Brigham Young University-Idaho Emporia State University
Subject Code Description Subject Code Description
AMHER 100 Amer Heritage AH 111 US History to 1877
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AMHER 170 Amer Her & Civ AH 111 US History to 1877
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ANTH 101 Intro Cul Anth AN 110 Intro to Cultural Anthropology
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ANTH 241 World Cul: Japan AN 200T3 Anth Elective
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ART 100 Intro Visual Arts AR 100T Art Elective
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ART 103 Intro Vis Arts AR 100T3 Art Elective
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AUTO 182 Carb And Fuel FREE 100T4 Free Elective
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BS 100 Prin of Biology GB 100 General Biology
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BS 100L Prin Biology Lab GB 101 General Bio Lab
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BS 118 Field Biology GB 100T Biology Elective
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BS 221 General Micro MC 316 Microbiology
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BS 222 General Micro Lab MC 317 Microbiology Lab
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CHEM 105 General Chem CH 123 Chemistry I
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CHEM 105LB General Chemistry Lab CH 124 Chemistry I Laboratory
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CHEM 106 General Chem CH 126 Chemistry II
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CHEM 106LB General Chem Lab CH 127 Chemistry II Laboratory
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CHEM 251 Organic Chem CH 370 General Organic Chemistry
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CHEM 251LB Organic Chem Lab CH 371 General Organic Chemistry Lab
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CHEM 252 Organic Chem CH 200T4 Chem Elective
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CLOTH 110 Pers Cloth Sel FS 100T3 Free Elective
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CLOTH 235 Child Cloth FS 200T2 Free Elective
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COMM 102 Public Speak SP 101 Public Speaking
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COMM 110 Intro Mass Com JO 200 Mass Communication
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COMM 211 Writing Comm SP 200T3 Comm Elective
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COMM 220 Interpersonal SP 100 Interpersonal Communication
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COMM 240 Small Grp Comm SP 315 Small Group Communication
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COMM 250 Organizin Comm SP 303 Organizational Communication
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COMM 275 Comm Practicum SP 200T1 Comm Elective
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DANCE 170 Folk Dance Beg PE 131 Elementary Folk & Square Dance
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DANCE 180 Social Dance PE 130 Elementary Social Dance
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DANCE 180L Social Dance PE 130 Elementary Social Dance
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DANCE 280 Social Dnc Int PE 100T Activity Elective
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DT 156 Res Draft Plan FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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DT 256 Rend And Persp FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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E 111 Comp And Reading I EN 107 English Composition I
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E 212 Comp And Reading II EN 108 English Composition II
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EC 111 Prin And Problems EC 100T3 Free Elective
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ECON 111 Econ Prin-Macro BC 103 Principles of Economics I
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ECR 121 Book of Mormon FREE 000T0 Not Transfer Credit
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ENG 101 Read Lab/Cont FREE 000T0 Not Transfer Credit
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ENG 107 College Reading EG 100T Not Transfer Credit
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ENG 111 College Writing EG 101 Composition I
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ENG 211 Adv Wrtg/Cr Rdg EG 102 Composition II
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ENG 216 Tech Writing EG 305 Tecnical Writing
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ENG 218 Writing Fiction EN 261 The Writing of Fiction I
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ENG 250 Intro to Lit EG 207 Introduction to Literature
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ENG 251 Fund Lit Intrp EG 200T3 Engl Elective
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ENG 260 American Lit EG 240 Early American Literature
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ENGIN 101 Graphics IE 100T2 Free Elective
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ESS 177 Fit for Life PE 100 Lifetime Fitness
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ESS 345 Volleyball Theory PE 355 Fund/Coaching of Volleyball
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FAML 201 Dating/Marriage Prep SO 261 Marriage And Family
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FAML 203 Parenting FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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FAML 210 Child Development FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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FDAMF 101 American Foundations FREE 100T Free Elective
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FDENG 101 Writing & Reasoning Found EG 101 Composition I
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FDENG 201 Adv Writing and Critical Think EG 102 Composition II
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FDMAT 108 Math for the Real World MA 100T Mathematics Elective
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FDREL 121 Book of Mormon PI 100T1 Philosophy Elective
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FDREL 130 Missionary Preparation PI 100T Philosophy Elective
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FDREL 327 Pearl of Great Price FREE 300T Free Elective
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FDREL 333 Teaching of the Living Prophet PI 300T Philosophy Elective
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FN 110 Intro Foods FS 132 Fundamentals of Food Prep
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GEOL 103 Life of Past GO 100T3 Free Elective
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GEOL 103L Lab GO 100T1 Free Elective
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GEOL 110 Earth Science ES 110 Intro to Earth Science
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GS 101 Person Achvmnt FREE 100T2 Free Elective
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GS 108 Tut Train: Gen FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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HIST 110 World Civil WH 101 Surv of Ancient & Medieval Civ
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HIST 120 U S to 1877 AH 111 US History to 1877
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HS 122 Adv First Aid HL 155 First Aid And Personal Safety
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HS 130 Prin of Health HL 150 Health For Human Wholeness
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HS 131 Women'S Hlth HL 100T2 Hlth Elective
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HUM 101 Intro to Humanities FA 220 Analysis of The Fine Arts
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HUM 201 Western Cult FA 200T3 Fine Arts Elective
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HUM 202 Western Culture FA 220 Analysis of The Fine Arts
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HUM 242 Hum of Islam FREE 200T Free Elective
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MATH 100 Math Req FREE 000T0 Not Transfer Credit
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MATH 101 Inter Algebra MA 098 Intermediate Algebra
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MATH 110 Coll Algebra MA 110 College Algebra
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MATH 162 Anal Geom-Calc MA 161 Calculus I
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MATH 205 Fundamentals of Number Theory MA 200T Mathematics Elective
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MATH 221 Principles of Statistics MA 120 Elementary Statistics
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MUSIC 102 Music in Western Civilization MU 226 Music Appreciation
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MUSIC 104 Grp Vocal Inst MU 100T Music Elective
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MUSIC 107 Cl Piano Lvl MU 100T Music Elective
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MUSIC 312 University Choir MU 300T2 Mus Elective
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MUSIC 313 Women's Glee MU 300T Music Elective
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OE 105 Brush-Up Type FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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PE 123 Badminton PE 121 Badminton
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PE 128 Beg Bowling PE 123 Bowling
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PE 144 Beg Volleyball PE 117 Volleyball
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PE 170 Ath Sports Con PE 100T Activity Elective
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PE 177 Fit For Life PE 100 Lifetime Fitness
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PE 178 Weight Train PE 174 Weight Training
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PE 195 Skiing PE 100T Activity Elective
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PE 205 Intramurals PE 355 Fund & Coaching of Volleyball
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PE 206 Sports Offic PE 310 Rules/Mech of Offici Men'S Spo
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PE 207 Sports Offic PE 311 Rules/Officiat/Basketball
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PE 250 Fish, Fly Tie PE 100T Activity Elective
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PE 255 Var Football PE 215 Varsity Football
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PE 264 Lifesaving PE 243 Lifeguard Training
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PE 299 Prof Seminar PE 200 Foun of P E III
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PE C 180 Social Dance PE 133 Elementary Modern Dance
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PH 112 Elem Phys Lab PS 215 Physical Science Laboratory
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PH 127 Astronomy PS 218 Descriptive Astronomy
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PH 127A Astronomy PH 110 Intro to Space Science
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PH 128 Astronomy Lab PH 111 Intro/Space Science Lab
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PHIL 110 Intro to Phil PI 225 Introduction to Philosophy
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PHS 100 Physical Science PS 214 Physical Science
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PSYCH 100 Career Explor PY 100T1 Psy Elective
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PSYCH 102 Concentration PY 100T0 Psy Elective
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PSYCH 111 General Psychology PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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PSYCH 112 Development in Psychology PY 100T Psychology Elective
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PSYCH 235 Stress Management PY 200T2 Psy Elective
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PSYCH 240 Psy Effect Liv PY 200T3 Psy Elective
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REL 121 Book of Mormon PI 100T2 Phil Elective
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REL 122 Book of Mormon PI 100T2 Phil Elective
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REL 130 Mission Prep PI 100T2 Phil Elective
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REL 201 Old Testament PI 200T2 Phil Elective
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REL 211 New Testament PI 200T2 Phil Elective
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REL 212 New Testament PI 200T2 Phil Elective
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REL 224 D & C PI 200T2 Phil Elective
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REL 225 D & C PI 200T2 Phil Elective
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REL 227 Pearl Gt Price PI 200T2 Phil Elective
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REL 234 Eternal Marr FREE 200T2 Free Elective
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REL 241 Church History FREE 200T2 Free Elective
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REL 242 Church History FREE 200T2 Free Elective
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REL 261 Genealogy PI 200T2 Free Elective
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REL 263 Per & Fam Hist PI 200T2 Free Elective
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SOC 111 Intro to Soc SO 101 Introduction to Sociology
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SOC 112 Social Problems SO 202 Social Problems
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SOC 211 Fam Interact SO 200T3 Soc Elective
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SOC 257 Hum Rel & Ldsp SO 200T3 Soc Elective
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SOC 350 Soc Psychology PY 333 Social Psychology
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SPAN 101 Beg Sem Spanish SA 100T4 Spanish Elective
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SPAN 102 Sec Sem Span SA 111 Beginning Spanish II
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SPAN 211 Sec Yr Convers SA 200T2 Span Elective
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TA 123 Acting I TA 235 Introduction to Acting
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