Newman University Emporia State University
Subject Code Description Subject Code Description
AC 113 Prin Accounting I AC 223 Financial Accounting I
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AC 123 Prin Accounting II AC 100T3 Acct Elective
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AC 281 Accounting I Prac AC 200T1 Free Elective
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ACCT 2023 Prin of Accounting AC 223 Financial Accounting I
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ACCT 2023A Prin of Accounting AC 200T3 Acct Elective
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ACCT 2103 Prin of Accounting AC 200T Accounting Elective
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ACCT 2113 Financial Accounting AC 223 Financial Accounting
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ACCT 2123 Managerial Acctg AC 233 Managerial Accounting I
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ACCT 2883 Intro to Accounting AC 200T3 Acct Elective
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ACCT 3033 Interm Finan Acct 1 AC 304 Intermediate Accounting I
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ACCT 3043 Interm Finan Acct 2 AC 313 Intermediate Accounting II
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ACCT 3063 Cost Accounting AC 333 Cost Accounting
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ACCT 4023 Acct Info Systems AC 353 Accounting Information Systems
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ACCT 4033 Auditing Principles AC 413 Auditing
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ACCT 4043 Adv Acctg Problems AC 400T Accounting Elective
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ANTH 1003 Intro to Anthropology AN 101 Intro to Anthropology
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ANTH 1013 Cultural Anthropology AN 210 Contemporary Cultures
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ANTH 4883 Primatology AN 400T3 Anth Elective
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AR 283 Fund Painting AR 211 Painting I
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ART 1013 Found For Visual Art AR 105 Art Appreciation
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ART 1043 Survey of Western Art AR 000T0 Art Elective
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ART 1063 Drawing I AR 101 Basic Drawing
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ART 1073 Beginning Design AR 102 Two Dimensional Design
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ART 1083 Introduction to Sculpture AR 323 Sculpture I
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ART 1413 Intro Computer Graph AR 100T Art Elective
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ART 2013 The Creative Process AR 200T3 Art Elective
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ART 203 Art For O T: Clay AR 200T3 Art Elective
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ART 2113 Throwing W/Clay 1 AR 216 Ceramics I
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ART 253 Clayworks I AR 216 Ceramics I
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ART 2883 Premodern Art AR 200T Art Elective
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ART 3113 Throwing W/ Clay 2 AR 316 Ceramics II
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ATTR 1063 Clinical Practicum I PE 100T3 P E Elective
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ATTR 3043 Physiology of Exercise PE 360 Physiology of Exercise
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ATTR 3213 Eval of Athl Injur PE 300T3 P E Elective
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ATTR 3243 Therapeutic Modalit PE 300T3 P E Elective
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BI 144 Environment, People, And Hlth EB 229 Great Plains Environment
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BIOL 1001 Human Bio, Hlth Lab GB 100T General Biology Lab Elective
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BIOL 1003 Human Bio, Hlth, Envir GB 100T2 General Biology Elective
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BIOL 1011 Gen Biology I Lab GB 101 General Biology Lab
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BIOL 1013 General Biology 1 GB 100 General Biology
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BIOL 1014 General Biology 1 GB 100 General Biology
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BIOL 1014 General Biology 1 GB 101 General Biology Lab
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BIOL 1021 Gen Biology 2 Lab GB 100T Biology Elective
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BIOL 1023 General Biology 2 GB 100T1 Biology Elective
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BIOL 1024 General Biology 2 GB 100T Biology Elective
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BIOL 1044 Human Bio, Hlth, Envir ZO 362 Human Anatomy & Physiology
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BIOL 1044 Human Bio, Hlth, Envir ZO 363 Human Anatomy & Physiology Lab
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BIOL 114 General Biology I GB 100 General Biology
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BIOL 114LB General Biology I Lab GB 101 General Bio Lab
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BIOL 2013 Human Anatomy ZO 362 Human Anatomy & Physiology
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BIOL 2022 Medical Terminology GB 200T2 Biol Elective
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BIOL 2023 Microbiology MC 316 Microbiology
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BIOL 2031 Human Anatomy ID Lab ZO 200T1 Zool Lab Elective
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BIOL 2032 Human Anatomy ZO 200T2 Zool Elective
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BIOL 2041 Microbiology Lab MC 317 Microbiology Lab
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BIOL 2042 Microbiology MC 316 Microbiology
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BIOL 2043 Human Physiology ZO 200T Zoology Elective
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BIOL 2043 Human Physiology ZO 362 Human Anatomy & Physiology
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BIOL 2051 Human Physiology Lab ZO 200T Zoology Elective
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BIOL 2051 Human Physiology Lab ZO 363 Human Anatomy & Phys Lab
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BIOL 2052 Human Physiology ZO 200T2 Zoology Elective
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BIOL 2052 Human Physiology ZO 362 Human Anatomy & Physiology
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BIOL 2053 Nutrition GB 385 Nutrition
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BIOL 213 Human Anatomy ZO 362 Human Anatomy & Physiology
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BIOL 2881 Career Options/Hlth FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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BIOL 2881A Career Options/Investig Sci FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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BIOL 2882 Science Projects GB 200T Biology Electivre
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BIOL 3012 Immunology FREE 300T Free Elective
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BIOL 3054 Pathophysiology GB 300T Biology Elective
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BIOL 3323 Kinesiology PE 362 Kinesiology
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BIOL 354 Pathophysiology GB 300T4 Biol Elective
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BIOL 383 Environ, Technology & Hlth GB 300T3 Biol Elective
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BIOL 4012 Bioethics GB 400T2 Biol Elective
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BIOL 4015 Advanced Anatomy ZO 400T5 Biol Elective
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BL 103 Prin Biology GB 100 Principles of Biology
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BL 144 Environment, People & Health ZO 120 Human Biology
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BL 144LB Environment, People & Hlth Lab GB 101 Biology Laboratory
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BL 180 Human Anatomy & Physio ZO 362 Human Anatomy & Physiology
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BL 180LB Human Anatomy & Physio Lab ZO 363 Human Anat & Physio Lab
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BL 213 Trees-Shrubs BO 338 Trees & Shrubs
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BL 213LB Trees-Shrubs Lab BO 339 Trees & Shrubs Laboratory
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BSA 213 Prin of Management MG 342 Prin Mgmt/Orgniz Behav
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BSAD 1003 Intro to Business BU 140 Intro to Business Dynamics
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BSAD 1043 Foundation of Business Thought BU 100T1 Business Elective
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BSAD 2013 Prin of Management MG 301 Principles of Management
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BSAD 3013 Prin of Marketing MK 360 Principles of Marketing
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BSAD 3043 Organizational Behavior MG 443 Organizational Behavior
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BSAD 3053 Managerial Finance FI 330 Fund/Financial Mgmt
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BSAD 3093 Business Ethics BU 300T Business Elective
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BSAD 3103 Legal Environ of Bus BU 353 Legal Environment of Business
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BSAD 3113 Leadership LR 170 Principles of Leadership
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BSAD 3213 Prin of Management MG 342 Princ of Mgmt & Organ Behavior
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BSAD 3613 International Environ of Busin BU 300T1 Business Elective
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BSAD 3991 Finances FI 300T Finance Elective
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BSAD 4043 Marketing Strategy BU 400T Business Elective
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BSAD 4073 Strategic Management MG 400T Management Elective
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BSAD 4103 Com Trans/Busi Assoc BU 300T1 Business Elective
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BSAD 423 Consumer Behavior MK 461 Consumer Behavior
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CATH 1004 Greco-Roman Classics FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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CHEM 1001 Intro to Chem Lab CH 111 Chemistry for Today's Wrld Lab
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CHEM 1003 Intro to Chemistry CH 110 Chemistry for Today's World
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CHEM 1004 Intro to Chemistry CH 110 Chemistry for Today's World
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CHEM 1004L Intro to Chemistry Lab CH 111 Chemistry for Today's Wrld Lab
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CHEM 1012 General Chemistry I Lab CH 124 Chemistry I Lab
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CHEM 1013 General Chemistry I CH 123 Chemistry I
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CHEM 1014 General Chemistry I CH 123 Chemistry I
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CHEM 1014L General Chemistry I Lab CH 124 Chemistry I Laboratory
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CHEM 1022 Gen Chem 2 Lab CH 127 Cehmistry II Lab
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CHEM 1023 General Chemistry 2 CH 126 Chemistry II
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CHEM 1024 General Chemistry 2 CH 126 Chemistry II
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CHEM 1024 General Chemistry 2 CH 127 Chemistry II Lab
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CHEM 104 Intro to Chemistry CH 110 Chemistry for Today's World
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CHEM 104LB Intro to Chemistry Lab CH 111 Chemistry for Today's Wrld Lab
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CHEM 1410L General Chemistry I Lab CH 124 Chemistry I Laboratory
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CHEM 2881 Career Options/Investig Sci FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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CHEM 3012 Organic Chem 1 Lab CH 573 Organic Chemistry I Lab
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CHEM 3013 Organic Chemistry 1 CH 572 Organic Chemistry I
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CHEM 3022 Organic Chem 2 Lab CH 575 Organic Chemistry II Lab
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CHEM 3023 Organic Chemistry 2 CH 574 Organic Chemistry II
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CIS 1003 Intro to Microcomputer Literac IS 113 Intro/Microcomp Applic
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CIS 103 Intro to Microcomputers IS 113 Intro/Microcomp Applic
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CIS 1033 Programming I IS 100T3 Cis Elective
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CIS 113 Intro to Computers CS 115 Elements of Computer Science
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CIS 2991 Quicken For Windows IS 200T1 Free Elective
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CIS 3991 Adv Word For Wind IS 300T1 Free Elective
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CIS 3991A Adv Excel For Win IS 300T1 Free Elective
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COMM 013 Oral Communication SP 101 Public Speaking
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COMM 1013 Oral Communication SP 101 Public Speaking
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COMM 1033 Group Communication SP 315 Small Group Communication
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COMM 1043 Intro to Theatre TH 105 Theatre Appreciation
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COMM 2033 Professional Presentations SP 200T Speech Elective
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COMM 2103 Interpersonal Communication SP 100 Interpersonal Communication
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COMM 3003 Theatre Practicum TA 300T3 Thea Arts Elective
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COMM 3013 Crosscultural Communication SP 350 Intercultural Communication
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COMM 3033 Theatre Practicum TA 300T3 Thea Arts Elective
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COMM 3093 Bus & Prof Writing EG 300T2 English Elective
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COUN 1003 Persp on Substance Use/Abuse FREE 100T Free Elective
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COUN 3033 Theories of Therapy FREE 300T Free Elective
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COUN 3043 Counseling Methods I FREE 300T1 Free Elective
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COUN 3053 Abnormal Psych PY 427 Abnormal Psychology
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COUN 3133 Case Mngmnt of the Dually Diag FREE 300T2 Free Elective
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COUN 4001 Ethics for Human Ser FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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COUN 4063 Psychopharm/Bio of Addictions FREE 400T Free Elective
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COUN 4083 Minority Addictions FREE 400T1 Free Elective
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COUN 4113 Ethics for the Social Sciences FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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COUN 4882 Minority Addictions FREE 400T2 Free Elective
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CRJ 3073 Criminology SO 353 Criminology
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CRJ 3093 Corrections SO 340 Community Corrections
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CRJ 3113 Criminal Investigat SO 315 Criminal Investigation
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CRJ 4103 Criminal Law SO 400T Sociology Elective
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CS 101 Intro to Data Process IS 100T1 Free Elective
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CS 123 Intro Interactive Prog CS 100T3 Comp Sci Elective
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CS 213 Cobol With Bus Applications IS 283 Cobol Programming
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EC 113 Prin Economics I BC 103 Principles of Economics I
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ECON 1003 Survey of Economics EC 101 Basic Economics
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ECON 103 Survey of Economics EC 101 Basic Economics
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ECON 2013 Macroeconomics BC 103 Principles of Economics I
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ECON 2023 Microeconomics BC 104 Principles of Economics II
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ECON 213 Prin of Economics 1 BC 103 Prin of Economics I
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ED 203 Spd Reading & Vocab Dev CI 200T3 Free Elective
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EDUC 2002 Intro Ed/Fld Exper 1 ED 220 Introduction to Teaching
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EDUC 2073 Lit For Children & A EL 230 Use Chldrn Lit/Elem Classroom
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EDUC 212 Exceptional Child SE 550 Survey of Exceptionality
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EDUC 233 Intro to Education ED 220 Introduction to Teaching
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EDUC 233A Intro to Education CI 121 Intro/Tchg Clinical Lab
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EDUC 262 Tchg Art In Elem School AR 324 Elementary Art Education
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EDUC 272 Tchg Social Studies Elem Sc EE 314 Tchg Social Studies In Elem Sc
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EDUC 3003 The Exceptional Child In Class SE 550 Survey of Exceptionality
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EDUC 302 Middle Schl Phil & Meth CI 300T2 Educ Elective
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EDUC 3032 Tchg Lang Arts In Elem Sch EE 315 Tchg Language Arts/Elem Clsrm
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EDUC 3112 Excep Child In Clsrm CI 300T2 Educ Elective
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EDUC 3113 Polit, Hist, Legal Asp CI 300T3 Educ Elective
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EDUC 312 Except Child In Classroom SE 550 Survey of Exceptionality
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EDUC 3123 Meth & Instr Media CI 300T3 Educ Elective
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EDUC 3212 Methods of Teaching Art AR 324 Elementary Art Education
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EDUC 3222 Music Elem Clsrm Tch MU 344 Music For Elementary Teachers
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EDUC 323 Fund of Reading In Elem Sc EE 313 Reading For The Elem Tchr I
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EDUC 332 Math Meth For Elem Tchs CI 300T3 Educ Elective
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EDUC 333 Educ Psych: Learning & Eval PY 334 Educational Psychology
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EDUC 343 Polit, Hist, Legal Aspects CI 300T3 Free Elective
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EDUC 353 Tchg Pe In Elem School PE 365 Elem School Physical Education
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EDUC 362 Tchg Nat Sci In Elem Sch EE 316 Science In The Elem School
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EDUC 363 Trends & Issues In Educ CI 300T3 Free Elective
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EDUC 373 Tchg Math In Elem School EE 317 Tchg Mathematics In Elem Sch
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EDUC 374 Geom & Stat Meth For Elem Tchs CI 300T3 Educ Elective
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EDUC 433 Measurement & Evaluation ED 400T3 Educ Elective
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EDUC 443 Meth & Instr Media of Tchg IT 371 Adv Instruct Tech for Educator
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EN 103 College Writing I EG 101 Composition I
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EN 113 College Writing II EG 102 Composition II
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EN 123 Rhet & Comp EG 102 Composition II
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EN 133 Intro Prose & Poetry EN 207 Introduction to Literature
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EN 203 Intro to Literature EN 207 Introduction to Literature
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EN 233 Sur English Lit EN 250 English Literature I
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EN 243 US Lit From Mark Twain EN 226 American Literature II
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EN 43 English Grammar EN 078 English Practicum
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ENGL 0053 Fund of Writing EG 001 Basic Writing
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ENGL 1003 College Writing I EG 101 Composition
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ENGL 1013 College Writing II EG 102 Composition II
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ENGL 103 College Writing I EG 101 Composition I
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ENGL 113 College Writing II EG 102 Composition II
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ENGL 2003 Intro to Lit & Cr EG 207 Literary Perspectives
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ENGL 2003A Intro to Lit & Cr EN 200T3 Lit Elective
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ENGL 203 Intro to Literature EN 207 Introduction to Literature
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ENGL 2073 Lit For Children & Adolescents EL 230 Use Chldrn Lit/Elem Classroom
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ENGL 3023 Creative Writing EG 280 Intro to Creative Writing
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ENGL 3033 American Lit 2 EG 241 Later American Literature
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ENGL 3043 Short Story EG 300T3 Lit Elective
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ENGL 3053 Poetry EG 300T3 Lit Elective
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ENGL 3063 World Literature EG 220 World Literature I
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ENGL 3083 Advanced Composition EG 301 Advanced Composition
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ENGL 3093 Bus & Prof Writing EG 300T English Elective
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ENGL 4013 Medieval & Ren Lit EN 400T3 Lit Elective
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ENGL 4033 Lit of The English Enlightenme EG 400T3 Lit Elective
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ENGL 4881 Lit Publications EG 400T English Elective
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GNST 1001 Trad & Transitions FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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GNST 101 Intro to Liberal Arts FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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GNST 102 Achieving College Success FREE 100T2 Free Elective
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GNST 111 Speed Reading Study Skills FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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GNST 151 Sentence Skills FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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GNST 2001 College Research Lit FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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GNST 282 Tpc: Career & Life Plan FREE 200T2 Free Elective
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GNST 2881 Emerging Leaders 101 FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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GNST 2881A Emerging Leaders 102 FREE 000T1 Free Elective
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GNST 2881B Trad & Transitions FREE 000T1 Free Elective
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GNST 403 Liberal Arts Seminar FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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GS 403 Lib Arts Sem: Chge & Fut FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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HEC 171 Sp Proj Cloth FS 100T1 Free Elective
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HIST 1013 Hist of Civ I HI 101 World Cultures to 1500
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HIST 1023 Hist of Civ II HI 102 Modern World Civilization
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HIST 1033 Amer History I HI 111 U.S. History to 1877
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HIST 1043 Amer History II HI 112 U.S. History Since 1877
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HIST 113 Hist of Civilization I HI 101 World Cultures to 1500
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HIST 143 American History II HI 112 U.S. History Since 1877
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HIST 3023 Era of The American Revolution AH 705 The American Revolution
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HIST 3033 Era Amer Civil War AH 708 Civil War And Reconstruction
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HIST 3073 Kansas & Great Plains History HI 333 Kansas
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HIST 3082 Kansas History HI 333 Kansas
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HIST 3133 Medieval Europe HI 300T3 History Elective
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HIST 483 Tpc: Hist of Amer Immigrati AH 400T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 4883 Hist/Lit Grt Plai AH 400T3 Hist Elective
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HLSC 1001 Wellness PE 100 Active Living
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HLSC 2011 First Aid HL 200T1 Hlth Elective
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HLSC 2022 Medical Terminology PE 200T2 P E Elective
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HLSC 2033 Prev & Care Athl Inj PE 345 Prevent/Care Athl Injur
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HLSC 2053 Nutrition GB 385 Nutrition
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HLSC 222 Medical Terminology FREE 200T2 Free Elective
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HLSC 2881 Intro Athletic Trng PE 200T1 P E Elective
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HLSC 2881A Athletic Tape Proced PE 200T1 P E Elective
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HLSC 2882 Respond to Emergency PE 200T2 P E Elective
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HLSC 3016 Adv Human Anatomy ZO 300T6 Zool Elective
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HLSC 3054 Pathophysiology HL 300T4 Hlth Elective
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HLSC 3103 Current Iss Hlthcare FREE 300T Free Elective
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HLSC 3134 Applied Neuroscience FREE 300T4 Free Elective
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HLTH 3073 Personal And Community Health HL 150 Critical Health Iss/Dec in Soc
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HNRS 1103 Freshman Honors Sem FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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HS 113 History of Civilization I HI 101 World Cultures to 1500
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HS 123 History of Civilization II HI 102 Modern World Civilization
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HS 133 American Civilization I HI 111 U.S. History to 1877
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HS 143 American Civilization II HI 112 U.S. History Since 1877
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HUM 2004 Intro to Humanities FA 220 Analysis of The Fine Arts
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HUM 2883 Ital Renais:Hist & Cul FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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HUM 2883A Ital Renais: Lit & Arts FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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HUM 3001 Service & Volunteer FREE 000T1 Free Elective
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HUM 3021 Civic Responsibility FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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INSP 2883 Beginning Italian 1 FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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INSP 2883A Beginning Italian 2 FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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IT 1003 Intro to Microcomput IS 113 Intro/Microcomp Applic
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IT 1013 Information Literacy FREE 100T Free Elective
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IT 2033 Intro to Programming IS 200T1 CIS Elective
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IT 3043 Concepts of MIS IS 213 Management Info Sys Concepts
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JN 123 Journalism JO 100T3 Jour Elective
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JN 313 Journalism Internship JO 300T3 Jour Elective
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MA 113 Math Elem Teachers I MA 199 Elementary Mathematics I
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MA 123 Math Elem Teachers II MA 200 Elementary Mathematics II
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MA 133 Math Liberal Arts MA 100T3 Math Elective
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MA 143 College Algebra MA 110 College Algebra
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MA 153 Trig & Anal Geometry MA 112 Trigonometry
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MA 233 Intro Prob & Stat MA 180 Probability
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MA 253 Linear Algebra MA 222 Introduction to Linear Algebra
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MATH 033 Basic Algebra MA 095 Beginning Algebra
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MATH 1033 Intermediate Algebra MA 098 Intermediate Algebra
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MATH 1042 Supp College Algebra MA 100T1 Mathematics Elective
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MATH 1043 College Algebra MA 110 College Algebra
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MATH 1045 Coll Algebra w/ Review MA 111 College Algebra w/ Review
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MATH 1053 Trigonometry MA 112 Trigonometry
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MATH 113 Math Concepts MA 100T3 Math Elective
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MATH 123 Math For Elementary Teachers MA 199 Elementary Mathematics I
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MATH 133 Intermediate Algebra MA 098 Intermediate Algebra
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MATH 143 College Algebra MA 110 College Algebra
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MATH 153 Trigonometry MA 112 Trigonometry
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MATH 2013 Finite Math MA 200T Math Elective
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MATH 2015 Calculus I MA 161 Calculus I
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MATH 2025 Calculus II MA 262 Calculus II
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MATH 2033 Probability And Statistics I MA 341 Intro/Probabil/Statistics
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MATH 215 Calculus I MA 161 Calculus I
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MATH 283 Topics In Math MA 200T3 Math Elective
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MATH 2881 Women Explore Math FREE 200T Free Elective
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MATH 3013 Calculus III MA 363 Calculus III
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MATH 332 Math Meth For Elem Tchs CI 300T3 Educ Elective
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MATH 374 Geom & Stat Meth For Elem Tchs CI 300T3 Educ Elective
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MS 10 Piano MU 251 Applied Music
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MS 11 Piano MU 251 Applied Music
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MS 113 Music Theory MU 100T3 Music Elective
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MS 123 Music Theory MU 100T3 Music Elective
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MS 171 Chorus MU 000T0 Music Elective
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MS 271 Chorus MU 000T0 Music Elective
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MS 272 Music Appreciation MU 226 Music Exploration
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MU 222 Voice MU 121 Voice Class
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MU 252 Vocal Ensemble-Chorale MU 000T0 Music Elective
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MU 283 Devel of Amer Musical Theatre MU 000T0 Free Elective
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MUS 101 Guitar: Folk-Classical MU 135 Guitar For Fun - New Beginners
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MUS 1021 Guitar: Folk-Classic MU 135 Guitar For Fun - New Beginners
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MUS 1043 Music Theory 1 MU 118 Music Theory 1
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MUS 201 Guitar MU 136 Guitar For Fun/Advan Beginners
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MUS 2093 Heritage of Western Music MU 226 Music Exploration
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MUS 222 Voice MU 250 Applied Music
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MUS 241 Chorale MU 000T0 Music Elective
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MUS 251 Madrigal Singers MU 000T0 Music Elective
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MUS 3041 Chorale MU 000T1 Music Elective
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MUS 3083 American Music MU 300T3 Mus Elective
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MUS 341 Chorale MU 300T1 Music Elective
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MUS 352 Madrigal Singers MU 300T2 Music Elective
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NSG 107 Intro to Nursing NU 100T7 Free Elective
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NSG 3011 Bas Therapy Nsg Intv FREE 300T Free Elective
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NSG 3014 Nursing Assessment FREE 300T Free Elective
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NSG 3015 Foundations of Nsg Care FREE 300T1 Free Elective
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NSG 3043 Nursing Assessment FREE 300T2 Free Elective
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NSG 3053 Found Clinical Pract FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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NSP 4153 The Human Story SS 400T Social Science Elective
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NSP 4303 CS Microbial Musings NU 400T Nursing Elective
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NSP 4353 CS: Found & Phil Educ FREE 300T1 Free Elective
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NSP 4703 QM: Feast & Famine NU 400T Nursing Elective
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NU 3014 Nursing Assessment FREE 300T Free Elective
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OR 111 Meth of Inquiry FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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OT 3202 Intro to Ot FREE 300T2 Free Elective
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OT 3203 Prof Terminology FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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OT 3204 Human Development FREE 300T4 Free Elective
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OT 3212 Activity Analysis I FREE 300T2 Free Elective
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OT 3213 Psychosoc Clin Cond FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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OT 3214 Physical Clin Condit FREE 300T4 Free Elective
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OT 3223 Core Skills In Ot FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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OT 3224 Kinesiology FREE 300T4 Free Elective
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OT 4202 Intro to Lvl II Fldwk FREE 400T2 Free Elective
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OT 4203 Thry & Prac: Psy Dys FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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OT 4205 Thry & Prac: Phys Dys I FREE 400T5 Free Elective
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OT 4212 Activity Analysis II FREE 400T2 Free Elective
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OT 4213 Thry & Prac: Pediat I FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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OT 4222 Clinical Reasoning FREE 400T2 Free Elective
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OT 4223 Thry & Prac: Psy Dys II FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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OT 4234 Prof Issues & Mngmt FREE 400T4 Free Elective
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OT 4243 Thry & Prac: Ped II FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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OT 4254 Thry & Prac: Phys Dys II FREE 400T4 Free Elective
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P 113 Vital Issues of Philosophy PI 225 Introduction to Philosophy
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PD 033 Basic Math MA 099 Computational Skill Improvemen
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PED 111 Begin Arch PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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PED 121 Tennis PE 127 Tennis
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PED 141 Badminton/Tennis PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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PED 161 Bowling PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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PED 211 Bowling PE 123 Bowling
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PH 103 Man & Physical World PS 214 Physical Science
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PHED 1001 Var Sport PE 205 Varsity Sport
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PHED 1001A Varsity Athl: Baseball PE 214 Varsity Baseball
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PHED 1001B Vars Ath: Soccer PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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PHED 1001S Conditioning: Soccer PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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PHED 1001W Vars Ath: Wrestling PE 000T Activity Elective
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PHED 101 Conditioning: Baseball PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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PHED 1011 Co-Ed Weightlifting PE 174 Weight Training
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PHED 1021 Condit: Bsktbl PE 000T Activity Elective
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PHED 1021B Condition:Baseball PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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PHED 1021W Condition:Bowling PE 100T1 Activity Elective
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PHED 1051 Cheer/Dance PE 100T1 Activity Elective
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PHED 107 Phys Fitness I PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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PHED 111 Swimming PE 140 Elementary Swimming
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PHED 111B Badminton PE 121 Badminton
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PHED 111T Tennis PE 127 Tennis
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PHED 111TR Trimnastics PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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PHED 3013 Org & Adm of Pe & Athletics PE 460 Organization & Admin of Hper&A
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PHED 373 Personal & Comm Health HL 150 Critical Health Iss/Dec in Soc
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PHED 3991 Tai Chi Chuan PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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PHIL 1003 Intro to Philosophy PI 225 Introduction to Philosophy
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PHIL 1023 Logic PI 302 Basic Logic
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PHIL 113 Vital Issues of Philosophy PI 225 Introduction to Philosophy
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PHIL 123 Logic PI 302 Basic Logic
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PHIL 2013 Vital Issues of Philosophy PI 225 Introduction to Philosophy
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PHIL 213 Philosophy PI 225 Introduction to Philosophy
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PHIL 2143 Hist Ancient Phil PI 370 Ancient Philosophy
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PHIL 2163 Hist Modern Phil PI 373 Modern Philosophy
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PHIL 243 Hist of Philosophy I PI 370 Ancient Philosophy
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PHIL 2883 Intro Thomas Aquinas PI 200T1 Philosophy Elective
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PHIL 3033 Ethics PI 301 Ethics
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PHIL 333 Ethics PI 301 Ethics
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PHSC 1004 Gen Physical Science PS 214 Physical Science
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PHSC 1004L Gen Physical Science Lab PS 215 Physical Science Laboratory
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PHSC 1014 Physics For Hlth Sci PH 100T4 Physics Elective
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PHSC 104 Intro to The Physical World PS 214 Physical Science
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PHSC 104LB Intro to Phys World Lab PS 215 Physical Science Laboratory
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PHSC 2014 Physics PH 140 College Physics I
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PHSC 2014L Physics Lab PH 141 Coll Phys I Lab
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PHSC 3003 Earth & Space Science PH 110 Intro to Space Science
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PHSC 304 Earth & Space Science PH 110 Intro to Space Science
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PHSC 304LB Earth & Space Science Lab PH 111 Intro/Space Science Lab
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PHYS 2024 Physics II PH 343 College Physics II
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PHYS 2024L Physics II Lab PH 344 College Physics II Lab
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PL 122 Logic PI 302 Basic Logic
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PL 211 Phil Nature PI 20051 Phil Elective
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PSN 1003 American Government PO 121 American Government
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PSN 103 American Government PO 121 American National Government
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PSN 3043 Amer Parties & Politic PO 441 American Political Parties
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PSN 433 American Foreign Relations PO 333 American Foreign Policy
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PSY 1013 Gen Psychology PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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PSY 1023 Intro to Exper Psych PY 100T Psychology Elective
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PSY 113 General Psychology PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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PSY 2003 Developmental Psy PY 211 Developmental Psychology
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PSY 203 Developmental Psychology PY 211 Developmental Psychology
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PSY 223 Discover Man In Psy PY 200T3 Psych Elective
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PSY 243 Psych Research PY 200T3 Psych Elective
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PSY 303 Psych of Learning PY 322 Learning
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PSY 3043 Psy of Personality PY 300T3 Psy Elective
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PSY 3053 Abnormal Psychology PY 427 Abnormal Psychology
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PSY 3063 Applied Statistics PY 520 Statistics I
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PSY 3083 Tests And Measurement In Psy PY 442 Tests And Measures
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PSY 3233 Applied Statistics PY 520 Statistics I
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PSY 373 Physiological Psych PY 300T3 Psych Elective
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PSY 403 History of Psych PY 401 Foundations of Psychology
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PSY 4053 Meth of Research PY 400T3 Psy Elective
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PSY 413 Social Psychology PY 333 Social Psychology
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PSY 4883 Psychology & Myth PY 400T3 Psych Elective
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RADT 1003 Intro to Radiology FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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RADT 1004 Radiographic Posit 1 FREE 100T4 Free Elective
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RADT 1014 Radiographic Posit 2 FREE 100T4 Free Elective
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RADT 1023 Radiograph Exposures FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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RADT 1042 Radiologic Posit 3 FREE 100T2 Free Elective
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RADT 1122 Clinical 1 FREE 100T2 Free Elective
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RADT 1142 Clinical 2 FREE 100T2 Free Elective
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RADT 2004 Clinical 3 FREE 200T4 Free Elective
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RADT 2014 Clinical 4 FREE 200T4 Free Elective
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RADT 2022 Radiologic Pathology FREE 200T2 Free Elective
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RADT 2024 Radiologic Physics FREE 200T4 Free Elective
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RADT 2034 Radiological Imaging FREE 200T4 Free Elective
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RADT 2042 Radiolog Qual Assur FREE 200T2 Free Elective
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RADT 2052 Regitry Review FREE 200T2 Free Elective
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RADT 2063 Clinical 5 FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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RADT 2101 Research Seminar FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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RADT 2881 Technique Seminar FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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SO 103 Principles of Sociology SO 101 Introduction to Sociology
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SO 113 Prin of Sociology SO 101 Introduction to Sociology
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SO 403 Elements of Organizatio SO 400T3 Soc Elective
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SOC 1003 Prin of Sociology SO 101 Introduction to Sociology
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SOC 103 Prin of Sociology SO 101 Introduction to Sociology
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SOC 2013 Compar Crim Justice SO 125 Intro to Criminal Justice
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SOC 2023 Police Operations SO 200T Sociology Elective
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SOC 2033 Juvenile Delinquency SO 418 Juvenile Delinquency
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SOC 3003 Social Problems SO 202 Social Problems
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SOC 3013 Sociology of The Family SO 400 The Family in Social Context
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SOC 3023 Deviant Behavior SO 303 Social Deviance
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SOC 3073 Criminology SO 353 Criminology
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SOC 3113 Criminal Investigation SO 315 Criminal Investigation
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SOC 333 Juvenile Delinquency SO 418 Juvenile Delinquency
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SOC 4053 Methods of Research SO 450 Research Methods I
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SONO 101 Concepts of Patient Care FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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SONO 104 Intro to Sonography FREE 100T4 Free Elective
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SONO 123 Ultra-Sound Theory & Instr FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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SONO 242 General Imaging FREE 200T2 Free Elective
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SONO 343 Sectional Anatomy FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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SPAN 1014 Elem Spanish I SA 110 Spanish Language & Culture I
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SPAN 1024 Elem Spanish II SA 210 Spanish Language & Culture II
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SPAN 2013 Intermediate Spanish SA 313 Spanish Language & Culture III
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SPAN 2014 Interm Spanish 1 SA 313 Spanish Language & Culture III
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SPAN 2024 Interm Spanish 2 SA 314 Spanish Heritage Lang & Cultur
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SPAN 2043 Spanish Conversation SA 200T3 Span Elective
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SPAN 2053 Spanish Readings SA 200T Spanish Elective
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SPCH 1013 Oral Communication SP 101 Public Speaking
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SPCH 113 Fudn of Oral Communication SP 101 Public Speaking
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SPCH 133 Group Communication SP 302 Discussion
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SPCH 283 Intro to Theatre TH 105 Theatre Appreciation
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SPH 112 Prin Speech SP 101 Public Speaking
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SPH 113 Fund Oral Communication SP 101 Public Speaking
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SPH 133 Group Discussion SP 302 Discussion
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SPH 203 Voice And Interpretation SP 302 Discussion
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TH 132 Intro Theology PI 100T2 Phil Elective
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TH 142 Intro Theology PI 100T2 Phil Elective
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TH 253 Chr Morals PI 200T3 Phil Elective
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THEO 1003 Old Testament Lit PI 100T3 Phil Elective
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THEO 1013 New Testament Literature PI 100T3 Phil Elective
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THEO 1023 Faith And Society PI 100T3 Phil Elective
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THEO 103 Faith & Society PI 100T3 Phil Elective
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THEO 1033 Exploring the Bible PI 100T1 Philosophy Elective
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THEO 1043 Cath Doctrine&Sacrm FREE 100T Free Elective
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THEO 113 New Testament Literature PI 100T3 Phil Elective
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THEO 123 Faith And Society PI 100T3 Phil Elective
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THEO 143 New Testament Literature PI 100T3 Phil Elective
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THEO 2003 Intor to Doctrine PI 200T Phil Elective
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THEO 2881 Christian Spiritual FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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THEO 2883A Mariology PI 200T Philosophy Elective
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THEO 2883B Intro to Doctrine PI 200T1 Philosophy Elective
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THEO 2883C Liturgical Life/Chur PI 200T2 Philosophy Elective
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THEO 2883D Vatican Council II FREE 200T Free Elective
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THEO 2883E Intro Thomas Aquinas FREE 200T2 Free Elective
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THEO 2883F Prayer & Spirituality FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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THEO 3003 Christ Moral/Soc PI 300T3 Phil Elective
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THEO 3013 Story of the Church FREE 300T Free Elective
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THEO 3053 Sacramental Theol PI 300T Philosophy Elective
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THEO 4003 Christology FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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THEO 4443 Faith and Society PI 400T Philosophy Elective
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THEO 481 Tpc: Creating Ritual FREE 000T0 Not Transfer Credit
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THEO 4883 Vatican Coun II Const FREE 400T Free Elective
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THTR 1043 Intro to Theatre TH 105 Theatre Appreciation
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THTR 1053 Acting I TH 221 Acting II
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THTR 1063 Stagecraft TH 131 Stagecraft
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THTR 2003 Voice And Diction TH 223 Voice and Diction
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THTR 3043 Theatre Management TH 335 Stage Management
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X 103 Exploring Life Goals FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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X 202 Options In Life Plan FREE 200T2 Free Elective
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X 242 Rel Christ Man-Woman PI 200T2 Phil Elective
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