Ellis University Emporia State University
Subject Code Description Subject Code Description
BIO 101 Humanity and the Biologic Univ GB 100T1 General Biology Elective
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BIO 101 Humanity and the Biologic Univ GB 100T2 General Biology Lab Elective
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CHD 260 Guiding Young Chldrn/Mng Clsrm CD 200T1 Early Childhood Elective
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CHD 310 Survey of Contemp Iss in ECE CD 300T1 Early Childhood Elective
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CSS 101 College Success Seminar FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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ECO 105 Principles of Economics I EC 101 Basic Economics
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EDP 201 Educational Psychology for E C PY 200T1 Psychology Elective
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PHY 120 Journey Through the Universe PH 110 Introduction to Space Science
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PSY 110 Introduction to Psychology PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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RLT 202 Children's Literature & Erly L EL 230 Children's LIterature
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SPE 201 Survey of Exceptional Children SD 550 Survey of Exceptionality
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TIE 110 Instruct Tech for Early Chld IT 325 Instruct Tech for Educators
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WRT 310 Business Writing BU 300T General Business Elective
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