Robert Morris College Emporia State University
Subject Code Description Subject Code Description
ACC 110 Prin of Acct 1 AC 223 Financial Accounting
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BIOL 1050 Conc/Controversies Nurtrition GB 385 Nutrition
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CIS 100 Int Cptr Inf Sy IS 113 Intro/Microcomp Applic
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CIS 105 Comp Prob Solv IS 100T2 Cis Elective
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CIS 107 Dbase Dev 1 IS 100T2 Cis Elective
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CIS 200 Int Prog Logic IS 200T2 Cis Elective
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CIS 208 Data Base Prog IS 200T2 Cis Elective
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CIS 212 Computer Prog 1 IS 200T2 Cis Elective
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CIS 220 Operating Syst IS 443 Operat Syst/Control Languages
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CIS 230 Lan 1 IS 200T2 Cis Elective
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CIS 232 Lan 2 IS 200T2 Cis Elective
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CIS 235 Lan 3 IS 200T2 Cis Elective
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CIS 237 Internetworking IS 200T2 Cis Elective
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CIS 240 Sys Engrng 1 IS 200T2 Cis Elective
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CIS 241 Sys Engrng 2 IS 200T2 Cis Elective
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CIS 261 Linux/Unix IS 200T2 Cis Elective
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CIS 310 Mgt Info Systm IS 213 Management Info Sys Concepts
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COM 101 Intro to Com SP 100T2 Speech Elective
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COSK 1220 Reading & Writing Strategies SP 100T Speech Elective
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COSK 1221 Argument and Research SP 100T3 Speech Elective
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CRMJ 1010 Intro to Criminal Justice SO 125 Intro to Criminal Justice
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CRMJ 3030 White-Collar Crime SO 300T Sociology Elective
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CSCM 1030 Public Speaking and Persuasion SP 101 Public Speaking
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ENG 104 Composition 1 EG 101 Composition I
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ENG 105 Composition 2 EG 102 Composition II
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ENG 210 Arg Anlsis Res EG 200T2 Eng Elective
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FYSP 1000 First Year Studies Seminar FREE 100T Free Elective
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HUM 100 Hum Thru Arts FA 220 Analysis of The Fine Arts
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HUM 105 World Views PI 100T Philosophy Elective
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HUM 130 Issues In Phil PI 225 Introduction to Philosophy
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HUMA 1010 Humanities: Art & Music FREE 100T Free Elective
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INFS 1020 Intro Decision Support Systems IS 113 Intro to Microcomputer Applic
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MAT 152 Quant Reason MA 100T Math Elective
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MATH 0900 Intro to College Mathematics MA 000T Not Transfer Credit
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MATH 1010 College Mathematics MA 100T1 Mathematics Elective
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MGT 310 Cont App Mgt MG 300T Management Elective
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MGT 340 Organizational Behavior MG 443 Organizational Behavior
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MKT 305 Mkt Principles MK 301 Principles of Marketing
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POLS 1020 American National Government PO 121 American Government
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POLS 2020 Criminal Law and Evidence SO 335 Criminal Court Process
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PSYC 1010 General Psychology PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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SCI 110 Earth Science ES 110 Intro to Earth Science
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SCI 160 Physics PH 140 College Physics I
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SOCI 1020 Contemporary Amer Social Probl SO 202 Social Problems
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SSC 140 Western Civ I HI 101 World Cultures to 1500
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SSC 243 20 C Global Iss HI 200T2 History Elective
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SSC 303 Macroecon Prin BC 103 Principles of Economics I
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SSC 304 Microecon Prin BC 104 Principles of Economics II
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