REL 214 Prophets - Ezekiel PI 200T2 Phil Elective
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REL 290 Christian Witness PI 200T2 Phil Elective
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REL 381 History of Christianity II PI 300T4 Phil Elective
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SOC 101 Prin of Soc SO 101 Introduction to Sociology
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SPA 102 Beg Spanish Lang & Culture SA 100T3 Spanish Elective
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SPA 201 Int Spanish Lang & Culture SA 200T3 Span Elective
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THE 111 Fundamentals of Speech SP 101 Public Speaking
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