Monmouth College Emporia State University
Subject Code Description Subject Code Description
BIOL 150 Invest Biology Concepts GB 140 Principles of Biology
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BIOL 150 Invest Biology Concepts GB 141 Principles of Biology Lab
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BIOL 155 Intro to Ecol, Evol & Div GB 100T Biology Elective
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BIOL 200 Cell Biology w/ Lab MC 351 Molecular and Cell Biology Lab
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BIOL 200 Cell Biology w/ Lab MC 350 Molecular and Cellular Biology
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BUSI 105 Introduction to Commerce BU 100T Business Elective
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BUSI 201 Intro to Bus Prob Solving BU 200T1 Business Elective
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CHEM 140 General Chemistry I w/ Lab CH 100T Chemistry Elective
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CHEM 140 General Chemistry I w/ Lab CH 100T1 Chemistry Lab Elective
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COMM 101 Fundamentals of Communication SP 100T Speech Elective
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ECON 200 Principles of Economics EC 101 Basic Economics
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ENGL 110 Composition and Argument EG 101 Composition I
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EXSC 180 Personal and Community Health HL 150 Critical Health Iss/Dec in Soc
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EXSC 190 Foundations of Kinesiology PE 100T Physical Education Elective
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EXSC 225 Exercise Physiology I PE 200T3 Physical Education Elective
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EXSC 325 Athletic Training & First Aid PE 300T Physical Education Elective
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INTG 101 Intro to Liberal Arts FREE 100T Free Elective
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INTG 209 GP: Ethnic Conflict FREE 200T Free Elective
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MATH 141 Elementary Functions MA 160 Precalculus
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MUSI 105 History of American Music MU 100T Music Elective
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PHED 250 Current Issues in Baseball PE 200T Physical Education Elective
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PSYC 101 Intro to Psychology w/ Lab PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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QRAC 120 Quantitative Reasoning/Math MA 100T Mathematics Elective
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SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SA 110 Spanish Language & Culture I
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