Parkland College Emporia State University
Subject Code Description Subject Code Description
ACC 101 Financial Accounting AC 223 Financial Accounting
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ACC 102 Managerial Accounting AC 233 Managerial Accounting I
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BIO 104 Environmental Bio/Sustain GB 100T1 Biology Elective
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BUS 101 Intro to Business BU 140 Intro to Business Dynamics
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CHE 100 Intro to Chemistry CH 110 Chemistry for Today's World
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CIS 200 Business Computer System IS 113 Intro to Microcomputer Applic
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COM 103 Intro to Public Speaking SP 101 Public Speaking
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COM 160 Beginning Amer Sign Lang I FREE 100T Free Elective
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COM 161 Beginning Amer Sign Lang II FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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CTC 132 Computer Basics I IS 100T Information Systems Elect
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CTC 135 Keyboarding Skill Building FREE 100T2 Free Elective
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CTC 157 Google Applications FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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CTC 171 Word Processing Appl 1 IS 100T1 Information Systems Elect
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CTC 172 Word Processing Appl 2 IS 100T2 Information Sysems Elect
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CTC 173 Word Processing Appl 3 IS 100T3 Information Systems Elect
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CTC 173 Word Processing Appl 3 IS 113 Intro to Digital Info & Applic
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CTC 193 Windows FREE 100T4 Free Elective
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ECO 101 Prin of Macroeconomics BC 103 Principles of Economics I
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ECO 102 Prin of Microeconomics BC 104 Principles of Economics II
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ENG 101 Composition I EG 101 Composition I
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ENG 102 Composition II EG 102 Composition II
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ESC 101 Introduction to Weather FREE 100T2 Free Elective
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HIS 101 History of Western Civ I HI 101 World Cultures to 1500
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HIS 203 History of Women in Amer HI 483 American Women's History
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HUM 104 Islamic Culture & Civil HI 100T1 History Elective
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HUM 105 Cltrs Subsaharan Africa FREE 100T Free Elective
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HUM 106 Latin Amer Culture/Civilizatio CW 310 Introduction to Latin America
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HUM 107 Intro to Mexican Culture HI 100T3 History Elective
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KIN 160 Intro to Kinesiology PE 362 Kinesiology
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KIN 161 Basketball PE 110 Basketball
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KIN 168 Theories/Princ Coaching PE 305 Theory of Coaching
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KIN 181 Health Education PE 100T3 Physical Education Elective
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KIN 203 Exercise Fitness II PE 200T1 Activity Elective
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KIN 247 Weight Training II PE 174 Weight Training
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LAS 188 Diverse US Cultural Expres AN 210 Intro to Cultural Anthropology
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MAT 098 Intermediate Algebra MA 098 Intermediate Algebra
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MAT 107 General Ed Mathematics MA 156 Principles of Mathematics
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MAT 124 College Algebra MA 110 College Algebra
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MAT 143 Calculus/Bus & Soc Sci MA 160 Precalculus
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MAT 145 Linear Algebra for Bus MA 100T Math Elective
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MAT 160 Statistics MA 120 Elementary Statistics
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MGT 101 Principles of Management MG 100T Management Elective
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MKT 101 Intro to Marketing MK 360 Principles of Marketing
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MUS 123 Intro to American Music MU 226 Music Appreciation
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PHI 100 Intro to Logic & Crit Thinking PI 302 Basic Logic
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POS 120 Intro to Political Science PO 100 Introduction to Government
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PSY 101 Intro to Psychology PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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PSY 109 Educatnl/Career/Life Plan FREE 100T Free Elective
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PSY 209 Human Growth & Development PY 211 Developmental Psychology
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SOC 101 Intro to Sociology SO 101 Introduction to Sociology
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SPA 101 Beginning Spanish I SA 110 Spanish Language & Culture I
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SPA 102 Beginning Spanish II SA 111 Spanish Language & Culture II
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SPA 103 Intermediate Spanish I SA 213 Spanish Language & Culture III
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SPE 101 Intro Speech Comm SP 101 Public Speaking
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