Dominican Universtiy Emporia State University
Subject Code Description Subject Code Description
ACCT 101 Prin of Accounting I AC 100T3 Acct Elective
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ART 202 Beg Ceramics AR 216 Ceramics I
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ART 230 Color Photo I AR 200T3 Art Elective
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E&B 191 Prin of Econ I BC 103 Principles of Economics I
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ECON 192 Prin of Econ II BC 104 Principles of Economics II
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ECON 270 Money & Banking BC 353 Money And Banking
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ENG 101 Writing Techniques I EG 101 Composition
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FR 111 First Level Intermed FR 110 Beginning French I
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FR 112 Second Level Inter French FR 111 Beginning French II
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FREN 240 Intro to Literature I FR 213 Intermed French I
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FREN 263 Contemporary France FR 200T4 French Elective
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GERM 101 Elem German GR 110 Beginning German I
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GERM 102 Elem German GR 111 Beginning German II
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ID 150 Freshman Seminar CW 101 Freshman Seminar
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LING 260 Intro to Linguistics EG 200T3 Eng Elective
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MATH 120 Intermediate Algebra MA 098 Intermediate Algebra
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P E 120 Beginning Tennis PE 127 Tennis
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PHED 212 Water Safety Instruction PE 374 Water Safety Instructor
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PSY 200 General Psychology PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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