University of Kansas Emporia State University
Subject Code Description Subject Code Description
A E 245 Intr Aerospac Engr FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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A E 250 Engr System Analysis FREE 200T2 Free Elective
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A E 290 Aerospace Colloq FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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A E 291 Aerospace Colloqum FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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A E 345 Fluid Mechanics FREE 300T Free Elective
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A E 40 Aeronaut Pilot Trg FREE 100T Free Elective
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A E 440 Mech, Aro&Prf Arcrf FREE 400T5 Free Elective
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A E 445 Aircraft Aerodynamc&Performanc FREE 400T Free Elective
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A E 507 Aerospace Structures I FREE 500T Free Elective
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A E 545 Fundamentals of Aerodynamics FREE 500T Free Elective
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A E 550 Dynamics of Flight I FREE 500T Free Elective
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A E 571 Fund Arplane Recip Proplsn sys FREE 500T Free Elective
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AAAS 102 Arabic and Islamic Studies FL 100T1 Modern Language Elective
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AAAS 103 Intro to Africa FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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AAAS 105 Intro Africn Hstry FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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AAAS 106 Black Expernc Amer FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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AAAS 177 First Yr Sem: Gender Roles Isl FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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AAAS 203 Culture and Health FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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AAAS 301 Portrait Third-Wrld Natn:Haiti FREE 300T Free Elective
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AAAS 305 Modrn Africn Hstry FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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AAAS 306 Black Exp US Since Emancptn FREE 300T Free Elective
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AAAS 315 Women & Islam In Afrc FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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AAAS 320 African Studies In: Nigerian FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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AAAS 323 Afrcn-Amrcn St In: Am Bynd FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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AAAS 330 Black Leadership FREE 300T Free Elective
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AAAS 332 Intro African Litr FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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AAAS 349 Islam FREE 300T1 Free Elective
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AAAS 356 Afrc-Amr Thea&Dram FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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AAAS 372 Reign/Power/Sexuality Arab Soc AB 300T1 Arabic Elective
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AAAS 523 African-American Studies in: H FREE 500T Free Elective
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AAAS 545 Unveiling the Veil FREE 500T Free Elective
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ABDS 201 Color AR 200T3 Art Elective
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ABDS 202 Photography I AR 208 Photgraphy
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ABDS 202LB Photography I Lab AR 209 Photography Laboratory
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ABDS 204 Materials Workshop FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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ABDS 205 Basic Visual Communication AR 200T3 Art Elective
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ABDS 208 Ceramics I AR 216 Ceramics I
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ABDS 209 Glassforming I AR 200T3 Art Elective
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ABDS 211 Jewelry AR 206 Metals I
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ABDS 212 Drawing Systems II AR 200T Art Elective
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ABDS 213 Fiber Forms AR 200T3 Art Elective
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ABDS 214 Intro to Weaving AR 204 Weaving I
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ABDS 215 Textile Handprinting & Resist AR 200T3 Art Elective
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ABDS 216 Screenprinting Textiles AR 200T3 Art Elective
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ABDS 302 Photography II AR 308 Advanced Photography
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ABDS 302L Photography II AR 309 Advanced Photography Lab
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ABDS 306 Basic Visual Communication AR 300T Art Elective
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ABS 101 Intro to Drawing I AR 101 Basic Drawing
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ABS 102 Intro Drawing II AR 100T3 Art Elective
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ABSC 100 Introd Applied Behavrl Science PY 100T3 Psych Elective
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ABSC 140 Introdc Principles of Behavior PY 100T3 Psych Elective
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ABSC 150 Community Leadership FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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ABSC 160 Intro Child Behavior&Develpmnt PY 211 Developmental Psychology
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ABSC 250 Human Development PY 211 Developmental Psychology
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ABSC 304 Prin&Procdr Bhvr Modfctn&Thrpy FREE 300T Free Elective
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ABSC 310 Building Healthy Communities FREE 300T1 Free Elective
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ABSC 356 Foundatns Early Chldhd Eductn CD 300T3 Early Chldhd Elective
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ABSC 360 Drugs, Addiction & Behavior PY 300T Psychology Elective
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ABSC 444 Curriclm Devlpmt Young Childrn FREE 400T Free Elective
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ABSC 455 Hlth&Nutr Chdhd Dv FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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ACCT 200 Financl Accountg I AC 223 Acct for Operating Activities
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ACCT 201 Managerial Acctng I AC 233 Acct for Inv & Fin Activities
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ACCT 205 Survey of Accounting AC 200T Accounting Elective
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ACCT 230 Intro Accounting Prof AC 200T1 Accounting Elective
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ACCT 303 Intro to Accounting Profession AC 300T Business Elective
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ACCT 311 Informat Systms For Accountnts AC 353 Accounting Info Systems
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ACCT 320 Financial Acctg II AC 304 Intermediate Accounting I
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ACCT 325 Managerial Accounting II AC 333 Cost Accounting
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ACCT 330 Introduction to Taxation AC 300T1 Accounting Elective
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ACCT 410 Financial Accounting III AC 313 Intermediate Accounting II
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ACCT 543 Introduction to Auditing AC 413 Auditing
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ADS 300 Foundations of UI/UX Design AR 300T2 Art Elective
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ADS 320 Hallmark Symposium Series AR 300T Art Elective
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ADS 340 History and Philosophy Design AR 300T1 Art Elective
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ADS 520 Hallmark Symposium Series AR 500T Art Elective
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ADS 540 History and Philosophy Design AR 500T Art Elective
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ADS 580 Spec Prblms Design AR 500T Art Elective
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AE 221 The History of Aircraft Design FREE 200T Free Elective
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AE 245 Intro to Aerospace Engineer FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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AE 290 Aerospace Colloquium FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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AECR 151 Spcl Studies Rdng/Wrtng 5-1 FREE 100T Free Elective
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AF S 104 Peoples of Africa FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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AF S 105 Intro to African History WH 100T3 Hist Elective
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AF S 106 Black Experience America FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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AF S 305 Modern African History WH 300T3 Hist Elective
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AF S 320 Civil Rights Movement FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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AF S 340 Af Am Fam: Psyc Apr FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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AF S 370 Intro Lang of Afrc FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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AF S 388 The Black Woman FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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AF S 72 The Psych of Women FREE 100T Free Elective
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AFND 101 Introduction to Drawing I AR 101 Basic Drawing
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AFND 102 Introduction to Drawing II AR 100T Art Elective
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AIR 144 U S Military Forces FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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AIR 148 Military Forces FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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AIR 284 Devlp of Air Power FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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AIR 288 Devlp of Air Power FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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AIR 344 Concept Air Leadrsp FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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AM S 100 Understanding America FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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AM S 110 The American People AH 100T3 Free Elective
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AM S 210 Fam Lif Amerc Fict FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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AM S 290 Religion in American Society PI 200T Philosophy
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AM S 292 Growng Old In Amer WH 200T3 History Elective
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AM S 330 American Society FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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AM S 332 United States in Global Contxt PO 330 International Relations
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AM S 511 Hist Women 1870-Pres AH 500T3 Hist Elective
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AM S 691 Changing American Family FREE 600T3 Free Elective
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AM S 696 Studies In Cntmp Amer Culture FREE 600T3 Free Elective
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AMS 100 Introduction to American Studi FREE 100 Free Elective
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AMS 110 American Identities SO 370 Race and Ethnic Relations
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AMS 332 United States in Global Cntxt FREE 300T Free Elective
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AMS 344 Case Study in Amer Studies FREE 300T Free Elective
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ANTH 1 Human Origins AN 101 Introduction to Anthropology
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ANTH 100 General Anthropology AN 120 Intro to Cultural Anthropology
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ANTH 104 Fund of Physical Anthropology AN 100T3 Free Elective
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ANTH 105 Fund of Phys Anthropol Honors AN 100T4 No Evaluation
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ANTH 106 Introductory Linguistics AN 100T3 Anth Elective
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ANTH 108 Intro to Cultural Anthropology AN 210 Intro to Cultural Anthropology
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ANTH 108A Human Ways AN 100T4 Anth Elective
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ANTH 109 Human Ways Honors AN 100T4 No Evaluation
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ANTH 110 Human Prehistory AN 100T3 Anth Elective
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ANTH 110A Intro to Archeology AN 100T4 Anth Elective
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ANTH 111 Human Prehistory Honors AN 100T4 No Evaluation
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ANTH 150 Becoming Human AN 100T1 Anthropology Elective
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ANTH 160 The Varieties of Human Exp AN 100T3 Anth Elective
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ANTH 161 Third World: Anth Apr AN 100T3 Anth Elective
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ANTH 165 Intro to Folklife AN 100T3 No Evaluation
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ANTH 201 Culture and Health AN 200T Anthropology Elective
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ANTH 215 The Rise of Civilization AN 200T3 No Evaluation
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ANTH 293 Myth, Legend E Asia AN 200T3 Anth Elective
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ANTH 301 Anth Through Films AN 300T3 Free Elective
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ANTH 304 Fund of Physical Anth AN 300T4 Anth Elective
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ANTH 308 Intro Cultural Anth AN 210 Contemporary Cultures
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ANTH 310 Intro to Archeology AN 302 Introduction to Archaeology
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ANTH 315 The Prehist of Art AN 300T3 Anth Elective
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ANTH 320 Lang In Culture & Soc AN 300T3 Anth Elective
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ANTH 342 Intro Human Nutrition GB 385 Nutrition
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ANTH 350 Human Adaptation AN 300T Anthropology Elective
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ANTH 360 Variets Humn Exper AN 300T3 Anth Elective
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ANTH 365 Japan People Thr Flm AN 300T3 Anth Elective
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ANTH 370 People & Cultr Pacific AN 300T3 Anth Elective
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ANTH 376 North Amer Indians AN 300T3 Anth Elective
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ANTH 378 Contemp N Amer Indian AN 300T3 Anth Elective
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ANTH 382 People of S America AN 300T3 Free Elective
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ANTH 390 The People of Africa AN 300T3 Anth Elective
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ANTH 415 The Rise of Civilization AN 400T Anthropology Elective
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ANTH 480 Tech & Soc Ctmp Wrld AN 400T3 Anth Elective
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ANTH 484 Magic,Scien&Relign AN 400T3 Anth Elective
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ANTH 563 Commun In Mass Cul AN 500T3 Anth Elective
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ANTH 571 Understanding America AN 500T Anthropology Elective
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ANTM 388 Human Anatomy ZO 362 Human Anatomy & Physiology
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ANTM 388LB Human Anatomy Lab ZO 363 Human Anatomy & Physiology Lab
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AR S 105 Intro African History FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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ARAB 110 Elementary Arabic I AB 110 Arabic Language & Culture I
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ARAB 120 Elementary Arabic II AB 210 Arabic Language & Culture II
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ARAB 210 Intermediate Arabic I AB 200T1 Arabic Elective
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ARCE 103 Intro Archit Engr FREE 100T2 Free Elective
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ARCH 10 Intro to Architecture FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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ARCH 101 Design & Arch Graphics II FREE 100T6 Free Elective
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ARCH 103 Intro to Architecture FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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ARCH 104 Principles of Modern Architect FREE 100T Free Elective
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ARCH 105 Introductn to Archit III FREE 100T Free Elective
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ARCH 108 Architectural Found I FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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ARCH 113 Architectural Graphic I FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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ARCH 114 Design & Arch Graphic II FREE 100T6 Free Elective
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ARCH 150 Architectural Graphics I FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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ARCH 160 Intro Landscp Arch FREE 100T2 Free Elective
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ARCH 20 Environmental Design FREE 200T4 Free Elective
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ARCH 200 Architectural Design I FREE 200T6 Free Elective
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ARCH 240 History Arch, Anc & Med FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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ARCH 241 Hist Arch, Renaissance FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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ARCH 280 Dsgn Wrkshp I: Visual Narrativ FREE 200T Free Elective
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ARCH 310 Computer Applications FREE 300T Free Elective
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ARCH 321 Building Construction I FREE 300T2 Free Elective
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ARCH 325 Passive Solar Design FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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ARCH 359 Special Problems FREE 300T Free Elective
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ARCH 360 Landscape Design & Site Pln FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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ARCH 526 Building Power Systems Archtct FREE 500T Free Elective
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ARCH 527 Bldng Interior Lghtng Archtcts FREE 500T Free Elective
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ARCH 528 Buildng Acoustcl Systm Archt FREE 500T Free Elective
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ARCH 577 Marktng Architectural Services FREE 500T Free Elective
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ARCH 600 Drawing for Architects FREE 600T Free Elective
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ARCH 602 Accel Archtrl Dsgn FREE 600T6 Free Elective
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ARCH 615 Intensive Graphics II FREE 600T Free Elective
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ARCH 628 Structure in Nature&Architectr FREE 600T Free Elective
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ARCH 640 Hist of Archtr 1: Ancnt&Mediev FREE 600T Free Elective
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ARCH 641 Hst Arch II: Renais Age of Rea FREE 600T Free Elective
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ARCH 642 History Arch III, Mod FREE 600T3 Free Elective
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ARCH 675 Graphics Packages FREE 600T Free Elective
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ARMY 101 Intro Military Sci I MS 100T1 Mil Sci Elective
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ARMY 102 Intr Military Sci II MS 100T1 Mil Sci Elective
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ARMY 120 Int Military Science I MS 100T2 Free Elective
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ARMY 145 Basic Rifle Marksmanship MS 100T1 Free Elective
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ARMY 146 Aerobics & Orienteering MS 100T1 Free Elective
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ARMY 184 Maps & Terrain Analysis MS 111 Fund of Map Rdng & Terrain Ana
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ARMY 201 Basic Military Sci I MS 200T1 Free Elective
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ARMY 202 Basic Military Sci II MS 200T1 Mil Sci Elective
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ARMY 220 Int Military Science II MS 200T2 Free Elective
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ARMY 301 Thry Tactcl Oper I MS 300T1 Free Elective
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ARMY 302 Tactical Operation II MS 300T1 Free Elective
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ART 101 Drawing I AR 101 Basic Drawing
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ART 102 Drawing II AR 100T1 Art Elective
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ART 103 Art Concepts and Practice AR 102 Two-Dimensional Design
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ART 104 Art Principles and Practice AR 103 Three-Dimensional Design
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ART 105 Visual Art Seminar AR 100T1 Art Elective
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ART 120 Fund Drawing & Painting AR 100T3 Art Elective
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ART 122 Fund of Scul AR 323 Sculpture I
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ART 131 Fundamentals of Ceramics AR 314 Ceramics I
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ART 133 Fundamentals of Fibers AR 100T2 Art Elective
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ASLD 311 Introduction to Deaf Studies RE 300T1 Rehab Education Elective
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ASLD 312 ASL & Deaf Stds: Intersct & De RE 300T1 Rehab Education Elective
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ASLD 509 ASL & Deaf Stds: Ethcs/Prof RE 600T1 Rehab Education Elective
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ASTR 12 Descriptive Astronomy I PS 218 Descriptive Astronomy
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ASTR 190 Astronomy And Civilization PS 100T3 No Evaluation
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ASTR 191 Contemporary Astronomy PS 218 Descriptive Astronomy
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ASTR 192 The Solar System PS 218 Descriptive Astronomy
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ASTR 196 Introductory Astronomy Lab PH 111 Intro/Space Science Lab
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ASTR 291 Contemporary Astr Hnr PS 218 Descriptive Astronomy
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ATMO 105 Intro Meteorology ES 319 Meteorology
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ATMO 220 Unusual Weather PS 200T3 Phys Sci Elective
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ATMO 320 Unusual Weather GO 300T3 Geol Elective
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ATMO 321 Climate and Climate Change ES 300T Earth Science Elective
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ATMO 505 Weather Forecasting PS 500T Physical Science Elective
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ATMO 525 Air Pollution Meteorology FREE 500T Free Elective
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ATMO 640 Meteorology ES 600T Earth Science Elective
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BAND 200 Univ Marching Band MU 245 Marching Band
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BAND 200A Univ Symphonic Band MU 200T2 Music Elective
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BAND 202 Concrt Wind Ensemb MU 200T1 Music Elective
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BAND 204 Concert Band MU 316 Syhmphonic Wind Ensemble
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BAND 206 University Band MU 200T1 Mus Elective
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BAND 208 Jazz Ensemble MU 248 Jazz Ensemble
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BAND 210 University Marching Band MU 245 Marching Band
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BAND 212 Vocal Jazz Ensemble MU 200T1 Music Elective
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BAND 400 Univ Marching Band MU 245 Marching Band
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BAND 404 Concert Band MU 247 Concert Band
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BAND 406 University Band MU 400T1 Music Elective
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BAND 408 Jazz Ensemble MU 248 Jazz Ensemble
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BAND 410 University Marching Band MU 245 Marching Band
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BAND 412 Vocal Jazz Ensemble MU 400T1 Music Elective
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BAND 501 Workshop in Color Guard FREE 500T Free Elective
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BAND 600 Univ Symphonic Band MU 600T2 Music Elective
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BASN 121 Bassoon MU 260 Applied Music
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BBA 301 Managerial Economics BU 300T Business Elective
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BBA 303 Organizational Behavior MG 443 Organizational Behavior
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BBA 304 Marketing MK 301 Principles of Marketing
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BBA 305 Mangmnt Science&Operatns Mgmt MG 423 Operations Management
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BBA 404 Entrepreneurship BU 400 Bus Elective
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BDS 101 Design Thinking and Making I AR 100T Art Elective
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BDS 102 Design Thinking and Making II AR 100T Art Elective
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BDS 103 Drawing for Design AR 100T3 Art Elective
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BDS 212 Drawing fo Design AR 200T Art Elective
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BE 301 Managerial Economics BC 300T1 Economics Elective
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BIOL 1 General Biology GB 100 General Biology
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BIOL 100 Principles of Biology GB 100 General Biology
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BIOL 102 Prin Biology Lab GB 101 General Bio Lab
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BIOL 104 Principles of Biology GB 100 General Biology
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BIOL 104LB Prin of Biology Lab GB 101 General Bio Lab
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BIOL 105 Biology Orientation Seminar GB 100T Biology Elective
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BIOL 106 Prin of Biology Lab GB 141 Principles of Bio Lab
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BIOL 107 Prin Biol Hnr Lab GB 101 General Bio Lab
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BIOL 108 Prin of Physiology ZO 100T3 Free Elective
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BIOL 109 Prin of Physiology Lab ZO 100T1 No Evaluation
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BIOL 110 Microrgnsm In Wrld MC 316 Microbiology
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BIOL 113 Diversity of Life GB 100T3 Free Elective
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BIOL 116 Introd to Evolutionary Biology GB 100T3 Biol Elective
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BIOL 120 Insects And Humans GB 100T2 Free Elective
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BIOL 128 Kansas Amphibians & Reptiles ZO 100T2 Zool Elective
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BIOL 150 Prn Molecular & Cell Biol GB 140 Principles of Biology
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BIOL 150 Prn Molecular & Cell Biol GB 141 Principles of Biology Lab
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BIOL 151 Prin Molc & Cell Biol, Hn MC 150 Molecular & Cellular Biology
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BIOL 151LB Prin Molc & Cell Biol Lab, Hn MC 151 Molecular & Cellular Biol Lab
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BIOL 152 Prin Organismal Biol GB 100T General Biology Elective
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BIOL 152 Prin Organismal Biol GB 100T1 General Biology Lab Elective
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BIOL 152A Prin Organismal Biol GB 100 General Biology
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BIOL 152A Prin Organismal Biol GB 101T General Biology Lab
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BIOL 152LB Prin Organismal Biol Lab GB 101 General Bio Lab
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BIOL 154 Intro Biol Lab for STEM Majors GB 100T1 Biology Lab Elective
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BIOL 177 First Year Seminar GB 100T Biology Elective
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BIOL 1LB General Biology Lab GB 101 General Bio Lab
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BIOL 200 Basic Microbiology MC 216 Human Health Microbiology
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BIOL 203 Intro Microbiol Lab MC 317 Microbiology Lab
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BIOL 210 Intro Medical Techn GB 200T2 Biol Elective
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BIOL 211 Natr Orgnsm, Hn, Lab GB 200T2 Biol Elective
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BIOL 240 Fundmntl Hmn Antmy GB 330 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
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BIOL 241 Humn Anat Obsr Lab GB 331 Human Anatomy & Phys I Lab
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BIOL 242 Human Anatomy Dissectn Labrtry ZO 363 Human Anatomy & Physiology Lab
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BIOL 246 Prin Humn Physiolg GB 340 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
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BIOL 247 Prncpls of Human Physiolgy Lab GB 341 Human Anatomy & Phys II Lab
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BIOL 300 Human Anatomy Lecture ZO 362 Human Anatomy & Physiology
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BIOL 301 Human Anatomy Observ Lab ZO 363 Human Anatomy & Physiology Lab
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BIOL 302 Human Anat Dissec Lab ZO 363 Human Anat & Physio Lab
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BIOL 303 Human Repr Biol & Behv GB 300T3 Biol Elective
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BIOL 305 Prin of Human Physiology ZO 300T3 Free Elective
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BIOL 306 Prin of Human Physiology Lab ZO 300T1 Free Elective
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BIOL 330 Prin Wildlife Conservation EB 536 Wildlife Management
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BIOL 330LB Prin Wildlife Cons Lab EB 537 Wildlife Management Laboratory
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BIOL 345 Intro to Ornithology GB 300T3 Biol Elective
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BIOL 350 Principles of Genetics GB 425 General Genetics
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BIOL 350 Principles of Genetics GB 426 General Genetics Lab
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BIOL 352 Heredity & Society GB 300T3 Free Elective
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BIOL 400 Fundamentals of Microbiol MC 316 Microbiology
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BIOL 402 Fundmntls Mcrb Lab MC 317 Microbiology Lab
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BIOL 404 Intro to Genetics GB 425 General Genetics
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BIOL 405 Lab In Genetics GB 400T2 Biol Elective
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BIOL 408 Physiology of Organisms ZO 214 Biology of Animals
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BIOL 409 Physiology Organisms Lab ZO 215 Biology of Animals Lab
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BIOL 410 Phys Organism GB 400T3 Biol Elective
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BIOL 411 Phys Organism Lab GB 400T2 Biol Elective
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BIOL 412 Population Biology GB 400T3 Biol Elective
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BIOL 413 Hst & Dvr of Orgnsms GB 400T3 Biol Elective
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BIOL 414 Comm & Ecosystem Ecology EB 480 Principles of Ecology
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BIOL 415 Fld&Lb Mth In Ecol EB 481 Field Ecology
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BIOL 416 Cell Structure & Function MC 540 Cell Physiology
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BIOL 417 Biology of Development GB 400T3 Biol Elective
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BIOL 419 Topics In: Adv Biol GB 400T2 Biol Elective
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BIOL 420 Seminar GB 400T1 Biol Elective
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BIOL 423 Non-Lab Indp Study GB 400T3 Biol Elective
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BIOL 424 Independent Study GB 400T3 Biol Elective
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BIOL 426 Laboratory in Cell Biology MC 541 Cell Biology Lab
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BIOL 435 Intro Neurobiology GB 400T3 Biol Elective
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BIOL 448 Kansas Plants BO 400T3 Biol Elective
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BIOL 450 Cancer Biology GB 400T3 Biol Elective
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BIOL 454 Brain Diseases & Neurolog Disr GB 300T3 Biology Elective
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BIOL 503 Immunology MC 549 Immunology
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BIOL 504 Immunology Lab MC 550 Immunology Laboratory
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BIOL 506 Bacterial Infectious Diseases MC 562 Pathogenic Microbiology
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BIOL 515 Ecol Conseq of Cty GB 500T3 Biol Elective
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BIOL 518 Microbial Genetics GB 500 Biology Elective
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BIOL 519 Microbial Genetics Lab GB 500T2 Biology Lab Elective
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BIOL 533 Biology of Fungi GB 500T4 Biol Elective
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BIOL 550 Intro to Systemic GB 500T3 Biol Elective
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BIOL 555 General Plant Phys GB 500T3 Biol Elective
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BIOL 560 Histology ZO 565 Histology
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BIOL 570 Intro to Biostatistics GB 500T3 Biol Elective
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BIOL 595 Human Genetics MC 520 Molecular Genetics
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BIOL 599 Senior Seminar: Cell Biology MC 300T1 Microbial & Cellular Bio Elect
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BIOL 600 Intro Biochemistry Lecture CH 560 Fundamentals of Biochemistry
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BIOL 601 Principles of Biochem Lab CH 561 Fundamentals of Biochem Lab
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BIOL 602 Plant Ecology EB 600T3 Biol Elective
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BIOL 603 Systematic Botany BO 600T3 Biol Elective
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BIOL 606 Ecol Plant Physiol GB 600T6 Biol Elective
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BIOL 607 Field & Lab Exerc Ecol GB 600T2 Biol Elective
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BIOL 608 Plant Anatomy GB 600T3 Biol Elective
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BIOL 620 Physiological Ecology GB 600T3 Biol Elective
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BIOL 622 Paleontology GB 600T Biology Elective
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BIOL 636 Biochemistry I CH 660 Biochemistry I
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BIOL 646 Mammalian Physiology GB 600T4 Biol Elective
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BIOL 647 Mammalian Physiology Lab ZO 600T2 Biol Elective
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BIOL 650 Advanced Neurobiology GB 300T1 Biology Elective
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BIOL 652 Campar Animal Behv GB 600T3 Biol Elective
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BIOL 658 Biochemistry I CH 560 Fundamentals of Biochemistry
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BIOL 659 Biochemistry Lab CH 600T3 Chem Lab
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BIOL 660 Limnol & Aquatc Ecol EB 798 Limnology
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BIOL 666 Evolutionary Ecology GB 600T3 Biol Elective
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BIOL 688 Molecular Biol Cancer GB 600T3 Biol Elective
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BIOL 719 Lgt & Electron Mcrscpy GB 700T3 Biol Elective
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BIOL 726 Mammalian Physiology ZO 570 Mammalian Physiology
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BIOL 727 Mammalian Physiology Lab ZO 700T1 Zool Elective
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BIOL 760 Biochemistry II CH 662 Biochemistry II
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BIOL 801 Topics In Biol GB 800T1 Biol Elective
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BIOL 841 Biometry I GB 800T5 Biol Elective
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BLAW 301 Legl Aspcts of Bus BU 353 Legal Environment of Business
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BSAN 202 Statistics BU 255 Business Statistics
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BSED 41 Intermed Typing OS 100T2 Bus Elective
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BSED 45 Elem Shorthand OS 100T3 Bus Elective
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BUS 101 Bus Majors, Careers & Profs Sk BU 102 Business Dynamics
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BUS 110 First Year Bus Experience I BU 100T1 Business Elective
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BUS 120 First Year Bus Experience II BU 100T4 Business Elective
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BUS 150 Foundations of Business BU 100T1 Business Elective
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BUS 177 First Year Seminar in Business BU 100T1 Business Elective
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BUS 210 Career Mngmnt & Planning FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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BUS 221 Srvy Gen Management MG 342 Prin Mgmt/Orgniz Behav
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BUS 240 Financial Accounting I AC 223 Financial Accounting I
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BUS 241 Managerial Accounting I AC 233 Managerial Accounting I
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BUS 248 Intro Business Cmpng IS 113 Intro/Microcomp Applic
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BUS 248A Intro Busns Cmptng IS 200T3 Cis Elective
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BUS 301 Survy Gen Mangement MG 342 Prin Mgmt/Orgniz Behav
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BUS 303 Career Planning&Job-Srch Strat FREE 300T Free Elective
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BUS 305 Business Writing BU 202 Business Communication
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BUS 320 Surv Gen Management MG 342 Prin Mgmt/Orgniz Behav
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BUS 368 Statistics BU 255 Business Statistics I
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BUS 40 Finan Acct&Contr I AC 223 Financial Accounting
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BUS 449 Sp Top Bus Adm: BU 400T3 Bus Elective
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BUS 476 Marketing MK 360 Marketing
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BUS 477 Mgt Science & Operations Mgt MG 423 Operations Management
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BUS 478 Finance FI 330 Fund/Financial Mgmt
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BUS 479 Organizational Behavior MG 443 Organizational Behavior
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BUS 498 Prob General Management MG 342 Principles of Management
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BUS 510 Financial Accounting II AC 303 Intermediate Accounting I
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BUS 517 Managerial Acctg II AC 333 Cost Accounting
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BUS 548 Directed Study Bus Topics BU 500T1 Bus Elective
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BUS 602 Legal Aspects of Bus BU 353 Legal Environment of Business
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BUS 605 Info Sys Mngr & Acct AC 353 Accounting Info Systems
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BUS 609 Income Tax Accounting AC 523 Federal Income Tax
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BUS 610 Financial Accounting III AC 313 Intermediate Accounting II
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BUS 616 System Design & Auditing AC 413 Auditing
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BUS 627 Management Small Bus MG 370 Small Business Management
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BUS 642 Legal Aspects of Mgt Process BU 273 Law of Commerce
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BUS 644 Commercial Law BU 600T3 Bus Elective
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BUS 649 Spec Topics In Business BU 600T3 Bus Elective
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BUS 655 Human Resource Mgmt MG 544 Personnel/Human Resou Mgmt
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BUS 656 Labor Relations BU 600T3 Bus Elective
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BUS 658 Hm Rsrc Mgt&Lb Mrk MG 444 Personnel/Human Res Mgmt
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BUS 675 Personnel Management MG 544 Personnel/Human Resources Mgmt
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BUS 735 Systems Analysis And Design IS 523 Info Sys Design/Development
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C E 191 Intro to Civil Engineering FREE 100T2 Free Elective
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C E 192 Civil Engineering Graphics FREE 100T Free Elective
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C E 201 Statics FREE 200T2 Free Elective
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C E 240 Surveying FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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C E 250 Engr System Analysis FREE 200T2 Free Elective
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C E 300 Dynamics PH 316 Dynamics
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C E 301 Statics & Dynamics PH 315 Statics
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C E 301/D Statics & Dynamics PH 316 Dynamics
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C E 310 Strength of Matrls FREE 300T4 Free Elective
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C E 311 Strength of Materials FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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C E 330 Fluid Mechanics FREE 300T4 Free Elective
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C E 390 Civil Engr Graphics FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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C E 412 Struc Engr Materls FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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C E 455 Hydrology FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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C E 461 Structural Analysis FREE 400T4 Free Elective
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C E 477 Intro Envrmtl Engr ES 567 Topics In Earth Science
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C E 487 Soil Mechanics FREE 400T4 Free Elective
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C E 541 Constrctn Cost & Mth FREE 500T3 Free Elective
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C E 552 Water Resourc Dsgn FREE 500T4 Free Elective
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C E 562 Structurl Design I FREE 500T3 Free Elective
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C E 563 Structrl Design II FREE 500T3 Free Elective
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C E 576 Mun Wtr Supl & Trtmt FREE 500T4 Free Elective
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C E 580 Transportatn Planning&Managmt FREE 500T3 Free Elective
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C E 625 Applied Probability & Statisti FREE 600T3 Free Elective
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C E 767 Intro Fractur Mech FREE 700T3 Free Elective
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C S 100 Fortran CS 230 Fortran Application Programmin
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C S 100A Pascal IS 100T1 Free Elective
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C S 100B Prgrm Short Cours: 'C' CS 100T1 Comp Sci Elective
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C S 128 Intr Cmptr Bsd Sys CS 100T3 Comp Sci Elective
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C S 200 Pascal CS 250 Prog & Prob Solv With Pascal
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C S 200A Fortran CS 230 Fortran Application Programmin
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C S 200B Intro to Computing IS 200T4 Free Elective
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C S 210 Discrete Structures I CS 200T3 Free Elective
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C S 211 Discrete Structure II CS 200T3 Com Sci Elective
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C S 256 Intro Cmptr-Bsd System IS 103 Intro to Computer Info Systems
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C S 300 Basic Programming Struc CS 300T3 Free Elective
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C S 310 Discrete Structures CS 542 Discrete Structures
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C S 400 Comp Sys & Conc Proc CS 400T3 Comp Sci Elective
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C S 410 Introd Theory Comp I CS 400T3 Comp Sci Elective
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C S 510 Theory Computing II CS 500T3 Comp Sci Elective
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C&I 210 Educ In A Multicultural Societ CI 635 Multicultural Ed Concepts/Stra
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C&I 259 English Placement Exam EN 000T0 No Equivalent
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C&I 300 Intro to Teaching ED 220 Introduction to Teaching
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C&I 320 Instruct Strategies & Models EE 415 Foundations of Curr Dev
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C&I 325 Educ Multicult Soc CI 300T2 Educ Elective
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C&I 344 Children'S Lit In The Elem Sch EL 230 Use Chldrn Lit/Elem Classroom
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C&I 345 Tch Lang Arts In Elem/Mid Sch EE 315 Tchg Language Arts In Elem Sch
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C&I 346 Tch Soc Stud In Elem/Mid Sch EE 314 Tchg Social Studies In Elem Sc
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C&I 347 Tch Sci In Elem/Mid Sch EE 316 Science In The Elem School
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C&I 348 Tch Math In Elem/Mid Sch MA 592 Top/Elem/Mid Sch Math
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C&I 349 Tch Reading In Elem/Mid Sch EE 313 Reading For The Elem Tchr I
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C&I 350 Prac In Tch Reading EE 414 Reading Practicum
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C&I 351 Tch Reading In Content Areas CI 416 Teach Reading Secondary School
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C&I 359 Basic Process Reading CI 300T1 Free Elective
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C&I 400 Media & Mcrcmpt Classroom IT 371 Adv Instruct Tech for Educator
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C&I 410 Middle CI 400T2 Educ Elective
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C&I 416 Tch Soc Studies In Elem Sch EE 314 Tchg Social Studies In Elem Sc
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C&I 418 Tch Lang Arts In Elem School EE 315 Tchg Language Arts In Elem Sch
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C&I 420 Tch Math Elem Schl MA 592 Top/Elem/Mid Sch Math
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C&I 422 Tch Science In Elem Sch EE 316 Science In The Elem School
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C&I 426 Teaching Reading In Elem Sch EE 313 Reading For The Elem Tchr I
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C&I 427 Prac Tchg Rdg Elem EE 414 Reading Practicum
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C&I 428 Diag Tch of Reading In Elem Sc EE 413 Reading For The Elem Teacher
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C&I 429 Tchg Reading Sec Sch CI 416 Teach Reading Secondary School
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C&I 441 Tch Soc Std Md/Sec CI 400T3 Educ Elective
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C&I 598 Special Course CI 500T1 Free Elective
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C&I 755 Foundations of C&I EE 415 Foundations of Curr Dev
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C&PE 111 Introduction Professn FREE 100T2 Free Elective
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C&PE 117 Energy in the Modern World FREE 100T Free Elective
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C&PE 121 Intr Cmptr In Engr FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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C&PE 184 Intro Computer Engr FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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C&PE 211 Matrl & Energy Balance FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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C&PE 219 Drilling Fluids Laboratory FREE 200T Free Elective
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C&PE 221 Bsc Eng Thermodynm FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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C&PE 250 Engr System Analysis FREE 200T2 Free Elective
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C&PE 327 Reservoir Engineering FREE 300T Free Elective
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C&PE 511 Momemtum Transfer FREE 500T3 Free Elective
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C&PE 512 Proc Eng Thermodyn FREE 500T3 Free Elective
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C&PE 521 Heat Transfer FREE 500T1 Free Elective
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C&PE 522 Econ Appraisl C&Pe FREE 500T2 Free Elective
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C&PE 523 Mass Transfer FREE 500T2 Free Elective
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C&PE 524 Chem Engr Kin & Recr Dsgn FREE 500T4 Free Elective
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C&PE 525 Heat and Mass Transfer FREE 500T1 Free Elective
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C&PE 611 Design of Unit Operations FREE 600T1 Free Elective
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C&PE 613 Chemical Engineering Dsgn I FREE 600T1 Free Elective
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C&PE 615 Intro to Process Dynmcs&Contrl FREE 600T2 Free Elective
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C&PE 616 Chemical Engineering Lab I FREE 600T3 Free Elective
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C&PE 623 Chemical Engineering Dsgn II FREE 600T4 Free Elective
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C&PE 624 Process Safety & Sustainabilit FREE 600T Free Elective
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C&PE 626 Chemical Engineering Lab II FREE 600T1 Free Elective
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C&PE 651 Undergraduate Problems FREE 600T2 Free Elective
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C&PE 656 Intr to Biomedical Engineering FREE 600T Free Elective
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C&PE 715 Topics in Chem & Petr Eng FREE 700T2 Free Elective
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C&PE 765 Corrosion Engineering FREE 600T3 Free Elective
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C&T 100 Introd to Education Profession ED 220 Introduction to Teaching
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C&T 200 Makng Connection Schl&Communty FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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C&T 235 Multicultural Education ED 200T Education Elective
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C&T 302 Instruc Tchnlgy Mid/Secndry Ed ED 300T3 Educ Elective
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C&T 322 Curric&Learner in Elemntry Sch ED 300T Education Elective
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C&T 324 Curric Lrnr Middle/High School ED 300T Education Elective
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C&T 325 Educn in Multicultural Society ED 300T3 Educ Elective
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C&T 344 Childrn Lit in Elemntry School EL 230 Children's Literature
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C&T 360 Knowing&Learning Math&Science FREE 300T Free Elective
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C&T 649 An International Tchng Exper ED 600T Education Elective
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CE 191 Intro to Civil Engineering FREE 100T Free Elective
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CE 201 Statics FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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CE 477 Intr Envrn Engineerng&Science FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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CE 490 Special Problems PH 400T3 Free Elective
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CE 625 Applied Probability & Statisti FREE 600T Free Elective
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CER 131 Intro to Ceramics AR 216 Ceramics I
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CER 201 Intro Cer For O T FREE 200T2 Free Elective
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CER 208 Ceramics I AR 314 Ceramics I
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CER 220 Ceramics II AR 316 Ceramics II
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CER 302 Ceramics III AR 496 Projects In Ceramics
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CHAM 216 Chamber Music MU 200T1 Mus Elective
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CHAM 336 Chamber Music MU 300T1 Mus Elective
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CHEM 100 Chemistry In The Modern World CH 110 Chemistry for Today's World
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CHEM 100LB Chem In The Mod World Lab CH 111 Chemistry for Today's Wrld Lab
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CHEM 110 Introductory Chemistry CH 120 General Chemistry
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CHEM 110 Introductory Chemistry CH 121 General Chemistry Lab
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CHEM 124 College Chemistry CH 110 Chemistry for Today's World
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CHEM 125 College Chemistry CH 110 Chemistry for Today's World
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CHEM 125LB College Chemistry Lab CH 111 Chemistry for Today's Wrld Lab
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CHEM 130 General Chemistry I CH 123 Chemistry I
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CHEM 130 General Chemistry I CH 124 Chemistry I Lab
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CHEM 135 General Chemistry II CH 126 Chemistry II
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CHEM 135 General Chemistry II CH 127 Chemistry II Lab
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CHEM 150 Fund of Chemistry CH 123 Chemistry I
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CHEM 150LB Fund of Chemistry CH 124 Chemistry I Laboratory
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CHEM 170 Chem for Chem Sciences I CH 123 Chemistry I
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CHEM 170 Chem for Chem Sciences I CH 124 Chemistry I Lab
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CHEM 175 Chem for the Chemical Sci II CH 126 Chemistry II
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CHEM 175 Chem for the Chemical Sci II CH 127 Chemistry II Lab
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CHEM 180 Seminar I CH 100T Chemistry Elective
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CHEM 184 Foundations of Chemistry I CH 123 Chemistry I
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CHEM 184LB Foundations of Chem I Lab CH 124 Chemistry I Laboratory
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CHEM 188 Foundations of Chem II CH 126 Chemistry II
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CHEM 188LB Foundations of Chem II Lab CH 127 Chemistry II Laboratory
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CHEM 190 Foundations of Chemistry I Hnr CH 123 Chemistry I
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CHEM 190 Foundations of Chemistry I Hnr CH 124 Chemistry I Lab
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CHEM 2 Prin of Chemistry CH 123 Chemistry I
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CHEM 21 Foundations of Chemistry I CH 123 Chemistry I
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CHEM 21 Foundations of Chemistry I CH 124 Chemistry I Lab
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CHEM 22 Foundations of Chem II CH 126 Chemistry II
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CHEM 22 Foundations of Chem II CH 127 Chemistry II Lab
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CHEM 2LB Prin of Chemistry Lab CH 124 Chemistry I Laboratory
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CHEM 309 History of Chemistry CH 300T3 No Evaluation
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CHEM 330 Organic Chemistry I CH 370 General Organic Chemistry
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CHEM 331 Organic Chemistry I Laboratory CH 371 General Organic Chemistry Lab
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CHEM 335 Organic Chemistry II CH 574 Organic Chemistry II
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CHEM 336 Organic Chemistry II Lab CH 575 Organic Chemistry II Lab
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CHEM 516 Analytical Chemistry CH 376 Quantitative Analysis
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CHEM 517 Analytical Chemistry Lab CH 377 Quantitative Analysis Lab
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CHEM 525 Physical Chemistry for Engnrs CH 300T2 Chemistry Lab Elective
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CHEM 525 Physical Chemistry for Engnrs CH 300T1 Chemistry Elective
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CHEM 530 Physical Chemistry I CH 720 Physical Chemistry I
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CHEM 535 Physical Chemistry II CH 722 Physical Chemistry II
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CHEM 622 Fund of Organic Chem CH 370 General Organic Chemistry
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CHEM 624 Organic Chemistry I CH 572 Organic Chemistry I
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CHEM 625 Organic Chem I Lab CH 573 Organic Chemistry I Laboratory
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CHEM 626 Organic Chemistry II CH 574 Organic Chemistry II
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CHEM 627 Organic Chem II Lab CH 575 Organic Chemistry II Laborator
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CHEM 646 Physical Chemistry I CH 720 Physical Chemistry I
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CHEM 647 Physical Chemistry I Lab CH 721 Physical Chemistry I Laborator
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CHEM 648 Physical Chemistry II CH 722 Physical Chemistry II
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CHEM 649 Physical Chemistry II Lab CH 773 Qualitative Organic Analysis
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CHEM 660 Systematic Inorganic Chemistry CH 525 Descriptive Inorgan Chemistry
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CHEM 690 Envrmntl Chemistry CH 506 Environmental Chemistry
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CHEM 695 Undgrd Sem: Topics Chem CH 600T1 Chem Elective
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CHEM 696 Junior/Senior Seminar CH 600T1 Chem Elective
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CHEM 698 Undergrad Research Problms CH 600T1 Chem Elective
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CHIN 102 Beginning Chinese I FL 100T Foreign Language Elective
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CHIN 104 Elementary Chinese I AS 110 Chinese Language & Culture I
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CHIN 108 Elementary chinese II AS 210 Chinese Language & Culture II
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CHMU 208 Vocal Jazz Ensemble MU 000T0 Music Elective
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CHMU 212 University Chorus MU 000T0 Music Elective
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CHMU 214 University Singers MU 220 Symphonic Choir
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CHMU 216 Concert Choir MU 220 Symphonic Choir
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CHMU 220 Concert Chorale MU 000T0 Music Elective
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CHMU 412 University Chorus MU 220 Esu Community Chorus
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CHMU 416 Concert Choir MU 000T0 Music Elective
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CHMU 642 Chamber Choir MU 620 Esu Community Chorus
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CHOR 214 University Singers MU 220 Esu Community Chorus
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CHOR 216 Concert Choir MU 220 Esu Community Chorus
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CHOR 218 KU Men's Glee Club MU 200T1 Mus Elective
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CHOR 220 Oread Consort MU 200T Music Elective
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CHOR 226 Women'S Chorale MU 000T1 Music Elective
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CLS 210 Itro Clin Lab Sci FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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CLS 523 Fund Anal Tech Lab FREE 500T2 Free Elective
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CLS 533 Clin Microbiology I Lab FREE 500T2 Free Elective
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CLS 536 Hematology I FREE 500T3 Free Elective
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CLS 537 Hematology I Lab FREE 500T2 Free Elective
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CLS 549 Clin Immulgy I Lab FREE 500T2 Free Elective
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CLSX 148 Greek & Roman Mythology EG 355 Mythology
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CLSX 149 Greek & Roman Myth FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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CLSX 151 Archaeological Discovery AN 302 Introduction to Archaeology
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CLSX 230 Greek Literature & Civiliz EG 200T English Lit Elective
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CLSX 240 Roman Literature&Civilization EG 200T English Elective
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CLSX 250 Grk Athl&Oly Games FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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CLSX 302 Roman Art & Archaeol FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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CLSX 315 Women Anct Art & Soc FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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CLSX 332 Medical Termin: Grk & Lat FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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CLSX 35 Grk Art & Archaeology AN 100T3 Free Elective
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CLSX 36 Roman Archaeology AN 100T2 Free Elective
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CLSX 375 Studies in: Topics FREE 300T Free Elective
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CLSX 384 Greek Drama I FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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CLSX 388 Greek Drama II FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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CMGT 357 Engineering Economics PH 300T Free Elective
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CMGT 702 Construction Equipment & Metho FREE 700T3 Free Elective
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CMLT 701 Rdg Compar Literat EN 700T2 Free Elective
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CO 203 Intro to Theater TA 200T2 Theatre Elective
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COMS 130 Fund of Speech: Speak-Aud SP 101 Public Speaking
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COMS 131 Speaker-Audience Comm Hnrs SP 101 Public Speaking
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COMS 132 Spkr-Aud Cnnctn Prof Schools SP 100T1 Speech Elective
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COMS 140 Fund of Speech: Interpers Comm SP 100 Interpersonal Communication
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COMS 150 Personal Communication SP 101 Public Speaking
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COMS 201 Introduction to Leadership FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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COMS 230 Fund of Debate SP 222 Argumentation & Debate
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COMS 231 Practicum in Forensics SP 200T Communication Elective
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COMS 235 Intro Rhet & Soc Infl SP 200T3 Comm Elective
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COMS 238 Case In Persuasion SP 200T3 Comm Elective
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COMS 244 Interpers Comm Theory SP 100 Interpersonal Communication
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COMS 246 Intro Intercul Com SP 200T3 Speech Elective
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COMS 310 Intr Organization Com SP 303 Organizational Communication
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COMS 322 Aud Ctrd Pub Speak in Wrkplc SP 300T1 Speech Elective
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COMS 330 Effective Bus Communication SP 303 Organizational Communication
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COMS 330A Effectv Bus Commun SP 300T3 Comm Elective
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COMS 331 Persuasive Speaking For Profes SP 300T3 Comm Elective
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COMS 332 Rhetorical Tradition SP 300T3 Speech Elective
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COMS 342 Problem-Solving In Teams&Group SP 300T3 Speech Elective
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COMS 344 Relational Communication SP 300T Speech Elective
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COMS 440 Intr Comm Women & Men SP 400T3 Speech Elective
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COMS 455 The Loving Relationship FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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COMS 456 Intr Behv Res Mthd SP 400T3 Speech Elective
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COMS 460 Communic & Legal Prac SP 400T3 Speech Elective
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COMS 534 Interpersonal Comm Org SP 500T3 Speech Elective
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COMS 544 Interper Com: Theories SP 503 Sem In Interpersonal Communica
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COMS 547 Communication & Culture SP 350 Intercultural Communication
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COMS 548 Theory of The Interview SP 313 Interviewing: Prin & Technique
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COMS 560 Seminar in: Rhetoric of Immiga SP 500T Communication Elective
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COMS 575 Loving Relationship SP 500T3 Comm Elective
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COMS 620 Communctn & New Tech SP 300T1 Speech Elective
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COND 245 Conducting I MU 200T1 Music Elective
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COUN 100 Intro to Teaching: Career Awr CI 121 Intro/Tchg Clinical Lab
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COUN 210 Career & Life Planning FREE 200T2 Free Elective
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COUN 310 Career Planning-Students FREE 300T2 Free Elective
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COUN 598 Residntl Staff Skl FREE 000T2 Free Elective
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CPSY 100 Int Tch: Career Awareness CI 121 Intro/Tchg Clinical Lab
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CPSY 101 Orientation Seminar CI 100T2 Free Elective
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CPSY 210 Career & Life Planning PY 200T3 Free Elective
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CPSY 430 Coun & Consultation Skills CE 400T2 Free Elective
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CPSY 602 Residental Staff Skill FREE 600T2 Free Elective
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CS 100 Programming Short Course CS 100T1 No Evaluation
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CS 101 System Usage CS 100T2 No Evaluation
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CS 200 Intro to Computing CS 215 Elements of Computer Science
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CS 200A Pascal CS 250 Prog & Prob Solv With Pascal
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CS 210 Discrete Structures I CS 200T3 Free Elective
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CS 211 Discrete Structures II CS 200T3 Free Elective
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DANC 101 Begin Ballet I PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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DANC 102 Beg Ballet II FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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DANC 103 Begin Modern Dance I PE 133 Elementary Modern Dance
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DANC 104 Beg Modern Dance II PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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DANC 105 Beg Jazz Dance I PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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DANC 106 Beginning Jazz II PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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DANC 125 Movement Efncy/Athlts FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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DANC 201 Intermed Ballet I FREE 200T2 Free Elective
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DANC 205 Intermed Jazz Dance PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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DANC 260 Musical Theatre Dance PE 200T Activity Elective`
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DANC 301 Adv Ballet I FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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DANC 302 Adv Ballet II FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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DANC 320 University Dance Company FREE 300T1 Free Elective
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DANC 330 Intro World Dance FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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DANC 440 Int to Clscl East Indian Dance FREE 400T Free Elective
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DBBS 121 Doubld Bass MU 100T1 Music Elective
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DBS 103 Intro to Design I AR 102 Design I
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DBS 104 Intro to Design II AR 202 Design II
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DBS 111 Drawing Systems I AR 100T3 Art Elective
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DFND 103 Introduction to Design I AR 102 Two-Dimensional Design
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DFND 104 Introduction to Design II AR 103 Three-Dimensional Design
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DRWG 2 Intro Drawing II AR 100T3 Art Elective
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DRWG 213 Life Drawing I AR 322 Life Drawing
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DRWG 314 Life Drawing II AR 300T Art Elective
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DSCI 202 Statistics BU 255 Business Statistics
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DSCI 301 Statistics BU 255 Business Statistics
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DSCI 305 Survey Decision Makng Business FREE 300T Free Elective
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DSCI 310 Managmnt Sci&Operatns Managmnt MG 423 Operations Management
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DSGN 116 Basic Design IIa AR 100T2 Art Elective
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DSGN 124 Basic Design II AR 202 Design II
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DSGN 232 Photograph Media I AR 200T3 Art Elective
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DSGN 236 Materials Workshop AR 200T3 Art Elective
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DSGN 240 Color & Light Thry I AR 200T3 Art Elective
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DSGN 252 Thry & Appl Linr Per AR 200T3 Art Elective
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DSGN 256 Hist & Phil Design AR 200T3 Art Elective
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DSGN 41 Ornament AR 100T2 Art Elective
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DSGN 5 Basic Design I AR 102 Design I
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E E 143 Personal Comptr & Applc IS 100T3 Cis Elective
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E&CE 101 Intr Elec & Cmp Engr FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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E&CE 140 Intro to Digital Logic FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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E&CE 143 Persnl Cmptr & Applc FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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E&CE 211 Circuits I FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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EALC 105 Asian Religions PI 100T3 Phil Elective
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EALC 130 Myth, Legend E Asia WH 100T3 Hist Elective
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EALC 136 Japanese Tradition WH 100T3 Hist Elective
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EALC 331 Studies in Mod Korean Art/Cult AR 300T1 Art Elective
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EALC 332 Asian Lit Transla: Samurai EG 300T3 Lit Elective
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EALC 527 Oriental Theat & Film TA 500T3 Thea Arts Elective
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EALC 593 History of Korea WH 500T3 Hist Elective
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ECIV 104 Eastern Civilization WH 100T3 Hist Elective
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ECIV 304 Eastern Civilization WH 300T3 Hist Elective
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ECON 1 Introduc Economics BC 103 Principles of Economics I
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ECON 104 Introductory Economics BC 103 Principles of Economics I
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ECON 104A Introductory Economics BC 104 Principles of Economics II
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ECON 105 Intro Economics Honors EC 104 Principles of Economics II
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ECON 140 Intro to Economics Analysis BC 103 Principles of Economics I
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ECON 140A Intro to Economics Analysis BC 104 Principles of Economics II
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ECON 141 Intro to Econ Analysis Honors BC 103 Principles of Economics I
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ECON 141A Intro to Econ Analysis Honors BC 104 Principles of Economics II
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ECON 142 Prin Microecon BC 104 Principles of Economics II
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ECON 143 Princpls of Microeconomics, HR BC 104 Principles of Economics II
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ECON 144 Prin Macroeconomics BC 103 Principles of Economics I
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ECON 1A Introduc Economics BC 104 Principles of Economics II
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ECON 520 Microeconomics EC 305 Intermediate Microeconomics
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ECON 522 Macroeconomics EC 306 Intermediate Macroeconomics
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ECON 524 Managerial Econmcs BC 807 Mangerial Economics
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ECON 560 Economic Systems BC 500T1 Economics Elective
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ECON 582 Economic Growth & Development EC 500T Economics Elective
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ECON 600 Money And Banking BC 353 Money And Banking
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ECON 604 International Trade BC 550 International Economics
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ECON 605 International Finance FI 433 International Finance
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ECON 609 Sports Economics EC 600T Economics Elective
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EDUC 100 Intro to Teaching CI 100T1 Educ Elective
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EDUC 115 Educ Conf In Mod Math In Elem CI 100T2 Free Elective
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EECS 101 New Student Seminar FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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EECS 128 Found of Information Tech IS 113 Intro to Microcomputer Applic
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EECS 137 Visual Basic for Engineers FREE 100T Free Elective
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EECS 138 Intro to Computing: C++ CS 260 Program/Problem Solving
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EECS 138A Intro to Computing: Pascal CS 100T3 Comp Sci Elective
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EECS 140 Int Digital Lgc Dsn FREE 100T4 Free Elective
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EECS 148 Algorithm Prem Solv FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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EECS 168 Programming I IS 253 Visual Basic Programming
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EECS 188 Computnl Prb Solving FREE 100T4 Free Elective
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EECS 210 Discrete Structures MA 240 Discrete Mathematics
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EECS 213 Circuits FREE 200T5 Free Elective
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EECS 240 Digital Design I FREE 200T4 Free Elective
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EECS 248 Structured Programming FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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EECS 250 Engr Systm Analysis FREE 200T2 Free Elective
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EECS 268 Programming II IS 200T4 Cis Elective
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EECS 288 Elements of Cmptr Programming IS 200T4 Cis Elective
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EECS 301 Electronic Measr Lab FREE 300T2 Free Elective
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EECS 310 Discrete Structures CS 542 Discrete Structures
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EECS 312 Electronic Circuit I FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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EECS 316 Circuits, Electroncs&Instrmntn FREE 300T Free Elective
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EECS 318 Circuits and Electronics Lab FREE 300T Free Elective
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EECS 319 Elct, Crcts, Dev&Sys FREE 300T4 Free Elective
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EECS 320 Electromagnetics I FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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EECS 360 Signal Analysis FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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EECS 388 Cmptr Sys & Asmb Lng FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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EECS 412 Electronic Circuit II FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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EECS 420 Electromagnetscs II FREE 400T5 Free Elective
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EECS 444 Control Systems FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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EECS 470 Elec Dev & Prop Matr FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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EECS 512 Electronic Citcuits III FREE 500T3 Free Elective
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EECS 580 Elec Energy Cnvrsn FREE 500T3 Free Elective
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EECS 611 Nois Rdctn Elc Sys FREE 600T3 Free Elective
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ELPS 200 Makng Connection Schl&Communty FREE 200T Free Elective
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ELPS 250 Education and Society FREE 200T Free Elective
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ENGL 050 Basic Writing Skills EN 078 English Practicum
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ENGL 1 Comp & Lit EG 101 Composition I
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ENGL 101 Composition EG 101 Composition
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ENGL 102 Composition And Literature EG 102 Composition II
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ENGL 104 Composition & Literature EG 102 Composition II
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ENGL 105 Freshman Honors English EG 103 Honors Composition I
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ENGL 108 Composition & Literature EG 102 Composition II
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ENGL 112 Comp & Litr-The Hero EN 207 Introduction to Literature
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ENGL 180 Std Image Womn Lit EG 100T English Lit Elective
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ENGL 2 Composition & Litr EG 102 Composition II
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ENGL 203 Composition And Literature EG 207 Literary Perspectives
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ENGL 203A Composition And Literature EG 200T3 Literature Elective
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ENGL 205 Fr-So Honors Proseminar EG 102 Composition II
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ENGL 205A Fr-So Hnrs Prosem: Topics EG 200T English Elective
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ENGL 208 Intro to The Short Story EN 207 Introduction to Literature
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ENGL 208A Intro to The Short Story EN 200T3 Lit Elective
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ENGL 209 Intro to Fiction EG 207 Literary Perspectives
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ENGL 209A Intro to The Novel EN 207 Introduction to Literature
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ENGL 209B Intro to Fiction EN 200T3 Lit Elective
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ENGL 210 Intro to Poetry EG 207 Literary Perspectives
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ENGL 210A Intro to Poetry EN 200T3 Lit Elective
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ENGL 211 Intro to The Drama EG 207 Literary Perspectives
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ENGL 211A Intro to Drama EN 200T3 Lit Elective
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ENGL 216 Intro to Major Amer Writers EN 207 Introduction to Literature
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ENGL 220 Intro to Creative Writing EG 280 Intro to Creative Writing
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ENGL 251 Fiction Writing I EN 261 The Writing of Fiction I
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ENGL 253 Poetry Writing I EN 200T3 No Evaluation
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ENGL 3 Composition & Lit EN 207 Introduction to Literature
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ENGL 300 Intro to English Studies EG 210 Intro to Literary Study
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ENGL 302 Topics in Brit Lit:20th Cen Ir EG 300T English Elective
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ENGL 306 Global Environmental Literatur EG 300T1 English Elective
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ENGL 308 Intro to Litery Criticism & Th EG 300T1 English Elective
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ENGL 309 The British Novel EN 251 English Literature II
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ENGL 310 Legend And Fantasy EN 300T3 No Evaluation
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ENGL 312 Major British Writers to 1800 EG 230 Early British Literature
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ENGL 314 Maj British Writers After 1800 EG 231 Later British Literature
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ENGL 316 Intro Major Am Writ EN 300T3 Lit Elective
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ENGL 318 Topics: Ameri Modernist Poetry EG 300T English Elective
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ENGL 320 American Literature I EG 240 Early American Literature
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ENGL 322 American Literature II EG 241 Later American Literature
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ENGL 323 20Th C Literature & Culture EN 300T3 Lit Elective
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ENGL 324 Contemporary Authors EN 300T3 No Evaluation
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ENGL 325 Recent Popular Litr EG 300T3 Lit Elective
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ENGL 327 Etd Twen-Cnt Drma: Amer Dram EG 300T3 Literature Elective
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ENGL 330 Literary History II EG 300T1 English Elective
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ENGL 331 Chaucer EN 300T3 Engl Elective
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ENGL 332 Shakespeare EG 330 Shakespeare
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ENGL 334 Major Authors EN 300T3 Literature Elective
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ENGL 339 Intro Caribn Litr EN 300T3 Lit Elective
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ENGL 351 Fiction Writing I EG 380 Fiction Writing
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ENGL 352 Poetry Writing I EG 385 Poetry Writing
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ENGL 355 Nonfiction Writing I EN 100T Eng Elective
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ENGL 359 Grammar & Usage For Compositio EN 300T3 Free Elective
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ENGL 360 Advanced Composition EG 301 Advanced Composition
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ENGL 362 Professional Writing EG 305 Technical Writing
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ENGL 362A Legal Writing EN 300T3 Eng Elective
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ENGL 380 Intro to Rhetoric & Compos EG 300T2 English Elective
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ENGL 385 Devel Modern English EG 300T3 Engl Elective
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ENGL 387 Intro English Lang EG 300T3 Eng Elective
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ENGL 433 Bible As Literature EN 400T3 Lit Elective
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ENGL 466 Literature For Children EL 230 Use Chldrn Lit/Elem Classroom
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ENGL 479 The Literature of Baseball EN 400T3 Literature Elective
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ENGL 495 Directed Study EG 400T3 Engl Elective
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ENGL 495A Directed Study EG 400T2 Engl Elective
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ENGL 496 Internship EG 400T English Elective
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ENGL 506 Science Fiction EN 500T3 Free Elective
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ENGL 552 Poetry Writing II EG 585 Advanced Poetry Writing
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ENGL 570 Kansas Literature EN 500T3 Lit Elective
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ENGL 571 Native American Litr EG 500T3 Lit Elective
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ENGL 590 Studies In Kansas EN 500T2 Engl Elective
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ENGL 590A Studies In: 20Th Century Briti EG 500T3 Engl Elective
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ENGL 610 Liter England 1500 EN 600T3 Engl Elective
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ENGL 626 Shakespeare: Early Play EN 600T3 Lit Elective
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ENGL 627 Shakspr: Latr Plays EN 600T3 Lit Elective
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ENGL 633 Milton EN 510 Milton
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ENGL 648 18C British Novel EG 600T3 Lit Elective
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ENGL 787 Modern Engl Grammar EG 700T3 Eng Elective
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ENGL 95 Directed Study EG 100T English Elective
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ENGR 108 Intro to Engineering PS 100 Introduction to Engineering
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ENS 168 Percussion Ensembl MU 100T1 Mus Elective
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ENS 456 Wind Ensemble MU 246 Symphonic Wind Ensemble
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ENTR 108 Introduction to Entrepreneursh FREE 100T Free Elective
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ENTR 301 Starting Your Own Business FREE 300T Free Elective
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ENTR 302 Financing Your Own Business FREE 300 Free Elective
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ENTR 303 Marketing Your Own Business FREE 300T Free Elective
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ENTR 410 Introduction to Entrepreneursh FREE 400T Free Elective
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ENTR 480 Small Business Management MG 370 Small Business Management
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ENTR 490 Entrepreneurship in Practice BU 400T Business Elective
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EP A 308 Teachr & Sch Organization CI 300T2 Educ Elective
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EP A 312 Survey American Educ CI 300T2 Educ Elective
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EP A 440 Foundations of Education CI 400T3 Educ Elective
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EP A 497 Independent Study CI 400T1 Free Elective
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EP L 440 Foundations of Education ED 400T3 Educ Elective
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EP R 200 Studying Child & Adoles In Sch PY 211 Developmental Psychology
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EP R 200A Child & Adoles In Sch CI 200T2 Free Elective
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EP R 300 Prin of Human Learning PY 211 Developmental Psychology
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EP R 301 Ed Psyc: Lrng Proc CI 300T3 Educ Elective
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EP R 302 Intro Educ Measurement CI 300T2 Educ Elective
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EP R 310 Commun & Classroom Mgmt CI 650 Clsrm Mgmt, Stu Motiv & Discip
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EP R 330 Measuring Pupil Progress CI 300T2 Free Elective
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EP R 410 Comm & Classroom Mng Th & Skil EE 318 Classroom Management
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EP R 710 Statistical Methods I FREE 700T3 Free Elective
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EPR 200 Chld & Adoles in Sch ED 200T1 Education Elective
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EPSY 305 Devlpmnt&Learng of the Child PY 211 Developmental Psychology
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EPSY 306 Develop/Learning of Adolesc PY 300T Psychology Elective
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EPSY 320 Basics of Classroom Assessment PY 300T2 Psychology Elective
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EPSY 456 Manag & Motivatg Lrn Mid/Sec PY 400T Psychology Elective
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EVRN 103 Environment and History GB 100T Biology Elective
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EVRN 140 GloblEnvr I: Discvry Envr Chng ES 100T Earth Science Elective
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EVRN 142 Global Env II: Ecol Hum Civil EB 100T Ecol & Biodiversity Elective
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EVRN 148 Prin of Environmental Studies EB 353 Environmental Biology
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EVRN 320 Environmental Policy Analysis EB 300T1 Ecology & Biodiversity Elect
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EVRN 336 Ethics, Ideas and Nature EB 300T Ecology & Biodiversity Elect
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EVRN 338 Permaculture Design EB 300T Ecology & Biodiv Elective
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EVRN 342 Sem In Envirn Std EB 300T3 Env Biol Elective
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EVRN 420 Topics Env Stds: Vuln & Adapt ES 400T Earth Science Elective
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FIN 101 Personal Finance BU 241 Personal Finance
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FIN 305 Survey of Finance FI 301 Financial Management
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FIN 310 Finance FI 330 Fundamentals of Financial Mgmt
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FIN 410 Investment Theory & Applicat FI 449 Investment Analysis
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FMS 100 Introduction to Film Medium TH 100T Theatre Elective
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FMS 200 Film and Media Aesthetics FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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FMS 275 Basic Video Production FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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FMS 302 Undergrad Stud: Dig Stryteling FREE 300T Free Elective
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FMS 310 History of Silent Film TH 300T1 Theatre Elective
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FMS 313 Hst Intrntl Sound Flm Pst 1950 FREE 300T1 Free Elective
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FMS 345 New Media and Society FREE 300T2 Free Elective
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FMS 380 American popular Culture of 50 FREE 300T Free Elective
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FMS 531 Cntmporary Concpts Media Stds FREE 500T Free Elective
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FMS 593 Experimental Film and Video FREE 500T2 Free Elective
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FREN 101 French For Travelers FR 100T3 Fren Elective
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FREN 110 Elementary French I FR 110 French Language and Culture I
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FREN 111 Elementary French I, Honors FR 110 French Language and Culture I
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FREN 114 Elementary French I FR 110 French Language and Culture I
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FREN 114A Elementary French II FR 210 French Language & Culture II
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FREN 119 Elementary French I FR 110 French Language and Culture I
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FREN 120 Elementary French II FR 210 French Language & Culture II
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FREN 121 Elem French II Honors FR 210 French Language & Culture II
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FREN 152 France and the French FR 100T French Elective
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FREN 2 French Rdg & Grammar FR 210 French Language & Culture II
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FREN 230 Intermediate French I FR 313 French Language & Culture III
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FREN 231 Intermediate French I Honors FR 200T3 No Evaluation
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FREN 234 Intrmd Fren I & II FR 313 French Language & Culture III
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FREN 234A Intrmd Fren I & II FR 314 French Language & Culture IV
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FREN 240 Intermed French II FR 314 French Language & Culture IV
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FREN 241 Interm Fren II Hon FR 314 French Language & Culture IV
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FREN 3 Mod French Writers FR 314 French Language & Culture IV
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FREN 300 Intens Review Gram FR 300T3 French Elective
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FREN 300KU French Credit Recommended FR 300T6 French Elective
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FREN 301 French Written & Oral Comm 1 FR 300T French Elective
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FREN 302 French Written & Oral Comm 2 FR 300T3 French Elective
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FREN 310 French Phonetics FR 479 French Linguistics
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FREN 326 Intro to French Literature FR 374 Survey of French Literature I
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FREN 375 Inter Fren Convers FR 339 Reading And Conversation
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FREN 405 Fren Litr in Trans FR 300T1 French Elective
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FRHN 121 French Horn MU 100T Music Elective
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FRHN 252 Horn Ensembl MU 200T Music Elective
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GENBA 101 Gen Topics/Business BU 100T2 Bus Elective
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GEOG 0006 Fund of Geography PS 000T0 Phys Sci Elective
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GEOG 0006L Fund of Geography Lab PS 000T0 Phys Sci Lab Elective
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GEOG 100 World Regional Geography GE 101 World Regional Geography
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GEOG 102 Principles of Human Geography GE 100T3 Geog Elective
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GEOG 104 Prin of Physical Geography PS 100T3 Phys Sci Elective
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GEOG 104A Principles of Physical Geog PS 214 Physical Science
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GEOG 105 Intr Lab Phys Geog PS 100T2 Phys Sci Elective
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GEOG 105A Intr Lab Phys Geog PS 215 Physical Science Laboratory
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GEOG 106 Intro to Physical Geography PS 214 Physical Science
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GEOG 106LB Intro to Physical Geog Lab PS 215 Physical Science Laboratory
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GEOG 108 Geography of Human Survival GE 000T0 Geography Elective
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GEOG 109 Assess Envrn Stres GE 100T1 Geog Elective
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GEOG 111 Maps And Mapping GE 371 Cartography
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GEOG 148 Scientific Princpls Environ St EB 353 Environmental Biology
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GEOG 157 City Lights GE 100T3 Geog Elective
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GEOG 190 Today's World Divided GE 101 World Regional Geography
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GEOG 201 Culture and Health GE 200T1 Geography Elective
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GEOG 233 Conserv Nat Resources GE 453 Conserv of Natural Resources
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GEOG 304 Environmental Conservation GE 300T3 Geog Elective
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GEOG 334 Applied Climatology GE 300T3 Geog Elective
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GEOG 390 Geography US & Canada GE 325 Geography of the US and Canada
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GEOG 392 African Regions GE 355 Africa
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GEOG 395 Environ Issues Sust & Unsustai GE 300T Geography Elective
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GEOG 396 China'S Geographies GE 300T3 Geog Elective
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GEOG 498 Spec Topics In Geography GE 471 Independent Study
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GEOG 570 Cultural Geography U. S. GE 500T3 Geography Elective
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GEOG 571 Topics Cultural Geog GE 500T3 Geog Elective
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GEOG 591 Geogrphy Latn Amer GE 500T3 Geog Elective
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GEOL 1 Physical Geology ES 110 Intro to Earth Science
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GEOL 101 Introduction Geology ES 110 Intro to Earth Science
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GEOL 101 Introduction Geology ES 111 Intro to Earth Science Lab
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GEOL 103 Geol Fund Lab ES 111 Intro to Earth Sci Lab
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GEOL 105 History of The Earth GO 325 Earth History
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GEOL 106 History of The Earth Honors GO 325 Earth History
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GEOL 121 Prehistoric Life GO 100T3 Geol Elective
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GEOL 171 Erthqak & Nat Disaster GO 100T3 Geol Elective
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GEOL 1LB Physical Geology Lab ES 111 Intro to Earth Science Lab
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GEOL 2 History of The Earth GO 325 Earth History
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GEOL 302 Oceanography ES 334 Oceans And Coasts
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GEOL 304 Historical Geology GO 300T2 Geol Elective
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GEOL 305 History of The Earth GO 325 Earth History
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GEOL 315 Gemstones GO 300T3 Free Elective
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GEOL 331 Sedimentolgy&Surface Processes GO 300T Geology Elective
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GEOL 351 Environmental Geology ES 333 Environmental Geology
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GEOL 360 Field Investigation GO 300T Geology Elective
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GEOL 521 Paleontology GO 500T Geology Elective
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GEOL 523 Paleontology Laboratory GO 500T Geology Elective
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GEOL 560 Introductory Field Geology GO 500T1 Geology Elective
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GEOL 561 Field Geology GO 500T3 Geology Elective
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GEOL 561 Field Geology GO 547 Field Geology
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GERM 104 Elementary German I GR 110 German Language & Culture I
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GERM 105 Elementary German I Honors GR 100T5 No Evaluation
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GERM 107 Elem German II GR 210 German Language & Culture II
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GERM 108 Elementary German II GR 210 German Language & Culture II
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GERM 109 Elementary German II Honors GR 100T5 No Evaluation
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GERM 111 Elem German II, Lab GR 100T1 German Elective
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GERM 112 Intermediate German GR 210 Intermediate German
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GERM 120 German Classics in Eng Trsl GR 100T German Elective
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GERM 124 German Cinema in Context GR 100T German Elective
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GERM 128 Deutschld, Lnd & Leut GR 100T3 Germ Elective
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GERM 201 Intermediate German I GR 313 German Language & Culture III
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GERM 202 Intermediate German II GR 314 German Language & Culture IV
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GERM 212 Intermediate German I GR 313 German Language & Culture III
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GERM 216 Intermediate German II GR 314 German Language & Culture IV
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GERM 301 High Intermediate German I GR 210 German Lang & Culture II
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GERM 302 High Intermediate German II GR 313 German Lang & Culture III
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GERM 308 Intro German Litr I GR 300T3 German Elective
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GERM 340 Deutsche Grammatik GR 300T3 German Elective
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GERM 344 Intmd Comp W/Cnv I GR 300T3 Germ Elective
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GERM 444 German Conversation Use GR 400T3 German Elective
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GERM 620 Topics In German GR 600T3 German Elective
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GINS 101 Intro Indigenous Nations Stds FREE 100T Free Elective
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GIST 301 Introduction to Global Interna FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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H A 100 Introduction to Art History AR 100T Art History Elective
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H A 102 Art History II AR 235 Ar Hist II/Renais/Modern
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H A 150 Art History I: Anc & Med AR 225 Art History I
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H A 151 Art Hist II AR 235 Art History II
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H A 200 Intro to Art History AR 000T0 Art Elective
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H A 261 Intro to Modern Art AR 345 20Th Century Art
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H A 265 Intro to Oriental Art AR 000T0 Art History Elective
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H A 267 Art & Culture of Japan AR 200T3 Art Elective
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H A 268 Art & Culture of China AR 200T3 Art Elective
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H A 269 Art & Cultur Korea AR 200T3 Art History Elective
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H A 300 Intro Art History AR 000T0 Art Hist Elective
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H A 370 American Art AR 300T3 Art Elective
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H A 376 West African Art AR 300T3 Art Elective
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H A 380 Hist of Photography AR 300T3 Art Elective
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H A 40 Intro Art History AR 225 Art History I
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H A 400 Intro to Art History AR 225 Art History I
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H A 455 Modern Art-19Th Cen AR 235 Art History II
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H A 521 Modern Decorative Art AR 500T3 Art Hist Elective
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H A 528 Greek & Roman Art AR 500T3 Art Elective
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H A 529 Gothic Art In Italy AR 500G3 Art Elective
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H A 535 Impressionism AR 500T3 Art Elective
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H A 546 Chinese Sculpture AR 500T3 Art Elective
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H A 565 Art Since 1945 AR 500T3 Art Elective
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H A 578 Central African Art AR 500T3 Art Elective
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H A 595 Modern Art: 20 Century-1945 AR 525 20Th Century Art
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H A 615 Spc Study Modern Art AR 600T3 Art Elective
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H A 663 Art Since 1945 AR 345 20Th Century Art
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H A 84 Southern Baroque Art AR 100T3 Art Elective
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HA 100 Introd Art History AR 100T Art Elective
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HA 150 Art History I: Anc & Med AR 225 Art History I
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HA 151 Art Hist II: Renaissance to Mo AR 235 Art History II
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HA 166 The Visual Arts of East Asia AR 100T1 Art Elective
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HA 200 Intro to Art History AR 000T0 Art Elective
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HA 203 Image And Symbol AR 200T3 No Evaluation
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HA 205 Image And Symbol Honors AR 200T4 No Evaluation
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HA 220 The Ethnography of Art AR 200T3 No Evaluation
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HA 261 Intro to Modern Art AR 345 20th Century Art
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HA 265 Introduction to Asian Art AR 200T Art Elective
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HA 266 Visual Arts E Asia AR 200T3 Art Elective
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HA 268 Art and Culture of China AR 200T Art Elective
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HA 270 American Art AR 200T3 No Evaluation
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HA 300 Intro to Western Art History AR 300T Art Elective
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HA 305 Special Study AR 300T Art Elective
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HA 315 The Prehistory of Art AR 300T Art Elective
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HA 530 Renaissn Art Italy AR 500T3 Art Elective
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HA 565 Art Since 1945 AR 500T3 Art Elective
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HA 583 American Art, 1900-1945 AR 500T Art Elective
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HAIT 110 Elementary Haitn I FL 100T Modern Lang Elective
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HAIT 120 Elementary Haitn II FL 100T Modern Lang Elective
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HAIT 200 Port 3Rd Wrl: Haiti FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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HASES 289 Introductn to Sport management PE 200T P E Elective
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HAUS 110 Elementary Hausa I FREE 100T5 Free Elective
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HAUS 120 Elementary Hausa II FREE 100T5 Free Elective
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HAUS 210 Intermediate Hausa I FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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HDFL 102 Prin Envr Desg & Fam FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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HDFL 123 Woman Comtemp Cult SO 100T Sociology Elective
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HDFL 140 Intro to Prin of Behavior FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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HDFL 160 Intro to Child Behavior & Deve PY 211 Developmental Psychology
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HDFL 160A Intro Child Behv & Dev FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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HDFL 180 Analysis of Everyday Behavior FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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HDFL 190 Field Expr Chld Care FREE 100T2 Free Elective
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HDFL 220 Prin Nutrition & Health Dev FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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HDFL 222 Children Modern Society FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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HDFL 288 Intro Marriage & Fam Rel SO 261 Intimate Relationships
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HDFL 304 Prin & Proc Bhvr Mod FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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HDFL 308 Intro Rsch W/Chdrn FREE 300T4 Free Elective
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HDFL 425 Children & Television FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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HDFL 430 Cognitive Development CD 321 Ec Dev/Emerg Speech/Lang
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HDFL 432 Child Behavior & Devel FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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HDFL 433 Analys Roles Childhood FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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HDFL 437 Ind Lvng & Pl Disabl FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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HDFL 444 Curric Dev Young Child CD 660 Ec Curric/Prog Models
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HDFL 455 Hlth & Nutr Chdhood Dev FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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HDFL 456 Hst & Phl Er Chld Ed CD 400T3 Free Elective
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HDFL 484 Sp Tpc: Readings In Child Dev FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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HDFL 486 Work & Commun Parnt FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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HDFL 492 Preschool Practicum I FREE 400T4 Free Elective
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HDFL 510 Infant Behvr & Devlp FREE 500T3 Free Elective
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HDFL 535 Developmental Psychology PY 500T3 Psy Elective
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HDFL 546 Woman Contmp Culture FREE 500T3 Free Elective
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HDFL 555 Adm Early Chld Serv CD 500T2 Free Elective
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HDFL 557 Inft-Tdlr Cr & Intrv CD 322 Educare Infants/Toddlers
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HDFL 558 Pctm: Inf-Tdlr Cr I CD 310 Intro/Early Ch Ed Pract
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HDFL 604 Spec Probs Child Dev FREE 600T1 Free Elective
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HDFL 688 Pract Research Bhv Anl FREE 600T3 Free Elective
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HDFL 712 Nutrition And Growth In Child FREE 700T3 Free Elective
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HDFL 715 Spc Prb In Nutrition FREE 700T3 Free Elective
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HDFS 310 Early Childhood CD 312 Intro/Early Childhd Educ
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HEIM 210 Intro Health Care HL 200T1 Hlth Elective
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HEIM 230 Basic Medical Terminology FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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HEIM 415 Healthcare Delivery Syst FREE 400T1 Free Elective
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HEIM 420 Legal Aspects of Healthcare FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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HEIM 540 Health Info Systems FREE 500T3 Free Elective
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HEIM 567 Aual & Perf Improvmnt Hlthcr FREE 500T1 Free Elective
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HEIM 570 Intro to Hlthcare Mangmnt FREE 500T Free Elective
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HEIM 585 Healthcare Reimbursement FREE 500T1 Free Elective
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HEPR 220V Officiating Of: Volleyball PE 200T1 P E Elective
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HIST 100 World Hist: An Intro WH 100T3 Free Elective
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HIST 101 Intro to History: Ancient Worl WH 000T0 History Elective
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HIST 101A Atlantic World WH 100T3 History Elective
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HIST 101E Europe, 1789 to Present WH 000T0 Hist Elective
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HIST 104 Introduction to African Histor HI 102 Modern World
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HIST 105 Int to Anc, Near East & Grk Hs HI 310 Pre-Classical Age,3000-5000BCE
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HIST 106 Intro to Roman History HI 312 Roman World, 500 BCE-500 CE
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HIST 108 Medieval History HI 101 World Cultures to 1500
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HIST 108A Medieval History WH 100T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 112 Introductn to British History HI 100T3 History Elective
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HIST 113 Modern Europe HI 102 Modern World Civilization
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HIST 114 Europe 1500-1789 HI 102 Modern World Civilization
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HIST 115 Europe 1789 to The Present HI 102 Modern World Civliazation
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HIST 117 Russia, An Intro History WH 100T3 Free Elective
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HIST 118 China And Japan, An Intro Hist WH 100T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 120 Colonial Latin America WH 100T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 121 Modern Latin America WH 100T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 124 Latin American Culture & Socie HI 100T1 History Elective
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HIST 128 Hist of The U S Through Civ Wa HI 111 U.S. History to 1877
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HIST 129 Hist of The U S Since Civil Wa HI 112 U.S. History Since 1877
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HIST 130 US Thr Civil War HI 111 U.S. History to 1877
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HIST 131 Rcnt Eur Hst 1918 HI 100T History Elective
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HIST 137 History of Modern Science HI 100T3 History Elective
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HIST 144 Eur Civ I, Orig-Ren WH 000T0 Hist Elective
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HIST 150 Intro to Food History HI 100T1 History Elective
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HIST 160 Intro W Afrcn Hist HI 100T3 History Elective
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HIST 177 FYS: Body in History HI 100T1 History Elective
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HIST 185 Am Cul&Int Hist II HI 100T History Elective
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HIST 284 Hist of Science: Intr Survey WH 200T3 Free Elective
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HIST 3 Modern Europe HI 102 Modern World Civilization
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HIST 300 Modern African History HI 300T History Elective
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HIST 301 Case Study In Hist WH 300T2 Hist Elective
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HIST 307 History of Science In U S AH 300T3 Free Elective
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HIST 308 Key Themes Modern Global Hist HI 300T History Elective
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HIST 312 American Culture, 1877-Pres HI 300T History Elective
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HIST 313 Conspiracies&Parnoia in Am His HI 300T History Elective
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HIST 319 Hst, Women & Diversity Us AH 300T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 320 Dante'S Comedy WH 300T3 Free Elective
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HIST 322 World of Middle Ages WH 300T2 Hist Elective
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HIST 325 The Spanish Inquisition HI 300T History Elective
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HIST 336 Ethics, Ideas, and Nature HI 300T History Elective
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HIST 340 Hst Second World War HI 300T History Elective
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HIST 341 Hitler & Nazi Germany WH 300T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 342 Commn Nat Snc 1917 WH 300T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 343 The Holocaust in History HI 426 The Holocaust
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HIST 345 Hard Times: Deprsn Yrs 1929-41 HI 345 United States-1914-1945
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HIST 348 Hist Peoples of Ks HI 333 Kansas
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HIST 350 Korean War, 1950-53 WH 300T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 353 Indegenous Peoples of N Am HI 300T History Elective
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HIST 370 Viol In Lat Am Hst HI 300T3 History Elective
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HIST 373 Supreme Crt & Rel Issu AH 300T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 391 Topics in Honors: Glob Mid Eas HI 300T1 History Elective
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HIST 398 Intro to Hist of Jpn:Anime-Zen HI 300T History Elective
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HIST 399 The Samurai HI 300T History Elective
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HIST 401 Case Studies In Roman Empire WH 400T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 402 Romn Military Hist HI 400T3 History Elective
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HIST 407 Hist Science In U S AH 400T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 410 The American Revolution HI 341 American Revolution, 1763-1789
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HIST 412 Civ War Am, 1828-77 AH 400T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 440 History of Second World War HI 425 World War II
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HIST 441 Inside Hitler Germany HI 425 World War II
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HIST 442 Third World: Com Nat WH 400T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 450 Medieval France HI 400T3 History Elective
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HIST 461 Folk Belief & Science WH 400T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 480 Traveler's Tales of Midl East HI 400T History Elective
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HIST 501 Heroic & Arc Age Grk WH 500T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 506 Roman History WH 500T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 508 Late Roman Empire HI 500T3 History Elective
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HIST 509 Social Hist 19 C Med AH 500T2 Hist Elective
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HIST 510 Western Christianity Mid Ages WH 500T3 History Elective
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HIST 512 The Medieval Empire WH 500T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 513 Early Medieval Culture WH 500T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 515 Crusd Crs-Clt Prsp HI 500T3 History Elective
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HIST 516 Medieval France WH 500T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 525 Mod Frnc:Napl-Dega HI 421 Modern France
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HIST 526 Nineteenth Century Europe WH 500T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 531 Hist Women 1870-Present AH 500T3 History Elective
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HIST 537 France frm Renaissnc-Frnch Rev HI 500T History Elective
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HIST 539 English History WH 500T3 History Elective
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HIST 540 Medieval France HI 500T3 History Elective
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HIST 557 Nationalism & Com In Europe WH 500T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 565 Imperial Russia & Soviet Un WH 709 Soviet Russia
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HIST 566 Russ 18C, 1680-1801 HI 500T3 History Elective
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HIST 568 Russia In The 20Th Century HI 419 Soviet Union
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HIST 569 Mid East 19&20 HI 500T3 History Elective
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HIST 570 Middle East Since Ww II WH 500T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 575 History of Mexico WH 500T3 History Elective
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HIST 577 Hist of Caribbean HI 500T3 History Elective
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HIST 579 The Hist of Brazil HI 500T3 History Elective
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HIST 589 Japan Since 1945 HI 500T History Elective
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HIST 590 Japan Since 1945: Devast WH 500T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 592 Huns, Turks & Mongols WH 500T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 602 American Revolution AH 705 The American Revolution
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HIST 603 F D Roosevelt: Personality AH 600T3 Amer History Elective
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HIST 606 Chldhd&Yth In Amer HI 600T3 History Elective
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HIST 615 Modern Amer 1920-45 AH 600T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 616 Contemporary America 1941-Prs AH 600T3 Amer Hist Elective
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HIST 618 History American West AH 600T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 619 History of American Indian AH 228 The Indian In American History
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HIST 620 History of Kansas AH 222 History of Kansas
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HIST 629 US Diplomatic Hst 1 HI 600T3 History Elective
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HIST 631 Contemporary Afr Am Exp AH 600T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 651 Hist of American Bus AH 600T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 7 Hist of The U S AH 000T0 History Elective
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HNRS 190 Freshman Honors Tutor FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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HP R 330 Measuring Pupil Progress CI 300T2 Free Elective
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HPER 104 Physical Activity PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 108 Basic Skill Instruction PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 108A Aerobic Rhythms PE 103 Aerobic Dance
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HPER 108B Badminton PE 121 Badminton
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HPER 108BB Basketball PE 110 Basketball
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HPER 108BK Bas Skl In Basketball PE 110 Basketball
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HPER 108BO Basic Skill Instru-Bowling PE 123 Bowling
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HPER 108BP Back Packing PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 108F Fencing PE 124 Fencing
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HPER 108FO Folk Dance PE 131 Elementary Folk & Square Dance
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HPER 108G Women'S Gymnastics PE 150 Elementary Gymnastics
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HPER 108GF Golf PE 125 Golf
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HPER 108GO Basic Skills Instruc: Golf PE 125 Golf
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HPER 108H Horsemanship PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 108J Judo PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 108K Karate PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 108MG Mens Gymnastics PE 150 Elementary Gymnastics
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HPER 108P Physical Conditioning PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 108R Racquetball PE 180 Racketball
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HPER 108S Square & Ballroom Dance PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 108SD Scuba Diving PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 108SW Swimming PE 140 Elementary Swimming
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HPER 108T Tennis PE 127 Tennis
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HPER 108V Vollyball PE 117 Volleyball
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HPER 110 Intermed Skill Instruc PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 110A Inter Skl Instr In Aerobics PE 103 Aerobic Dance
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HPER 110B Basketball PE 110 Basketball
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HPER 110BO Intermediate Bowling PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 110G Golf PE 125 Golf
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HPER 110J Inter Skill Instr In Judo PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 110T Intermed Tennis PE 227 Intermediate Tennis
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HPER 112 Advanced Skill Instruction PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 112A Advanced Skill Instruction PE 100T1 P E Elective
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HPER 112B Advanced Bowling PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 112G Advanced Gymnastics PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 112S Swimming PE 240 Intermediate Swimming
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HPER 112SO Adv Skl: Soccer PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 112T Adv Men & Women Tumbling PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 112V Advanced Volleyball PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 200 Coach Crt Yth Sprt PE 200T2 P E Elective
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HPER 202 Individual & Dual Sports PE 162 Found of Pe: Individ Sports
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HPER 204 Gymnastics PE 150 Elementary Gymnastics
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HPER 210 Instruction & Analysis PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 210A Aerobic Cond & Weight Trn PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 210B Inst & Ana: Bskbl, Sftbl, Hndb PE 100T1 P E Elective
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HPER 210BO Inst & Anal: Bowl, Achry, Rec PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 210C Instruction & Analysis PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 210D Instruction & Analysis PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 210F Ins & Ana: Folk & Sq Dance PE 131 Elementary Folk & Square Dance
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HPER 210G Golf & Badminton PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 210M Ins & Ana: Men'S Gymnastics PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 210MD Instuct & Anal: Modern Dance PE 133 Elementary Modern Dance
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HPER 210MO Inst & Anal: Modern Dance PE 133 Elementary Modern Dance
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HPER 210S Soccer & Field Hockey PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 210SW Ins & Ana: Swimming PE 140 Elementary Swimming
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HPER 210V Volleyball & Touch Football PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 210W Ins & Ana: Women'S Gymnastics PE 150 Elementary Gymnastics
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HPER 218 Advanced Lifesaving PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 220 Instruction & Analysis PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 220A Instruction & Analysis PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 220B Basketball PE 110 Basketball
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HPER 220F Officiating Of: Football PE 200T1 P E Elective
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HPER 220I Officiating Of: Ind Sports PE 200T1 P E Elective
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HPER 220O Officiating of Softball PE 200T1 P E Elective
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HPER 220S Officiating Softball PE 313 Rul/Offic/Baseball/Softball
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HPER 220T Officiating Track/Field PE 100T1 P E Elective
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HPER 220V Officiating Of: Volleyball PE 200T1 P E Elective
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HPER 222 Water Safety & Pool Mgmt PE 374 Water Safety Instructor
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HPER 224 Lifeguard Training Instr PE 243 Lifeguard Training
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HPER 230 Life Saving & Water Safety PE 243 Lifeguard Training
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HPER 236 Coaching PE 200T1 Free Elective
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HPER 236P Practicum In Recreation RC 200T1 Rec Elective
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HPER 240 Coaching Football PE 352 Fund & Coaching of Football
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HPER 244 History & Found of Phys Educ PE 300 History of Phys Educ & Sport
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HPER 248 First Aid HL 155 First Aid And Personal Safety
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HPER 252 Coaching Basketball PE 351 Fund & Coaching of Basketball
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HPER 256 Phys Educ For The Elem School PE 381 Elem Sch Health/Pe/Clsrm Tchr
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HPER 260 Personal And Community Health HL 150 Critical Health Iss/Dec in Soc
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HPER 262 Drugs In Sport HL 152 Drugs In Sport
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HPER 262A Lif Skl Trn In Ath PE 200T2 P E Elective
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HPER 264 Coaching Individual Sports PE 200T2 Free Elective
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HPER 265 Peer Hlth Avsr Trn PE 200T3 P E Elective
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HPER 269 Exercise And Fitness Living PE 100 Active Living
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HPER 269A Exercise & Fitness Living PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HPER 270 Hist Foundations Rec RC 200T3 Rec Elective
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HPER 289 Sex Education HL 200T3 Hlth Elective
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HPER 290 Safety Education PE 200T3 Free Elective
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HPER 310 Eval Phys Ed Tests PE 300T2 Free Elective
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HPER 320 Instruction & Curriculum I PE 300T3 Free Elective
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HPER 325 Rec Sp Populations RC 262 Special Populations In Pe & Rc
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HPER 330 Princpl Nutri & Hlth GB 385 Nutrition
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HPER 340 Inst Strat Motor Learning PE 300T2 Free Elective
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HPER 354 Movement Activity For Child PE 361 Motor Behavior
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HPER 390 Coaching Track & Field PE 354 Fund & Coach of Track & Field
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HPER 410 Instr & Curriculum II PE 400T2 Free Elective
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HPER 420 Selecting Content In Phys Ed PE 400T2 Free Elective
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HPER 428 Care & Prev Injuries PE 345 Prevent/Care Athl Injur
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HPER 438 Recreation Resource Mgmt RC 400T3 Rec Elective
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HPER 440 Motor Learning Practicum PE 400T1 Free Elective
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HPER 453 Cmnbl & Degnr Diseases HL 400T3 Hlth Elective
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HPER 470 Intro Therapeutic Rec RC 400T3 Rec Elective
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HPER 474 Ther Rec Prog Design RC 400T3 Rec Elective
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HPER 482 Drugs In Society HL 252 Drugs And Human Health
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HPER 489 Health & Human Sexuality CW 309 Human Sexuality
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HPER 497 Independent Study PE 400T2 Free Elective
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HPER 558 Dance & Rhy Aerobics For Child PE 500T3 Free Elective
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HPER 565 Meth & Mat Health Ed HL 500T3 Hlth Elective
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HPER 566 Tchg Stunts & Tumbling PE 500T2 Free Elective
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HPER 618 Hlth Aspc of Aging HL 600T3 Hlth Elective
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HPER 620 Consumer Health HL 251 Consumer Health
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HPER 640 Psychology of Coaching PE 707 Psychology of Coaching
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HPER 649 Environmental Health HL 600T3 Hlth Elective
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HPER 670 Kinesiology PE 260 Kinesiology
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HPER 672 Exercise Physiology PE 360 Physiology of Exercise
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HPER 675 Admin of Phys Educ PE 460 Organization & Admin of Hper&A
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HPER 680 Adaptive Physical Educ & Rec PE 262 Special Populations In Pe & Rc
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HPER 680A Adaptive Physical Education PE 264 Spec Populations Lab/Pe
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HPER 690 Sociology of Sport SO 300T1 Sociology Elective
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HPER 707 Aquatics & First Aid PE 700T2 Free Elective
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HPER 707A Educational Conference In ____ PE 700T3 Free Elective
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HPER 713 Aids And Stds PE 700T3 Pe Elective
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HPER 743 Mgt Rec Area & Facil RC 700T3 Rec Elective
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HSES 104 Physical Activity PE 100T1 Activity Elective
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HSES 108 Basic Skill Instruction PE 100T1 Activity Elective
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HSES 108A Aerobics PE 103 Aerobic Dance
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HSES 108B Bowling PE 123 Bowling
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HSES 108BK Bas Skl Instruc In: Basketball PE 110 Basketball
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HSES 108BO Bowling PE 123 Bowling
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HSES 108D Bas Skl: Disk Golf PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HSES 108F Bas Skl Instruc: First Aid/Cpr PE 100T1 P E Elective
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HSES 108G Women'S Gymnastics PE 150 Elementary Gymnastics
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HSES 108GO Bas Skl Instrc In: Golf PE 125 Golf
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HSES 108JG Jogging PE 104 Walking And Jogging
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HSES 108JU Judo PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HSES 108K Aerobic Kickboxing PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HSES 108KR Karate PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HSES 108PH Bas Skl Instrc In: Phys Cond PE 174 Weight Training
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HSES 108R Basic Skl Instruc: Racquetball PE 180 Racketball
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HSES 108RF Bas Skl Instruc In: Riflery PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HSES 108S Bas Skl: Square & Ballrm Dance PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HSES 108SP Bas Skl Instrc In: Spinning PE 100T1 Activity Elective
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HSES 108SW Swimming PE 140 Elementary Swimming
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HSES 108T Body Toning-Women PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HSES 108W Bas Skl Instrc In: Weight Trai PE 174 Weight Training
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HSES 110A Intr Skl Inst: Aerobics PE 103 Aerobic Dance
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HSES 110KR Intermed Karate PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HSES 110S Intr Skl: Swimming PE 240 Intermediate Swimming
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HSES 112 Adv Skl: Adv Aerobics PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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HSES 112A Advanced Scuba Diving PE 100T2 P E Elective
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HSES 200 Coach Crt Yth Sprt PE 200T2 P E Elective
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HSES 201 Team Sports PE 200T1 PE Elective
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HSES 202 Individual Sports PE 200T2 P E Elective
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HSES 203 Rec Games & Life Activities PE 200T2 P E Elective
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HSES 204 Gymnastics PE 200T2 P E Elective
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HSES 210 Instrct&Analys In: Swimming PE 140 Elementary Swimming
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HSES 218 Lifeguard Training PE 243 Lifeguard Training
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HSES 220 Officiating of Indiv Sports PE 200T1 P E Elective
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HSES 224 Lifegrd Trng PE 243 Lifeguard Training
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HSES 236 Practicum In: Adaptive P E PE 200T1 P E Elective
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HSES 236A Practicum In: Elem Phys Educ PE 200T1 P E Elective
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HSES 240 Coaching of Football PE 352 Fund & Coaching of Football
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HSES 244 Hist & Fndtn Phys Ed PE 300 History of Phys Educ & Sport
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HSES 248 First Aid HL 155 First Aid And Personal Safety
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HSES 250 Introduction Athletic Training PE 271 Intro to Athletic Training
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HSES 250 Introduction Athletic Training PE 272 Intro to Athletic Training Lab
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HSES 251 Intro Athletic Traing Practicm PE 200T P E Elective
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HSES 252 Coaching Basketball PE 351 Fund & Coaching of Basketball
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HSES 260 Personal & Community Health HL 150 Critical Health Iss/Dec in Soc
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HSES 262 Life Skl Trn In Ath PE 200T2 P E Elective
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HSES 269 Introduction to Exercise Scien PE 360 Physiology of Exercise
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HSES 269A Exercise & Fitness Living PE 100T1 Activity Elective
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HSES 269AA Introductn to Exercise Sci PE 200T3 P E Elective
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HSES 289 Introductn to Sport Management PE 200T P E Elective
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HSES 305 Pro&Tch Physcl Trn HL 356 Health Fit Instr & Leadership
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HSES 330 Principles of Nutrition & Hlth GB 385 Nutrition
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HSES 340 Inst Strat Mtr Lrn PE 300T2 P E Elective
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HSES 350 Care & Prevent Athl Injuries PE 345 Prevent & Care Athletic Inj
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HSES 369 Kinesiology PE 362 Kinesiology
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HSES 378 The Coaching of Volleyball PE 355 Fund & Coaching of Volleyball
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HSES 379 Coaching Softball PE 356 Fund/Coach of Softball
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HSES 380 Sociology of Sport SO 301 Sport in Society
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HSES 382 Sport Facilities & Event Mngmn SL 360 Facility Design & Managment
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HSES 384 Sport Law BU 300T1 Business Elective
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HSES 428 Care & Prev Injuries PE 345 Prevent/Care Athl Injur
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HSES 440 Motor Learng Pract PE 400T1 P E Elective
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HSES 453 Cmnbl & Degnr Diseas HL 400T3 Hlth Elective
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HSES 482 Drugs In Society HL 252 Drugs And Human Health
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HSES 483 Sport Finance and Econ PE 300T3 Physical Education Elective
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HSES 485 Sport Communication PE 300T1 Physical Education Elective
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HSES 486 Sport Marketing MK 300T1 Marketing Elective
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HSES 487 Personnel Management in Sport SL 300T1 Sport Leadership Elective
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HSES 489 Health & Human Sexuality CW 309 Human Sexuality
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HSES 497 Independent Study HL 400T1 Health Elective
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HSES 502 Camp Leadership & Coun RC 500T2 Rec Elective
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HSES 640 Psychlgy of Coachg PE 600T2 Pe Elective
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HSES 672 Exercise Physiology PE 360 Physiology of Exercise
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HUM 104 Humanities I - Ancient Greece FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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HUM 108 Humanities II - Ancient Rome FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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HUM 110 Introduction to Humanities FREE 100T Free Elective
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HUM 114 Western Civilization I FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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HUM 204 Western Civilization I FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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HUM 205 Western Civilization II FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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HUM 208 Humanities IV - The Modern Era FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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HUM 304 Masterpieces of World Lit I EN 207 Introduction to Literature
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HUM 320 Dante'S Comedy FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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HUM 500 World of King Arthur FREE 500T3 Free Elective
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HUM 622 Irish Culture FREE 600T3 Free Elective
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HWC 110 Introduction to Humanities FREE 100T Free Elective
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HWC 130 Myth, Legend&Flk Beliefs E Asi HI 100T3 History Elective
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HWC 204 Western Civilization I HI 101 World Cultures to 1500
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HWC 205 Western Civilization II HI 102 Modern World Civilization
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HWC 206 Contemp Western Civilization HI 200T History Elective
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HWC 300 Studies In: Idea of The City HI 300T3 History Elective
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HWC 304 Mstprc World Lit I EG 300T1 Lit Elective
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HWC 308 Mstprc World Lit II EN 300T3 Lit Elective
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HWC 324 Ungrad Wrtng & Research FREE 300T1 Free Elective
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HWC 345 Indian Territory HI 300T History Elective
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HWC 420 Interrelations of Hum & Arts FA 220 Analysis of The Fine Arts
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HWC 420A Interrelations of Human & Art FA 400T3 Fine Arts Elective
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ILLU 200 Foundations in Image Making AR 200T1 Art Elective
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ILLU 205 Drawing Media I AR 200T Art Elective
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ILLU 305 Image Making AR 300T Art Elective
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INDD 212 Drawing for Indust Design FREE 200T Free Elective
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INDD 284 Basic Indust Design Studio FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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INDD 313 Visual Presentation FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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INDD 510 Human Factors in Design FREE 500T Free Elective
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INTD 301 Resources and Materials FREE 300T Free Elective
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IST 202 Intro to Information Systems IS 200T Information Systems Elective
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IST 204 Excel Essentials for Business IS 200T Information Systems Elective
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IST 205 Survey of Info Systems IS 200T Information Systems Elective
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IST 301 Intro Busns Cmptng IS 213 Management Info Sys Concepts
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IST 310 Intro Info & Mngmt Prod System IS 300T Information Systems Elective
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IST 320 Fundamentals of Software Dev IS 300T Information Systems Elective
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ITAL 107 Elmntry Ital Cnv I FL 100T3 Modern Lang Elective
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ITAL 110 Elem Italian I FL 100T5 For Lang Elective
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ITAL 120 Elem Italian II FL 100T5 For Lang Elective
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ITAL 156 Intensive Basic Italian II FL 100T3 Modern Lang Elective
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ITAL 230 Intermed Italian I FL 200T3 For Lang Elective
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ITAL 240 Intermed Italian II FL 200T3 For Lang Elective
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ITAL 300 Composition And Conversation FL 300T3 Modern Lang Elective
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ITAL 335 Italy and the Italians I FL 300T Foreign Language Elective
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ITEC 406 Data Mining & Intelligence CS 504 Data Mining
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JMC 101 Media and Society JO 200 Mass Communication
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JOUR 101 Media And Society JO 200 Mass Communication
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JOUR 104 Communication Society JN 100T3 Free Elective
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JOUR 177 First Year Seminar FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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JOUR 201 Current Issues in Journalism JO 200T Journalism Elective
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JOUR 210 Basic Video Production JO 200T1 Journalism Elective
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JOUR 220 Public Relations JO 200T3 Jour Elective
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JOUR 240 Elements of Advertising JN 200T3 Jour Elective
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JOUR 260 Agency: Introduction JO 200T1 Journalism Elective
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JOUR 280 Intro Radio, Tv, Tech JN 200T3 Free Elective
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JOUR 288 Laboratory in Media I JO 200T Journalism Elective
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JOUR 300 Visual Storytelling JO 300T Journalism Elective
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JOUR 301 Research & Writing JO 300T3 Jour Elective
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JOUR 302 Information Exploration JO 300T Journalism Elective
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JOUR 304 Media Writing for Audiences JO 300T1 Journalism Elective
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JOUR 308 Ethics in a Wired World JO 300T1 Journalism Elective
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JOUR 310 Photojournalism I JN 300T3 Free Elective
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JOUR 320 Public Relations JR 300T3 Jour Elective
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JOUR 341 Promotional Writing JN 300T3 Jour Elective
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JOUR 342 Market & Mass Media JN 300T3 Jour Elective
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JOUR 350 Reporting I JO 301 Elements/News Reporting
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JOUR 388 Laboratory In Radio JN 300T1 Jour Elective
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JOUR 390 Broadcast Prod & Wrtg JN 300T3 Jour Elective
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JOUR 394 Elements of Musc Programming JN 300T3 Free Elective
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JOUR 410 Photojournalism II JN 400T3 Free Elective
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JOUR 415 Multimedia Reporting JO 300T2 Journalism Elective
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JOUR 419 Multimedia Editing JO 400T1 Journalism Elective
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JOUR 420 Public Relations JR 400T3 Jour Elective
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JOUR 433 Strategic COmmunication JN 400T Jour Elective
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JOUR 446 Advert Copy & Layout JN 400T3 Jour Elective
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JOUR 500 Topics in Journalism: Magazine JO 500T1 Journalism Elective
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JOUR 538 International Marketing Commun JN 500T Jour Elective
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JOUR 544 Advert Media Strat JN 500T3 Jour Elective
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JOUR 548 Advertising Management JN 500T3 Jour Elective
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JOUR 550 Digital Media JO 500T2 Journalism Elective
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JOUR 601 Law of Communication JN 600T3 Free Elective
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JOUR 653 Hist American Jour JN 600T3 Jour Elective
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JOUR 670 Hist American Jour JN 600T3 Jour Elective
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JOUR 688 Adv Media: Broadcast JN 600T2 Jour Elective
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JPN 104 Elementary Japanese I FL 100T5 Foreign Lang Elective
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JPN 108 Elementary Japanese II FL 100T5 Foreign Lang Elective
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JPN 204 Intermd Japanese I FL 200T5 For Lang Elective
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JPN 208 Interm Japanese II FL 200T Modern Language Elective
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JPN 504 Advanced Modern Japanese I FL 500T Modern Language Elective
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KISW 110 Elmntr Kiswahili I FL 100T5 Free Elective
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KISW 120 Elem Kiswahili II FL 100T5 Free Elective
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KOR 104 Elemntary Korean I FL 100T5 Foreign Lang Elective
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KOR 108 Elemntry Korean II FL 100T5 Foreign Lang Elective
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KOR 204 Intermediate Korean I FL 200T1 Modern Language Elective
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KRHA 103 Topics In: Human Mind FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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LA&S 101 Thematic Learng Community Smnr FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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LA&S 104 Intgr Hum I-Greek FREE 100T6 Free Elective
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LA&S 108 Int Humanities II-Romans FREE 100T6 Free Elective
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LA&S 140 Orient to Computer Appli IS 100T1 Free Elective
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LA&S 150 Myths In Science FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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LA&S 190 First Semester Honors Tutorial FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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LA&S 191 Sec Sem Hon Tutorial FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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LA&S 204 Int Humanities III-Med FREE 200T6 Free Elective
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LA&S 208 Int Humanities IV-Modern FREE 200T6 Free Elective
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LA&S 290 Apprchs Teachng Science&Math I FREE 200T Free Elective
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LA&S 291 Apprchs Teachg Science&Math II FREE 200T Free Elective
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LA&S 292 Topics And Problems FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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LA&S 292A Topics And Problems FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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LA&S 48 T & P Freedom&Authrt FREE 100T Free Elective
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LA&S 492 Topcs&Problems on : FREE 400T Free Elective
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LAA 100 Latin American Culture&Soc FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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LAA 302 Topcs Latin American Area Std: FL 300T Modern Language Elective
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LAA 332 Lang & Soc Latin Amer FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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LAA 500 Drctd Stdy Lat Am Area Studies FL 500T Modern Language Elective
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LAA 503 Race, Gndr, Ethnct&Natlsm Lat FL 500T Modern Language Elective
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LAT 104 Elem Latin FL 100T Modern Language
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LAT 105 Elementary Latin-Oral FL 100T Modern Language
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LAT 108 Latin Reading & Grammar FL 100T Modern Language Elective
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LAT 109 Latin Read & Gram - Oral FL 100T Modern Language Elective
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LAT 113 Latin Read & Comp - Oral LA 100T3 Free Elective
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LAT 132 Int Latin, Direct Oral LA 100T3 Free Elective
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LDST 200 Intro to Ldrshp Stds/Applic FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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LDST 201 Introduction to Leadership LR 170 Principles of Leadership
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LDST 202 Intro to Leadership Applicat FREE 200T Free Elective
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LDST 203 Intro to Leadership Honors LR 170 Principles of Leadership
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LDST 301 It's On Us: Gndr Bsd Vlnc Prvn FREE 300T Free Elective
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LDST 303 Prvntn Pssbl:Gndr Bsd Vlns Prv FREE 300T Free Elective
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LING 104 Nature of Language EG 100T3 Free Elective
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LING 106 Intro Linguistics EG 100T3 Eng Elective
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LING 107 Intro Linguistics Honors EG 100T1 English Elective
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LING 110 Language And Mind EG 100T3 Free Elective
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LING 120 The Physics of Speech EG 100T Free Elective
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LING 177 First Year Seminar EG 100T1 English Elective
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LING 305 Phonetics I EG 300T English Elective
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LING 306 Intro to Linguistics EN 300T3 Eng Elective
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LING 307 Phonetics II EG 300T1 English Elective
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LING 312 Intro Linguistics EN 300T3 Free Elective
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LING 320 Lang In Cultur & Soc EG 300T3 Eng Elective
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LING 325 Syntax I FREE 300T2 Free Elective
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LING 425 First Language Acquisition I EG 300T1 English Elective
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M E 109 Descriptive Geometry FREE 100T2 Free Elective
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M E 200 Mech Eng Colloquim FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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M E 201 Statics FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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M E 208 Intr Digitl Comptnl Mthd in ME FREE 200T Free Elective
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M E 228 Computer Graphics FREE 200T Free Elective
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M E 306 Science of Material FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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M E 307 Engineerng Materials Lab FREE 300T Free Elective
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M E 311 Strength of Materials FREE 300T4 Free Elective
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M E 312 Basic Engr Thermody FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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M E 328 Computer Graphics FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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M E 346 Sel & Prc Engr Matrl FREE 300T1 Free Elective
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M E 412 Thermal Systems FREE 400T Free Elective
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M E 420 Mechanisms FREE 400T Free Elective
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M E 428 Mechanical Design Ia FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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M E 455 Mech Eng Measurmnts & Exprmntn FREE 400T Free Elective
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M E 501 Mechancl Engineerng Desgn Proc FREE 500T Free Elective
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M E 508 Numerical Anly Prb FREE 500T3 Free Elective
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M E 510 Fluid Mechanics FREE 500T Free Elective
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M E 520 Dynamics of Machinery FREE 500T Free Elective
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M E 528 Mechanical Design Ib FREE 500T3 Free Elective
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M E 590 Special Topics FREE 500T2 Free Elective
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M E 610 Momentum Transfer FREE 600T3 Free Elective
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M E 612 Heat Transfer FREE 600T3 Free Elective
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M E 628 Mechanical Design II FREE 600T Free Elective
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M E 636 Internal Combustion Engines FREE 600T Free Elective
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M E 640 Design Project FREE 600T Free Elective
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M E 645 Design Project Option E FREE 600T Free Elective
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M E 661 The Finite Element Method FREE 600T Free Elective
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M E 682 Control Systems FREE 600T Free Elective
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M E 736 Catalytc Exhst Aftertrtmnt Mod FREE 700T Free Elective
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M G 300 Human Relat Business MG 300T3 Mgt Elective
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M G 342 Prin of Management MG 342 Principles of Management
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M G 343 Supervisory Management MG 343 Supervisory Management
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MA 558 Introduction to Modern Algebra MA 425 Abstract Algebra
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MATH 002 Intermediate Mathematics MA 095 Beginning Algebra
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MATH 101 Algebra MA 110 College Algebra
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MATH 102 Algebra And Trigonometry MA 110 College Algebra
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MATH 102/T Algebra & Trigonometry MA 112 Trigonometry
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MATH 103 Trigonometry MA 112 Trigonometry
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MATH 104 Precalculus Math MA 160 Functions of Calculus
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MATH 105 Intro Topics Math MA 100T3 Math Elective
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MATH 106 Intro Finite Math MA 225 Math/Decis Making Tool
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MATH 108 Modern Elem Mathematics MA 100T Math Elective
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MATH 109 Mathematics for Elem Teacher I MA 307 Math for Elem/Mid Schl Tchr I
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MATH 11 Problty & Matrices MA 100T3 Math Elective
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MATH 110 Mathematics for Elem Tchrs II MA 308 Math for Elem/Mid Schl Tchr II
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MATH 111 Elemt Linear Algebra MA 322 Intro to Linear Algebra
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MATH 113 Algebra & Calculus MA 110 College Algebra
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MATH 113A Algebra & Calculus MA 165 Basic Calculus
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MATH 114 Trig & Calculus MA 112 Trigonometry
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MATH 114A Trig & Calculus MA 165 Basic Calculus
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MATH 115 Calculus I MA 165 Basic Calculus
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MATH 115A Calculus I MA 100T Math Elective
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MATH 116 Calculus II MA 165 Basic Calculus
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MATH 116A Calculus II MA 100T Math Elective
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MATH 118 Trig & Calculus MA 112 Trigonometry
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MATH 118A Trig & Calculus MA 262 Calculus II
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MATH 121 Calculus I MA 161 Calculus I
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MATH 122 Calculus II MA 262 Calculus II
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MATH 123 Linear Algebra & Multivar Cal MA 222 Introduction to Linear Algebra
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MATH 123A Linear Algebra & Multivar Calc MA 363 Calculus III
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MATH 125 Calculus I MA 161 Calculus I
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MATH 126 Calculus II MA 262 Calculus II
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MATH 141 Calculus I: Honors MA 161 Calculus I
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MATH 142 Calculus II: Honors MA 262 Calculus II
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MATH 197 Mathematicsl Workshop MA 100T1 Math Elective
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MATH 2 Algebra MA 110 College Algebra
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MATH 21 Calc & Anal Geometry I MA 161 Calculus I
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MATH 22 Calc & Anal Geom II MA 262 Calculus II
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MATH 220 Applied Differential Equations MA 335 Differential Equations I
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MATH 223 Vector Calculus MA 363 Calculus III
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MATH 250 Math Engineer Syst MA 200T2 Free Elective
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MATH 290 Elementary Linear Algebra MA 322 Intro to Linear Algebra
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MATH 2A Trigonometry MA 112 Trigonometry
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MATH 320 Elem Differential Equat MA 335 Differential Equations I
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MATH 365 Elementary Statistics MA 120 Elementary Statistics
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MATH 409 Tpcs Math Sec/Mid Sch Tch MA 470 Tchg Math Mid/Hi Sch
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MATH 500 Intermedt Analysis MA 735 Advanced Calculus I
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MATH 526 Applied Math Statistics I MA 500T3 Math Elective
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MATH 558 Intro Modn Algebra MA 425 Abstract Algebra
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MATH 627 Probability MA 532 Mathematical Statistics I
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MATH NM2 Second Math MA 100T3 Math Elective
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MCOR 380 Evolution of Warfare FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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MCRB 100 Basic Microbiology MC 316 Microbiology
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MCRB 101 Prin of Microbiology MC 316 Microbiology
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MCRB 103 Intro Lab MC 317 Microbiology Lab
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MCRB 2 Prin of Micro Biology MC 316 Microbiology
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MCRB 200 Basic Microbiology MC 316 Microbiology
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MCRB 2L Prin of Micro Biology Lab MC 317 Microbiology Lab
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MCRB 500 Fundamentals of Mcrb MC 316 Microbiology
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MCRB 502 Fund of Mcrb, Lab MC 317 Microbiology Lab
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MCRB 504 Immunology MC 549 Immunology
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MCRB 505 Immunology Lab MC 550 Immunology Laboratory
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MCRB 510 Microbial Genetics MC 500T3 Biol Elective
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MDCM 513 Intro Drug Assay FREE 500T3 Free Elective
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MDCM 514 Intro Drug Analys FREE 500T3 Free Elective
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MDCM 601 Medicinal Biochemistry I CH 660 Biochemistry I
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MDCM 602 Medicinal Biochemistry Lab CH 661 Biochemistry I Lab
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MDCM 603 Medicianl Biochemistry II FREE 600T Free Elective
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MDCM 607 Clinical Pharmacognosy FREE 600T Free Elective
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MDCM 621 Medicnl Biochmstry FREE 600T5 Free Elective
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MDCM 622 Medcnl Biochem Lab FREE 600T1 Free Elective
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MDCM 624 Orgc Mednl Agnts I PH 600T Physical Science Elective
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MDCM 625 Medcnl Chem I:Neuroeffctr Agnt FREE 600T Free Elective
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MDCM 626 Medcnl Chem II:Homeostatc Agnt FREE 600T Free Elective
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MDCM 635 Org Medcnl Agnt II PH 600T5 Physical Science Elective
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MDCM 665 Chem Assess Diseas CH 600T2 Chemistry Elective
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ME 208 Intr Digitl Comptnl Mthd in ME FREE 100T Free Elective
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ME 210 Introduction to Mechanics PH 200T Physics Elective
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ME 211 Statics & Introduction Mechanc FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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ME 228 Computer Graphics FREE 200T Free Elective
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ME 306 Science of Materials CH 310 Engineering Materials
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ME 307 Engineerng Materials Lab PH 300T Physics Elective
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ME 311 Mechanics of Materials PH 300T Physics Elective
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ME 312 Basic Engineering Thermodynami FREE 300T Free Elective
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ME 321 Dynamics Simulations PH 300T Physics Elective
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ME 328 Computer Graphics FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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MEDT 210 Intro Clin Lab Sci FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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MEMT 100 Choral Clinic MU 100T1 Music Elective
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MEMT 111 Cls Guitar/Nonmjrs MU 135 Guitar For Fun - New Beginners
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MEMT 116 Performance Media MU 100T1 Music Elective
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MEMT 116A Voice MU 121 Voice Class
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MEMT 116B Woodwinds MU 242 Woodwinds I
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MEMT 116BA Perf Media: Band/Orch Instru MU 100T1 Mus Elective
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MEMT 116BR Per Med: Brass MU 100T1 Mus Elective
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MEMT 116C Prf Med-Cello & Bass MU 100T1 Music Elective
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MEMT 116D Prf Media-Clarinet MU 100T0 Mus Elective
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MEMT 116E Per Med: Electr/Cmptr/Synth MU 100T1 Mus Elective
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MEMT 116G Perf Media: Guitar MU 100T1 Mus Elective
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MEMT 116P Prfm Media-Percussion MU 100T0 Music Elective
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MEMT 116S Per Med: Strings MU 100T1 Mus Elective
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MEMT 116V Prf Med-Violin MU 100T0 Music Elective
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MEMT 116VO Prf Media-Voice MU 100T0 Music Elective
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MEMT 118 Performance Media: Strings MU 100T Music Elective
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MEMT 150 Prin Musc Therpy I MU 100T3 Mus Elective
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MEMT 160 Prin Music Education MU 210 Intro/Music Educ
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MEMT 160A Prin Music Education MU 211 Intro/Music Ed/Lab
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MEMT 230 Instrument Clin-Band MU 200T1 Music Elective
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MEMT 230C Ensemble Clinic: Choral MU 200T1 Mus Elective
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MEMT 230E Ensemble Clinic: Orchestra Cl MU 200T1 Mus Elective
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MEMT 230O Ensemble Clinic: Orchestra Cli MU 200T1 Mus Elective
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MEMT 246 Fund of Conducting MU 477 Basic Conducting
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MEMT 250 Hmn Muscl Lrn&Devl MU 200T3 Mus Elective
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MEMT 261 Soc Influ Mus Bhvr MU 200T2 Music Elective
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MEMT 296 Clinical Techniques MU 200T3 Music Elective
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MEMT 330 Conduction Clinic MU 300T1 Music Elective
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MEMT 341 Instr Strat In Mus MU 300T1 Music Elective
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MEMT 350 Basic Music For Elem Teachers MU 124 Basic Music
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MEMT 366 Int Res Mus Thr & Ed MU 300T2 Mus Elective
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MEMT 367 Mng Behvr Mus Envr MU 496 Philos/Research/Music Ed
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MEMT 450 Tch Choral & Instrumental Musi MU 494 Sec Sch Music Methods
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MEMT 453 Psyc Fun Musc Bhvr MU 400T3 Mus Elective
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MEMT 598 Guitar/Nonmajors MU 236 Guitar For Fun-Intermediates
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MEMT 598A Sp Crs Prin Mus Ed MU 500T1 Music Elective
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MEMT 670 Acoustics of Music MU 600T3 Mus Elective
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MEMT 791 Amer Sign Language RE 340 Sign Language I
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MEMT 791A Conversation Amer Sign Lang RE 700T2 Free Elective
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METL 132 Intro Metals & Jewelry AR 100T3 Art Elective
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METL 212 Metalsmithing AR 200T3 Art Elective
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METR 105 Intro to Meteorology ES 319 Meteorology
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METR 105LB Intro to Meteorology Lab ES 100T2 Meteorology Lab
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METR 320 Unusual Weather ES 300T3 Free Elective
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METR 505 Weather Forecasting ES 500T3 Free Elective
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METR 521 Microclimatology ES 500T3 Free Elective
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METR 630 Synoptic Meteorology ES 600T3 Free Elective
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METR 650 Adv Synoptic Meteor ES 600T3 Free Elective
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MG 300 Human Relations In Business MG 300T3 Bus Elective
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MG 343 Supervisory Management MG 343 Supervisory Management
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MG 443 Organizational Behavior MG 443 Organizational Behavior
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MGMT 305 Survey of Management MG 342 Princ of Mgmt & Organ Behavior
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MGMT 310 Principles of Management MG 301 Principles of Management
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MGMT 405 Ethical Decision Making Bus MG 400T Management Elective
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MGMT 498 Business Policy and Strategy MG 473 Business Policy
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MGTAD 301 Intro Management Educ MG 300T1 Mgt Elective
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MHSL 136 Intro Music History MU 000T0 Music Elective
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MHSL 332 Hist Music II-Renais MU 329 Music History II
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MHST 136 Masterworks of Music MU 000T0 Music Elective
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MHST 240 Music History I MU 328 Music History I
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MHST 240A Music History I MU 324 World Music
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MHST 298 Intro to Jazz MU 000T0 Music Elective
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MHST 299 American Popular Song MU 200T3 Music Elective
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MHST 300 Jazz Styles, 1920-1980 MU 000T0 Music Elective
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MHST 302 The Broadway Musical MU 300T3 Mus Elective
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MHST 303 The Film Musical MU 300T3 Music Elective
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MHST 306 Intr to Contmp Mus MU 000T0 Music Elective
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MHST 336 Masterworks of Music MU 300T3 Music Elective
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MHST 337 Broadway Musical MU 300T3 Free Elective
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MHST 340 Music History II MU 329 Music History II
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MHST 480 Music History IV MU 329 Music History II
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MHST 598 Guitar/Nonmajors MU 135 Guitar For Fun - New Beginners
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MKTG 101 Enlightened Consumption MK 100T1 Marketing Elective
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MKTG 305 Survey of Marketing MK 360 Principles of Marketing
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MKTG 310 Marketing MK 301 Principles of Marketing
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MKTG 400 Spec Top Mrktg: Brand Mgmt MK 400T Marketing Elective
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MKTG 411 Introduction Consumer Behavior MK 451 Consumer Behavior
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MKTG 415 Marketing Research for Managrs MK 453 Marketing Research
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MKTG 430 New Product Management MK 400T Marketing Elective
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MKTG 445 Services Marketing MK 521 Services Marketing
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MTHC 099 Fund of Music Theory FREE 000T0 Not Transfer Credit
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MTHC 100 Fund of Music Theory MU 118 Music Skills I
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MTHC 104 Dictat & Sight-Rdg I MU 100T1 Music Elective
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MTHC 105 Theory I MU 118 Music Theory 1
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MTHC 108 Harmony I MU 118 Music Skills I
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MTHC 112 Keyboard Harmony I MU 100T1 Music Elective
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MTHC 114 Dict & Sight Rdg II MU 100T1 Music Elective
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MTHC 115 Theory II MU 119 Music Theory 2
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MTHC 115A Theory II MU 109 Ear Train/Sight Sing 2
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MTHC 118 Harmony II MU 100T2 Music Elective
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MTHC 122 Keyboard Harmony II MU 100T1 Music Elective
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MTHC 200 Theory III-19Th Cn MU 200T4 Music Elective
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MTHC 204 Theory IV-20Th Cen MU 200T4 Music Elective
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MTHC 205 Theory III MU 218 Music Theory 3
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MTHC 205A Theory III MU 208 Ear Train/Sight Sing 3
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MTHC 215 Theory IV MU 219 Music Theory 4
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MTHC 215A Theory IV MU 209 Ear Train/Sight Sing 4
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MTHC 410 Form And Analysis MU 400T3 Mus Elective
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MUS 140 Encntr Musc & Muscns MU 100T3 Music Elective
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MUS 177 First Year Seminar MU 100T1 Music Elective
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MUSC 136 Masterwrks of Musc MU 226 Music Appreciation
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MUSC 240 Music History I MU 328 Music History I
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MUSC 298 Introduction to Jazz MU 200T3 Music Elective
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MUSC 301 Great Innovators of Jazz MU 300T3 Music Elective
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MUSC 302 The Broadwy Musicl MU 300T3 Music Elective
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MUSC 305 Music of Latin America MU 300T Music Elective
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MUSC 307 Music Africa & The Middle East MU 300T3 Music Elective
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MUSC 309 History Rock & Roll MU 226 Music Appreciation
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MUSC 310 History of Film Music MU 300T3 Music Elective
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MUSC 315 History of Country Music MU 300T Music Elective
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MUSC 318 Drumming Cultures of World MU 300T1 Music Elective
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MUSC 560 Music in World Cultures MU 324 World Music
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NAVY 100 Naval Science Lbrty MS 100T1 Mil Sci Elective
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NAVY 101 Intro Naval Science MS 100T2 Mil Sci Elective
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NAVY 180 Intro to Naval Sys I FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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NAVY 184 Intro Naval Syst II FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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NAVY 220 Seapower & Maritime I FREE 200T2 Free Elective
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NAVY 224 Seapower Affair II FREE 200T2 Free Elective
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NURS 301 Tech Therp Inter I NU 300T1 Nursing Elective
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NURS 302 Tch Ther Inter II NU 300T1 Nursing Elective
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NURS 304 Principl of Nursng NU 300T Nursing Elective
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NURS 305 Prin Nurs: Clin Lab NU 300T Nursing Elective
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NURS 308 Nursing I NU 300T6 Nursing Elective
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NURS 309 Introdc to Nursing NU 300T Nursing Elective
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NURS 310 Infotechhlthcr Pro NU 300T1 Nursing Elective
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NURS 312 Nursing II NU 300T8 Nursing Elective
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NURS 320 Alteratn Phys Func NU 300T Nursing Elective
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NURS 321 Alt In Phys Func I NU 300T3 Nursing Elective
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NURS 322 Altr Phys Funct II NU 300T2 Nursing Elective
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NURS 325 Pharmacology NU 220 Basic Pharmacology
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NURS 328 Medical Therapeutic NU 300T3 Nursing Elective
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NURS 336 Physc Growth & Devel NU 300T3 Nursing Elective
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NURS 340 Fnd Nurs&Hlth Prom NU 300T5 Nursing Elective
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NURS 341 Fnd Nurs:Clncl Lab NU 300T3 Nursing Elective
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NURS 350 Client Assessment NU 300T3 Nursing Elective
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NURS 351 Nurs Skils Levl II NU 300T Nursing Elecitve
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NURS 355 Legal Ethi ASP Nur NU 300T Nursing Elective
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NURS 357 Nursing Research I NU 300T Nursing Elective
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NURS 360 Con Ment Hlth Nurs NU 300T Nursing Elective
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NURS 361 Mntl Hlth Nurs: Cln NU 300T Nursing Elective
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NURS 365 Nursing of Adults NU 300T3 Nursing Elective
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NURS 366 Nurs Adul:Clin Lab NU 300T2 Nursing Elective
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NURS 370 Maternal Hlth Nurs NU 300T Nursing Elective
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NURS 372 Psychosocial Devlp NU 300T3 Nursing Elective
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NURS 375 Nursing of Children NU 300T3 Nursing Elective
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NURS 376 Nurs of Chdrn:Clin NU 300T2 Nursing Elective
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NURS 480 Trends In Nursing NU 400T2 Nursing Elective
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O T 101 Intro to Occupational Therapy FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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O T 170 Occ Ther Orientation FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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O T 174 Clinical Conditions I FREE 100T2 Free Elective
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O T 186 Theraptc Media Lec FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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O T 188 Theraptc Media Lab FREE 100T2 Free Elective
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O T 201 O T Concept & Skill I FREE 200T5 Free Elective
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O T 203 Lvl I Fldwk Erl Dv FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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O T 204 Shop Pratices FREE 200T2 Free Elective
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O T 205 Devel Life Tasks I FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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O T 211 Orientn Medcl Setg FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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O T 213 Woodworking FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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O T 228 Gen Trtmt Tech O T FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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O T 232 Field Wk Self-Care FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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O T 234 Field Wk Psycsoc Dys FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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O T 253 Fld Wrk Adlt Adapt FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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O T 255 Devlp Lif Tasks II FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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O T 256 Activity Analysis Lab FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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O T 299 Prgm Dev & Admin O T FREE 200T2 Free Elective
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O T 301 O T Cncpt Skill II FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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O T 303 Field Work Adpt Occup FREE 300T1 Free Elective
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O T 335 Kinesiology FREE 300T4 Free Elective
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O T 345 Neurology FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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O T 350 Clinical Psychiatry FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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O T 351 O T Theory & Practice FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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O T 353 Prof Develop Seminar FREE 300T1 Free Elective
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O T 375 Clinical Condition FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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O T 388 Human Anatomy FREE 300T Free Elective
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O T 395 Orientatn OT Prof FREE 300T Free Elective
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O T 440 Problem Eval In O T FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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ORCH 200 Univ Symphony Orchestra MU 100T2 Music Elective
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ORCH 400 U Symphn Orchestra MU 400T2 Music Elective
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ORCH 600 U Symphn Orchestra MU 600T2 Music Elective
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P&TX 513 Anat & Pathophysiology ZO 500T3 Zool Elective
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P&TX 514 Pathophysiology ZO 500T3 Zool Elective
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P&TX 623 Toxicology FREE 600T2 Free Elective
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P&TX 624 Pharmacology I FREE 600T4 Free Elective
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P&TX 625 Pharmacology I FREE 600T4 Free Elective
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P&TX 630 Pharmacology I FREE 600T Free Elective
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P&TX 631 Pharmacology II FREE 600T Free Elective
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P&TX 632 Pharmacology III FREE 600T Free Elective
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P&TX 635 Pharmacology II FREE 600T4 Free Elective
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P&TX 640 Toxicology FREE 600T Free Elective
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P&TX 645 Neurobiologcl Basis Addiction FREE 600T Free Elective
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P&TX 650 Biostat&Rsrch Dsgn FREE 600T Free Elective
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PATH 388 Pathology ZO 300T3 Zo Elective
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PCUS 121 Percussion MU 267 Applied Music
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PENS 472 Percussion Ensemble MU 400T1 Music Elective
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PERC 121 Percussion Boberg MU 100T2 Music Elective
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PERC 321 Percussion Boberg MU 300T2 Music Elective
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PFS 302 Leadership in Practice FREE 300T1 Free Elective
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PHAR 500 Early Pharmcy Practc Experienc FREE 500T Free Elective
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PHAR 502 Pharmcy Practce II FREE 500T3 Free Elective
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PHAR 503 Pharmcy Practce III Hlth-Sysm FREE 500T3 Free Elective
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PHAR 504 Immunology MC 549 Immunology
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PHAR 505 Immunization Theory & Practice FREE 500T Free Elective
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PHAR 507 Dean's Orientation& Intro Parm FREE 500T Free Elective
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PHAR 510 Integrated Lab I FREE 500T1 Free Elective
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PHAR 512 Pharmacy Skills I-B FREE 500T3 Free Elective
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PHAR 515 Pharmacy Skills Laboratory II FREE 500T1 Free Elective
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PHAR 517 Pharmacy Skills Lab II-B FREE 500T1 Physical Science Elective
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PHAR 520 Pharmacy Skills Laboratory III FREE 500T Free Elective
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PHAR 550 Intro Pharmcy Prac Exp-Commnty FREE 500T4 Free Elective
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PHAR 621 Honors Seminar FREE 600T1 Free Elective
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PHCH 514 Pharmaceutics I FREE 500T4 Free Elective
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PHCH 515 Pharmacy Calculatn CH 500T Chemistry Elective
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PHCH 517 Phrmcy Calculatns FREE 500T2 Free Elective
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PHCH 518 Phys-Chm Prin Sol FREE 500T3 Free Elective
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PHCH 605 Vaccines FREE 600T Free Elective
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PHCH 621 Pharmaceutics II Lab FREE 600T1 Free Elective
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PHCH 624 Pharmaceutics II FREE 600T4 Free Elective
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PHCH 625 Pharmacokinetics FREE 600T3 Free Elective
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PHCH 626 Biopharmaceutics&Drug Delivery FREE 600T Free Elective
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PHCH 631 Pharmctics III Lab CH 600T1 Chemistry Elective
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PHCH 654 Pharmeceutics CH 600T3 Chemistry Elective
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PHCH 667 Intro Clinicl Chemistry CH 600T Chemistry Elective
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PHCH 690 Ug Rsch Pharmaceutcl Chemistry FREE 600T3 Free Elective
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PHCH 692 Clinicl Phrmcokntc CH 600T2 Chemistry Elective
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PHED 40 Personal & Community Health HL 150 Critical Health Iss/Dec in Soc
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PHED 43 Ballet PE 000T Activity Elective
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PHED M1W Elem Fencing PE 124 Fencing
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PHED M2W Adv Fencing PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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PHED MW Elemen Modrn Dance PE 000T Activity Elective
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PHED W Gymnastics PE 150 Elementary Gymnastics
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PHED W1 Hockey PE 111 Field Hockey
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PHED W1A Inter Swimming PE 240 Intermediate Swimming
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PHED W1B Lifesaving PE 243 Lifesaving
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PHED W2 Elem Badminton PE 121 Badminton
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PHED W2A Tumbling & Stunts PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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PHED W2B Water Safety Div PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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PHIL 140 Intro to Philosophy PI 225 Introduction to Philosophy
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PHIL 141 Existentialism PI 413 Existential Philosophy
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PHIL 148 Reason & Argument PI 302 Basic Logic
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PHIL 15 Intro to Ethics PI 301 Ethics
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PHIL 150 Intro to Logic PI 302 Basic Logic
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PHIL 160 Intro to Ethics PI 301 Ethics
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PHIL 161 Intro to Ethics Honors PI 301 Ethics
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PHIL 180 Int Soc & Poltl Phil PI 100T3 Phil Elective
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PHIL 188 Ancient Philosophy PI 370 Ancient Philosophy
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PHIL 192 Mod Phil Descartes PI 100T3 Phil Elective
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PHIL 23 Hist Mod Philosophy PI 373 Modern Philosophy
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PHIL 230 Intro Existentialism PI 413 Existential Philosophy
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PHIL 288 Ancient Philosophy PI 370 Ancient Philosophy
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PHIL 292 Mod Phil Descartes PI 200T3 Phil Elective
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PHIL 31 Intr Oriental Phil PI 335 Eastern Thought: Hinduism-Zen
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PHIL 310 Intro to Symbolic Logic PI 300T Philosophy Elective
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PHIL 320 Symbolic Logic PI 300T3 Phil Elective
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PHIL 350 Phil Issues Religion PI 300T3 Phil Elective
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PHIL 360 Moral Issues In Business PI 300T3 Free Elective
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PHIL 368 Moral Issues in Sports PI 300T Philosophy Elective
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PHIL 370 Moral Issues in Medicine PI 300T Philosophy Elective
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PHIL 375 Moral Issues Comp Tec PI 300T3 Phil Elective
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PHIL 380 Environmental Ethics PI 300T3 Phil Elective
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PHIL 386 Mod Philosophy Descartes-Kant PI 300T Phil Elective
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PHIL 504 Philosophy Sex & Love PI 500T3 Phil Elective
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PHIL 506 Chinese Thought PI 500T3 Phil Elective
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PHIL 580 Marxism PI 500T Philosophy Elective
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PHIL 630 Phil of Mathematics FREE 600T Free Elective
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PHIL 670 Contemporary Ethical Theory PI 600T3 Phil Elective
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PHIL 676 Medical Ethics: Life/Death Iss PI 600T Philosophy Elective
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PHMD 101 Fundamentals of Photography AR 100T1 Art Elective
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PHMD 202 Digital Photography AR 200T Art Elective
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PHMD 210 Understanding Photographs AR 200T Art Elective
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PHPR 200 Pharmacy Orientation FREE 200T1 Free Elective
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PHPR 501 Pharmcy Practice I FREE 500T1 Free Elective
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PHPR 502 Pharmacy Practice II Phar Care FREE 500T Free Elective
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PHPR 510 Medical terminology elective FREE 500T Free Elective
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PHPR 571 Pharmacy Practice I FREE 500T1 Free Elective
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PHPR 581 Pharmacy Practice II FREE 500T1 Free Elective
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PHPR 602 Controvrs Phrm Prc FREE 600T Free Elective
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PHPR 613 Financial Managmnt FREE 600T Free Elective
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PHPR 619 Health Care Systems FREE 600T Free Elective
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PHPR 620 Ethics and Introduction to Law FREE 600T Free Elective
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PHPR 621 Pharmacy Law FREE 600T1 Free Elective
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PHPR 622 Intro Clinical Phar FREE 600T2 Free Elective
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PHPR 646 Pharmacotherapy I FREE 600T4 Free Elective
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PHPR 661 Pharmacotherapy I FREE 600T4 Free Elective
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PHPR 672 Dispensing Labrtry FREE 600T3 Free Elective
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PHPR 673 Health Care Mangmt FREE 600T Free Elective
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PHPR 675 Pharmacy Pract III FREE 600T0 Free Elective
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PHPR 676 Clinical Clerkship FREE 600T5 Free Elective
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PHPR 686 Hospital Extrnship FREE 600T6 Free Elective
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PHPR 693 Hospital Pharmcy I FREE 600T3 Free Elective
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PHPR 696 Community Extrnshp FREE 600T7 Free Elective
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PHPR 710 Physical Assessment FREE 700T Free Elective
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PHPR 720 Clnc Prb Phrmckntc FREE 700T1 Free Elective
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PHPR 730 Drug Info&Lit Eval FREE 700T3 Free Elective
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PHPR 745 Advncd Therapeutcs FREE 700T5 Free Elective
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PHSX 1 Introductory Physics I PH 140 College Physics I
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PHSX 101 Phsx, Applictn PH 100T3 Phy Sci Elective
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PHSX 111 Introductory Physics PH 140 College Physics I
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PHSX 114 College Physics I PH 140 College Physics I
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PHSX 114LB College Physics I Lab PH 141 College Physics I Laboratory
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PHSX 115 College Physics II PH 343 College Physics II
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PHSX 115LB College Physics II Lab PH 344 College Physics II Lab
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PHSX 116 Introd Physics Lab PH 141 Coll Phys I Lab
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PHSX 150 Sem Physcs, Astrnmy&Engr Phys PH 100T Physics Elective
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PHSX 2 Intro Physics II PH 343 College Physics II
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PHSX 210 General Physics I for Engin PH 200T Physics Elective
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PHSX 211 General Physics I PH 190 Physics I
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PHSX 211 General Physics I PH 192 Physics I Recitation
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PHSX 212 General Physics II PH 395 Physics II Recitation
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PHSX 212 General Physics II PH 393 Physics II
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PHSX 216 General Physics I Laboratory PH 191 Physics I Laboratory
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PHSX 236 General Physics II Lab PH 394 Physics II Lab
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PHSX 2LB Intro Physics II Lab PH 344 College Physics II Lab
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PHSX 313 General Physics III PH 300T Physics Elective
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PHSX 321 Intermedt Mechanic FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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PHSX 5 General Physics I PH 140 College Physics I
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PHSX 521 Mechanics I FREE 100T Free Elective
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PHSX 531 Electricity and Magnetism PH 762 Electricity and Magnetism I
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PHSX 594 Cosmology and Culture PS 300T1 Physical Science Elective
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PHSX 5LB General Physics I Lab PH 141 College Physics I Laboratory
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PHSX 611 Introductory Quantum Mechanics PH 795 Intro to Quantum Mechanics
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PHSX 631 Electromagnetic Theory PH 763 Electricity and Magnetism II
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PIAN 111 Elem Keybd Musicns MU 131 Group Piano 1
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PIAN 121 Piano MU 126 Piano For Fun New Beginners
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PIAN 133 Keyboard Musicianship MU 100T2 Music Elective
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PIAN 144 Elem Group Piano I MU 132 Group Piano 2
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PIAN 148 Elem Group Pian II MU 132 Group Piano
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PIAN 184 Elm Class Pian III MU 100T1 Music Elective
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PIAN 188 Elem Group Piano IV MU 134 Group Piano
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PIAN 227 Accompanying MU 200T2 Mus Elective
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PIAN 284 Interm Keybd Skl I MU 200T2 Mus Elective
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PIAN 288 Intrm Keybd Skl II MU 200T2 Mus Elective
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PIAN 302 Intm Group Piano I MU 300T1 Music Elective
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PIAN 622 Piano MU 551 Applied Music
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PMCO 328 Nurs Pharmacology I NU 300T Nursing Elective
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PNTG 263 Painting I AR 211 Painting I
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PNTG 264 Painting II AR 311 Painting II
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PNTG 364 Painting II AR 311 Painting II
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PNTG 585 The Figure I AR 500T3 Art Elective
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PNTG 599 Sp Prob Visual Art AR 491 Projects In Painting
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PO 624 Environmental Politics/Policy PO 600T Political Science Elective
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POLS 1 Intro American Politics PO 121 American National Government
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POLS 110 Intro to U S Politics PO 121 American National Government
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POLS 110A Intro to U S Politics PO 121 American National Government
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POLS 111 Intro U S Pol PO 121 American National Government
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POLS 130 Demo & Bureau State PO 100T3 Free Elective
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POLS 150 Intro Compar Politics PO 345 Intro to Comparative Politics
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POLS 151 Intro Comp Pol Hnr PO 100T3 Po Elective
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POLS 170 Intro International Politics PO 330 International Relations
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POLS 171 Intro International Politics H PO 330 International Relations
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POLS 190 Library Research In Pol Scienc PO 100T1 Free Elective
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POLS 200 History Political Theory PO 200T3 Free Elective
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POLS 201 Intro Political Theory PO 200T3 Pol Sci Elective
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POLS 270 Cont Iss World Pol PO 200T3 Pol Sci Elective
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POLS 306 Political Sci Methd of Inquiry PO 300T Political Science Elective
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POLS 310 Contmp Issu US Pol PO 300T3 Pol Sci Elective
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POLS 320 Introduction to Public Policy PO 300T Pol Sci Elective
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POLS 330 Intro to Public Admin PO 350 Public Administration
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POLS 370 Contmp Iss Internatnl Politics PO 300T Political Sci Elective
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POLS 412 Government of Kansas PO 400T3 Pol Sc Elective
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POLS 470 Current Am Foreign Policy PO 333 American Foreign Policy
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POLS 492 Personnel Admin Sem PO 400T1 Pol Sc Elective
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POLS 5 Intro International Politics PO 100T3 Pol Sc Elective
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POLS 502 Hist Polit Thought PO 405 Develop of Political Thought
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POLS 511 The Judicial Process PO 448 The American Judiciary
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POLS 512 Latino Politics PO 427 Gov & Politics of Latin Amer
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POLS 515 American Political Parties PO 441 Amer Political Parties & Elect
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POLS 517 The Presidency PO 447 The American Presidency
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POLS 611 Const Law: Civil Lib PO 445 Constitutional Law
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POLS 613 Comp U S State Pol PO 704 Sem Comparative Govt & Politic
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POLS 614 Urban Politics & Admin PO 323 Urban Politics And Government
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POLS 615 Campaigns & Elections PO 441 Amer Political Parties & Elect
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POLS 617 Legislators In U.S. PO 600T3 Pol Sc Elective
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POLS 620 Formul Public Policy PO 600T3 Pol Sci Elective
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POLS 637 Pub Pers Administr PO 600T3 Pol Sc Elective
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POLS 658 Revol Pol Lat Amer PO 600T3 Pol Sci Elective
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POLS 667 Islam And Politics PO 600T3 Pol Sci Elective
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POLS 670 U S Foreign Policy PO 333 American Foreign Policy
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POLS 672 International Political Econom EC 300T1 Economics Elective
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POLS 673 International Organization PO 335 Intern Law and Organization
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POLS 674 International Law PO 600T3 Pol Sci Elective
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POLS 677 Inter Rel Lat Amer PO 427 Govt & Politics - Latin Americ
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PORT 104 Elem Brazln Port I FREE 100T5 Free Elective
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PRE 101 Orientation Seminar FREE 100T2 Free Elective
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PRE 106 Minority Ldrshp Sm FREE 100T2 Free Elective
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PRE 200 Child & Adoles In School PY 211 Developmental Psychology
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PRE 200A Child & Adoles In Sch PY 200T2 Psy Elective
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PRE 210 Career & Life Planning FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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PRE 300 Prin of Human Lrng FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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PRE 305 Devlpmnt&Learng of Young Child PY 300T Psych Elective
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PRE 306 Develpmnt&Learng of Adolescent PY 300T3 Psych Elective
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PRE 704 Ad Ed Psy: Lrn Proc PY 700T3 Psy Elective
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PRNT 223 Intaglio I AR 207 Printmaking I
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PRNT 233 Lithography I AR 207 Printmaking I
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PRNT 243 Serigrphy I AR 200T3 Art Elective
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PRNT 300 Special Topics in Printmaking AR 300T1 Art Elective
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PSLG 398 Neurophysiology FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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PSYC 1 Gen Psychology PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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PSYC 102 Orientation Seminar Psychology PY 100T Psychology Elective
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PSYC 104 General Psychology PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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PSYC 120 Personality PY 100T3 Psy Elective
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PSYC 200 Research methods in Psychology PY 301 Exp Rsrch Meth/Inferential Sta
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PSYC 210 Statistics Psychological Rsrch PY 520 Statistics I
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PSYC 225 Psychology Thinking PY 200T Psychology Elective
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PSYC 250 Human Development PY 211 Developmental Psychology
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PSYC 260 Social Psychology PY 333 Social Psychology
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PSYC 296 Statistics Psych Rsch PY 244 Statistics I
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PSYC 300 Statistics Psyc Rsch PY 520 Statistics I
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PSYC 305 Mental Health Children PY 300T3 Psych Elective
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PSYC 306 Individual Differences PY 300T3 Psych Elective
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PSYC 310 Intimate Relationship PY 300T3 Psy Elective
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PSYC 310A Resrch Mthds Psych PY 301 Exp Rsrch Meth/Inferential Sta
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PSYC 318 Cognitive Psychology PY 343 Cognitive Psychology
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PSYC 319 Cognitive Psych PY 343 Cognitive Psychology
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PSYC 320 Sensory Psychology PY 300T3 Psych Elective
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PSYC 322 Psyc Sleep & Dreaming PY 300T3 Psy Elective
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PSYC 325 Children & Television PY 300T3 Psych Elective
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PSYC 333 Child Psychology PY 211 Developmental Psychology
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PSYC 333A Child Psychology PY 300T3 Psy Elective
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PSYC 340 Af-Am Fam:Psyc Apr PY 300T3 Psych Elective
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PSYC 350 Psychological Disorders PY 427 Abnormal Psychology
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PSYC 357 Psych & The Supernatural PY 300T3 Free Elective
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PSYC 360 Social Psychology PY 333 Social Psychology
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PSYC 370 Brain And Behavior PY 300T3 Psy Elective
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PSYC 372 Psyc Sleep & Dreaming PY 300T3 Psy Elective
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PSYC 375 Cognitive Neuroscience PY 300T Psychology Elective
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PSYC 380 Intr Bhvr Neuroscn PY 300T3 Psy Elective
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PSYC 388 Psychology of Women PY 300T3 Psych Elective
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PSYC 405 Mental Hlth Children PY 400T3 Psy Elective
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PSYC 406 Individual Differences PY 626 Theories of Personality
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PSYC 406A Individual Differences PY 400T3 Psy Elective
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PSYC 410 Intimate Relationships PY 400T3 Psy Elective
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PSYC 420 Fundamentals of Personality PY 626 Theories of Personality
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PSYC 422 Intelligence & Cognition PY 343 Cognitive Psychology
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PSYC 430 Cognitive Development PY 343 Cognitive Psychology
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PSYC 435 Social & Personality Developme PY 400T Psychology Elective
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PSYC 470 Intro Contemp Psyc PY 400T3 Psych Elective
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PSYC 480 Independent Study PY 400T Psy Electiave
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PSYC 492 Psych & Social Issues PY 400T3 Psych Elective
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PSYC 500 Intermd Statistics Psych Rsrch PY 500T Psychology Elective
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PSYC 502 Psych Human Sexual Behavior PY 500T3 Free Elective
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PSYC 510 Infant Behvr&Devlp PY 500T3 Psych Elective
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PSYC 518 Human Memory PY 500T3 Psy Elective
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PSYC 571 Violence In Mod World PY 500T3 Psy Elective
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PSYC 574 Psych of Satisfaction PY 500T3 Free Elective
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PSYC 581 Psychology of Religion PY 500T1 Psychology Elective
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PSYC 594 Soc-Personal Prob In Rehab Psy PY 500T3 Psych Elective
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PSYC 595 Psyc Excp Child: Prb SE 550 Survey of Exceptionality
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PSYC 604 Psychological Tests PY 440 Psychological Testing
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PSYC 605 Health Psychology PY 600T3 Psy Elective
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PSYC 626 Psych Adolescence PY 600T3 Psy Elective
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PSYC 642 Psychology Families PY 600T3 Psy Elective
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PSYC 650 Abnormal Psychology PY 427 Abnormal Psychology
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PSYC 662 Industrial & Organ Psychology PY 432 Psych of Business & Industry
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PSYC 670 Theories of Personality PY 626 Theories of Personality
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PSYC 690 Seminar PY 600T3 Psy Elective
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PSYCH 300 Statistics In Psych Research PY 520 Statistics I
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PSYCH 318 Cognitive Psych PY 343 Cognitive Psychology
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PSYCH 333 Child Psych PY 300T3 Psych Elective
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PSYCH 360 Social Psych PY 333 Social Psychology
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PSYCH 370 Brain And Behavior PY 300T3 Psy Elective
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PSYCH 390 The Mind PY 300T3 Psych Elective
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PSYCH 425 Children & T. V. PY 400T3 Psy Elective
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PSYCH 566 Psych of Law PY 500T3 Psy Elective
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PSYCH 626 Psych of Adolescence PY 600T3 Psy Elective
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PSYCH 642 Psych of Families PY 600T3 Psy Elective
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PUAD 330 Introduction to Public Adminis PO 350 Public Administration
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PUAD 333 Hard Choices Public Adminstr PO 300T Political Science Elective
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REC 100 Recital Attendance MU 099 Recital
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REC 100A Lab In Music Perfr MU 100T0 Mus Elective
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REES 110 Undrstnd Russia & East Europe FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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REES 480 Spec Prob Area Std FREE 400T3 Free Elective
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REL 104 Introd to Religious Studies PI 369 World Religions
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REL 106 Living Rel of East PI 100T3 Phil Elective
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REL 107 Living Rel of West PI 100T3 Phil Elective
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REL 124 Understanding The Bible PI 100T3 Phil Elective
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REL 130 Myth,Legend&Flk Beliefs E Asia PI 100T3 Phil Elective
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REL 162 Myth, Legend E Asia PI 100T3 Phil Elective
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REL 171 Religion In Amer Society PI 100T3 Free Elective
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REL 215 Life & Teaching Jesus PI 200T3 Free Elective
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REL 266 Religion & Moral Decisions PI 200T3 Phil Elective
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REL 311 Hebr Scrpt - Old Test PI 300T3 Phil Elective
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REL 320 History of Judaism PI 300T3 Phil Elective
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REL 341 Mysticism PI 300T3 Free Elective
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REL 345 Christianity FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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REL 350 Islam FREE 300T Free Elective
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REL 475 Loving Relationship PI 400T3 Phil Elective
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REL 485 Sects & Cult In U.S. PI 400T3 Phil Elective
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RTVF 180 Intro to Broadcast Perf FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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RTVF 188 Prac Broadcast Performance FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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RTVF 280 Intro to Radio & Tv FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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RTVF 381 History Silent Film FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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RUSS 104 Elementary Russian I FL 100T Modern Language Elective
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RUSS 108 Elementary Russian II RU 111 Beginning Russian II
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RUSS 204 Intermed Russian I RU 200T6 Russian Elective
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RUSS 216 Second Yr Russian II RU 200T3 Russian Elective
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S W 0310 Managing Stress FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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S W 220 Soc Wrk, Wlf&US Soc SO 351 Introduction to Social Welfare
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S W 253 Social Welfare & Society SO 200T3 Soc Elective
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S W 279 Human Sexuality/Everyday Life CW 309 Human Sexuality
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S W 287 Intro to Social Work SO 351 Introduction to Social Welfare
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S W 303 Human Sexuality/Everyday Life HL 457 Human Sexuality Education
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S W 310 Manag Stress: Princ FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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S W 490 Directed Readings SO 400T1 Soc Elective
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S W 510 Fndmnt of Social Work Practice SO 500T Sociology Elective
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S W 520 Soc Prob, Pol & Prog Analy II SO 500T3 Soc Elective
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S W 530 Hum Behavior In Soc Envir SW 500T3 Soc Elective
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S W 532 Comm & Org Dynamics And Hum Be SO 500T3 Soc Elective
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S W 540 Fundamentls of Socl Work Resrc SO 500T Sociology Elective
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S W 541 Social Work Research Seminar SO 500T Sociology Elective
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S W 555 Topics In Diversity SO 500T3 Free Elective
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S W 560 Topics in Social Welfare SO 500T Sociology Elective
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SA&D 402 Intro Projct Mngmt CS 400T3 Comp Sci Elective
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SCHR 140 Fund Speech: Interpersonal SP 100 Interpersonal Communication
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SCHR 150 Persnal Communictn FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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SCHR 151 Personal Commun Hnrs FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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SCHR 230 Fund of Debate SP 222 Argumentation & Debate
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SCHR 236 Intro Human Relations FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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SCHR 238 Case in Persuasion SP 200T Speech Elective
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SCM 305 Survey Decision Making Bus BU 300T Business Elective
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SCM 310 Managmnt Sci&Operratns Managmn MG 423 Operations Management
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SCUL 253 Sculpture I AR 323 Sculpture I
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SLAV 104 Elem Russian I RU 110 Beginning Russian I
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SLAV 108 Elementary Russian II RU 111 Beginning Russian II
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SLAV 144 Srvy Russian Liter In Transltn FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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SLAV 148 Intro Slav Folklore FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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SOC 1 Elem of Sociology SO 101 Introduction to Sociology
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SOC 104 Elements of Sociology SO 101 Introduction to Sociology
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SOC 108 Social Prob & Am Values SO 202 Social Problems
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SOC 110 The American People SO 100T3 Soc Elective
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SOC 130 Comparative Societies SO 100T3 Soc Elective
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SOC 132 American Society SO 100T3 Soc Elective
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SOC 150 Self & Society SO 100T3 Soc Elective
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SOC 160 Social Problems & Am Values SO 202 Social Problems
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SOC 2 Social Prob & Am Values SO 202 Social Problems
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SOC 220 Intro to Family Sociology SO 400 The Family in Social Context
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SOC 273 Women In Society SO 200T3 Free Elective
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SOC 295 Study Abroad Topics: Social Ch SO 200T Sociology Elective
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SOC 304 Prin of Sociology SO 101 Introduction to Sociology
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SOC 310 Introduction to Social Researc SO 450 Research Methods
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SOC 330 American Society SO 300T3 Soc Elective
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SOC 331 Understanding China And Japan SO 300T3 Soc Elective
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SOC 352 Sociology Sex Roles SO 300T3 Soc Elective
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SOC 371 Unusual Groups SO 300T3 Soc Elective
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SOC 500 Sociological Theory SO 501 Classical Sociological Theory
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SOC 520 Groups & Association SO 500T3 Soc Elective
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SOC 523 Sociology of Aging SO 350 Adult Development And Aging
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SOC 524 Sociology of Economy SO 500T3 Soc Elective
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SOC 525 Sociology of Work SO 500T3 Soc Elective
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SOC 534 Comprtv Racial & Ethnic Relati SO 370 Race & Ethnic Relations
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SOC 560 Law And Criminal Justice SO 353 Criminology
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SOC 561 Social Deviation SO 303 Social Deviance
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SOC 569 Social Dimensions of Alcoholis SO 500T3 Soc Elective
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SOC 571 Collective Behavior SO 500T3 Soc Elective
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SOC 600 Sociologcl Perspct SO 600T Sociology Elective
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SOC 618 Soclgy of Pharmacy SO 600T Sociology Elective
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SOC 620 Social Organization SO 600T3 Soc Elective
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SOC 625 Work Roles Hlth & Med SO 600T3 Soc Elective
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SOC 627 School And Society SO 600T3 Soc Elective
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SOC 662 Corrections SO 403 Sociology of Corrections
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SOC 698 Indiv Undrgrd Rsch SO 600T3 Soc Elective
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SOC 780 Adv Topics In Soc SO 700T3 Soc Elective
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SOCL 130 Comparative Societies SO 100T3 Soc Elective
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SP&A 262 Intr Chldrn Speech SP 200T3 Speech Elective
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SPAA 691 Internship Experience FREE 300T1 Free Elective
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SPAN 104 Elementary Spanish I SA 110 Spanish Language & Culture I
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SPAN 105 Elem Spanish I Accelerated SA 110 Spanish Language & Culture I
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SPAN 108 Elementary Spanish II SA 210 Spanish Language & Culture II
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SPAN 109 Elem Spanish II Accel SA 210 Spanish Language & Culture II
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SPAN 111 Intensive Elem Span SA 110 Spanish Language & Culture I
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SPAN 111A Intensive Elem Span SA 210 Spanish Language & Culture II
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SPAN 112 Intermed Spanish I SA 313 Spanish Language & Culture III
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SPAN 128 Inter Span Convers SA 100T Spanish Elective
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SPAN 212 Intermed Spanish I SA 313 Spanish Language & Culture III
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SPAN 216 Intermediate Spanish II SA 314 Spanish Language & Culture IV
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SPAN 220 Intensive Intermed Spanish SA 314 Spanish Language & Culture IV
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SPAN 300KU Spanish Credit Recommended SA 300T9 Spanish Elective
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SPAN 310 Hispanic Lang & Civil SA 495 Special Topics In Spanish
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SPAN 320 Modern Span-Amer Literature SA 374 Survey of Spanish Literature
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SPAN 322 Span Grammr: Form&Meang Contex SA 339 Reading and Conversation
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SPAN 324 Intermed Spanish Grammar/Comp SA 359 Adv Grammar/Composition
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SPAN 328 Intermed Spanish Conversation SA 495 Special Topics In Spanish
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SPAN 329 Advn Span Convrs I SA 300T1 Spanish Elective
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SPAN 340 Modern Spanish Amer Lit SA 324 Survey/Latin Am Lit II
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SPAN 370 Hispanic Culture SA 300T3 Spanish Elective
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SPAN 388 Advanced Spanish Conversation SA 495 Special Topics In Spanish
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SPAN 424 Adv Span Comp&Gram SA 400T3 Span Elective
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SPAN 425 Adv Span Comp & Gram SA 400T3 Spanish Elective
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SPAN 428 Adv Span Conver II SA 400T1 Spanish Elective
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SPAN 429 Spanish Phonetics SA 400T3 Span Elective
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SPAN 446 Spanish Culture SA 400T3 Spanish Elective
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SPAN 461 Cent Spanam Std SA 400T3 Spanish Elective
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SPAN 468 Spanish Culture SA 400T Spanish Elective
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SPAN 475 Studies Span Amer Lit SA 495 Special Topics In Spanish
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SPAN 488 Adv Spanish Conversation II SA 410 Phonetics Conversation
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SPAN 494 Spec Readings In Spanish SA 495 Special Topics In Spanish
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SPAN 520 Structure of Spanish SA 359 Adv Grammar/Composition
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SPAN 530 Colloq Hispanic Lit SA 365 Introduction to Literature
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SPCH 1 Fund of Speech SP 101 Public Speaking
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SPCH 100 Introdc to Theatre TH 105 Theatre Appreciation
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SPCH 12 Intr Rhet&Soc Infl SP 100T3 Speech Elective
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SPCH 130 Fund Speech Speaker-Aud SP 101 Fundamentals of Speech
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SPCH 150 Personal Communication SP 101 Public Speaking
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SPCH 1B Fund Speech-Interpersonal SP 100 Interpersonal Communication
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SPCH 230 Fund of Debate SP 222 Argumentation & Debate
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SPCH 31 Cases in Persuasn SP 100T Speech Elective
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SPCH 540 Hum Rel Grp Intr I SP 500T3 Speech Elective
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SPED 261 Families &Professionl Partnrsh ED 200T Education Elective
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SPED 326 Tchng Ex Chld&Yth Gnrl Educatn SD 550 Survey of Exceptionality
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SPED 362 Intro Discipline Early Educatn ED 300T Education Elective
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SPED 425 Intro to Excep Child And Youth SE 550 Survey of Exceptionality
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SPED 431 Intro Exc Child/Adoles SE 400T1 Free Elective
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SPED 497 Independent Study FREE 400T1 Free Elective
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SPED 500 Introduction to Sign Language RE 500T Free Elective
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SPED 501 American Sign Language I FREE 500T Free Elective
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SPED 502 Amer Sign Language II RE 500T Free Elective
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SPED 503 Am Sign Language III RE 500T Free Elective
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SPED 598 Sp Crs: American Sign Lang I RE 500T3 Free Elective
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SPED 598A Learning Strategies SE 500T1 Free Elective
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SPED 616 Pos Sup Chall Bhvr SE 600T3 Educ Elective
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SPED 635 Intro to Except In Ch & Youth SD 550 Survey of Exceptionality
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SPED 718 Educ Microcomputing SE 700T3 Educ Elective
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SPED 725 Psych & Educ of Excep Child SE 550 Survey of Exceptionality
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SPED 772 Partcp Exc Chldrn SE 700T3 Educ Elective
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SPED 775 Prac W/Excpt Chld SE 700T3 Educ Elective
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SPED 860 Ed Exc Chd & Yth II CI 800T3 Educ Elective
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SPED 879 Conferencing With Parents CI 800T3 Educ Elective
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SPED 897 Independent Study SE 700T3 Educ Elective
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SPLH 120 Physics of Speech SP 100T Free Elective
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SPLH 261 Survey Communication Disorders PY 551 Communication Disorders
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SPLH 262 Intr Childrens Speech SP 200T3 Speech Elective
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SPLH 270 Intro Normal Proc Speech SP 200T3 Free Elective
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SPLH 464 Undergraduate Seminar SP 400T1 Free Elective
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SPLH 466 Language Science SP 400T3 Speech Elective
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SPLH 475 Clinical Observation SP 400T2 Free Elective
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SPLH 566 Speech & Language Development SP 500T3 Free Elective
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SPLH 660 Rsrh Methd Speech-Lang-Hear SP 600T Speech Elective
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SPLH 662 Principles of Speech Science SP 600T4 Free Elective
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SPLH 663 Principles of Hearing Science SP 600T3 Free Elective
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SPLH 665 Phoenetic Amer English SP 600T3 Free Elective
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SPLH 667 Intro Speech & Lng Eval SP 600T3 Free Elective
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SPLH 668 Prin Clin Management SP 600T3 Free Elective
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SPLH 669 Audiology I FREE 600T Free Elective
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SPLH 671 Intr Spch-Lng Path SP 600T Speech Elective
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SPLH 680 Cgntv Neuro Hmn Cm SP 600T Speech Elective
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SPLH 698 Aural Rehabiltaton SP 600T Free Elective
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SPLH 699 Prin of Spch Percp FREE 600T Free Elective
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SPLH 764 American Sign Lang RE 340 Sign Language I
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SW 220 Social Wrk/Social Wlfr/US Soc SO 345 Introduction to Social Work
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SW 303 Human Sexuality/Everyday Life HL 457 Human Sexuality Education
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SW 310 Managing Stress SO 300T3 Soc Elective
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SW 510 Fund of Social Work Practice SO 500T5 Sociology Elective
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SW 530 Human Behavior in the Soc Envi SO 347 Social Work & Human Behavior
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SW 532 Comm/Oran Dyn & Human Behav SO 500T Sociology Elective
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SW 540 Fund of Social Work Research SO 500T1 Sociology Elective
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SW 541 Social Work Research Seminar SO 500T2 Sociology Elective
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SW 550 Indian Experience SO 500T Sociology Elective
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SW 555 Diversity/Oppress/Social Justi SO 500T4 Sociology Elective
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SWED 104 Elementary Swedish I FL 100T Modern Language Elective
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T D 133 Intro to Fibers AR 100T3 Art Elective
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T D 202 Fiber Properties Lec AR 200T3 Art Elective
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T D 300 Textile Prnt & Dyeing FS 300T3 Free Elective
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T D 403 Dir Std Textile Prnt AR 494 Projects In Weaving
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T D 404 Problems In Printing & Dyeing AR 494 Projects In Weaving
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T D 504 History of Textiles AR 494 Projects In Weaving
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T E 100 Int Tch: Career Awr CI 121 Intro/Tchg Clinical Lab
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T E 200 Child & Adoles In Sch PY 211 Developmental Psychology
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T E 210 Educ Multicultu Soc CI 200T2 Educ Elective
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T&L 100 Int Educatn Prfssn ED 220 Introduction to Teaching
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T&L 200 Mkng Cnctn Schl&Cm ED 200T3 Educ Elective
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T&L 301 Instruc Technlgy Elem-Middl IT 325 Instruct Tech for Educators
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T&L 320 Instrctn Strat&Mod EL 300T3 El Ed Elective
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T&L 322 Curric&Learner in Elem Sch EE 415 Foundations of Curriculum Dev
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T&L 325 Educn in Multicultural Society EL 535 Cultural Awareness for Educ
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T&L 344 Childrn Lit in Elemntry School EL 230 Using Child Lit in Elem Clsrm
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T&L 351 Tch Rd Contnt Area EL 416 Tchg Rdng In Secondary Schools
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T&L 352 Litercy Instrctn Primary Grade EL 312 Reading & Writing Connections
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T&L 353 Litercy Practicm Primry Grades EL 300T Elementary Ed Elective
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T&L 421 Economics for Elemtry Teachrs EL 400T Elementary Ed Elective
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T&L 450 Foundations of Education EL 220 Introduction to Teaching
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T&L 497 Independent Study FREE 400T1 Free Elective
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TD 133 Introdctn to Fibers FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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TD W 136 Textiles FS 100T3 Free Elective
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TH&F 100 Intro to Theatre TH 105 Theatre Appreciation
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TH&F 101 Theatre Practicum I TA 100T1 Thea Arts Elective
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TH&F 105 Improvisation TH 210 Movement for Actors
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TH&F 106 Acting I TH 221 Acting II
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TH&F 111 Make-Up TA 100T1 Thea Arts Elective
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TH&F 112 Beg Voice & Speech For Actors SP 100T3 Speech Elective
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TH&F 113 Begn Mvmt & Voic Act TH 210 Movement for Actors
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TH&F 180 Intro to Broadcast Perf TA 100T3 Free Elective
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TH&F 201 Theatre Practicum II TA 200T Theatre Arts Elective
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TH&F 206 Acting II TH 321 Acting III
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TH&F 213 Intermd Mvmt & Voice TH 223 Voice and Diction
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TH&F 215 Apprch Design Th&F TH 350 Intro to Theatrical Design
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TH&F 216 Scenic Production TH 331 Scenery Practicum
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TH&F 220 Costume Production TH 234 Stage Costuming
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TH&F 226 Int Afrc Danc Thea TA 200T2 Thea Arts Elective
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TH&F 283 Intro Film Medium TA 000T0 Thea Arts Elective
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TH&F 302 Undergrad Seminar In:The Horro TA 300T3 Thea Arts Elective
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TH&F 304 Study Abroad Topics in: FREE 300T Free Elective
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TH&F 308 Script Analysis TH 325 Script Analysis
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TH&F 309 Fundmnt of Directing TH 426 Play Directing
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TH&F 313 Advncd Movmt & Voice TA 300T2 Thea Arts Elective
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TH&F 320 Beg Costume Theatr TA 300T3 Thea Arts Elective
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TH&F 326 African Theat & Drama TA 300T3 Thea Arts Elective
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TH&F 375 Basic Video Production TA 300T Theatre Arts Elective
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TH&F 380 Amr Pop Culture Of: The 1960'S TA 300T3 Thea Arts Elective
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TH&F 381 History Silent Film TA 300T3 Thea Arts Elective
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TH&F 382 Hist Am Sound Film TA 300T3 Thea Arts Elective
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TH&F 383 Interntl Sound Film TA 300T3 Thea Arts Elective
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TH&F 384 Hstry Afr-Amr Imag FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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TH&F 404 Children And Drama TH 461 Dramatic Activities with Child
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TH&F 406 Audition Technique TA 400T3 Thea Arts Elective
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TH&F 525 Thtre West Cv 1642 TH 390 History of the Theatre I
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TH&F 526 Theatre in Western Civ from 16 TH 500T Theatre Arts Elective
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TH&F 527 Oriental Thea & Drama TA 500T3 Thea Arts Elective
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TH&F 583 Film Theory TA 500T3 Thea Arts Elective
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THDR 100 Introduction to Theatre TH 105 Theatre Appreciation
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THDR 103 Performance of Literature TA 100T3 Free Elective
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THDR 105 Improvisation TA 100T3 Thea Arts Elective
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THDR 106 Acting I TH 221 Acting II
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THDR 201 Prac In Theatre Art TA 105 Theatre Practicum
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THMA 100 Intro to Theatre TH 105 Theatre Appreciation
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THMA 105 Improvisation TA 100T3 Thea Arts Elective
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THMA 106 Acting I TH 221 Acting II
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THMA 111 Make-Up TA 100T1 Theatre Arts Elective
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THMA 112 Diction/Dialect Wrk For Actors TA 100T2 Theatre Arts Elective
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THMA 180 Intro to Broadcast Performance TA 100T3 Free Elective
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THMA 188 Prac Broadcast Performance TA 100T1 Thea Arts Elective
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THMA 206 Acting II TH 321 Acting III
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THMA 280 Intro Radio, Tv & Tech SP 200T3 Comm Elective
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THMA 283 Intro to Film Medium TA 200T3 Free Elective
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THMA 302 American Musical Film TA 300T3 Free Elective
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THMA 320 Costume Construction TA 300T3 Thea Arts Elective
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THMA 404 Children And Drama TA 400T3 Free Elective
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THMA 480 Applied Aesthet: Film TA 400T3 Free Elective
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THMA 580 1930'S FREE 500T3 Free Elective
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THMA 694 Hist & Criticism of Broadcast TA 600T3 Free Elective
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THR 100 Introduction to Theatre TH 105 Theatre Appreciation
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THR 101 Theatre Practicum I TH 331 Scenery Practicum
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THR 105 Improvisation TH 100T1 Theatre Elective
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THR 106 Acting I TH 121 Acting I
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THR 201 Theatre Practicum II TH 334 Costume Practicum
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THR 206 Acting II TH 221 Acting II
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THR 212 Begin Voice/Speech for Actors TH 223 Voice and Diction
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THR 215 Approaching Design TH 200T1 Theatre Elective
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THR 216 Scenic Production TH 131 Stagecraft
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THR 404 Children and Drama TH 300T1 Theatre Elective
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TROM 321 Trombone Cryder MU 300T1 Music Elective
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TRUM 121 Trumpet MU 262 Applied Music
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TRUM 224 Trumpet MU 262 Applied Music
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TRUM 321 Trumpet MU 262 Applied Music
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TUBA 121 Tuba MU 266 Applied Music
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TURK 104 Elementary Turkish I FL 100T Modern Language Elective
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UBPL 200 Sustainability and Society EB 200T Environmental Biology Elective
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UBPL 332 Environmental Law EB 300T3 Env Biol Elective
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UBPL 522 History of the American City I EB 500T Evnironmental Biology Elect
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UBPL 538 Intr Envrnt Plng I EB 500T3 Env Biol Elective
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UNIV 101 Orientation Seminar FREE 100T Free Elective
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VAE 210 Educ Multicult Soc CI 200T2 Free Elective
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VAE 320 Instruction & Curriculum I AR 300T3 Art Educ Elective
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VAE 325 Educ In A Multicult Soc AR 324 Elementary Art Education
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VAE 330 Fundamentals of Art AR 000T0 Art Elective
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VAE 341 Instr Strat In Art/Elem Clas T AR 300T1 Art Elective
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VAE 395 Community Collab in Art Educ AR 300T2 Art Elective
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VAE 420 Artistic Media&Processes Art E AR 400T Art Elective
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VAE 695 Tech Collq:Art Museums & Schoo AR 600T Art Elective
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VION 100 Violin MU 253 Applied Music
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VION 121 Violin MU 253 Applied Music
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VISC 200 Foundations in Typography AR 200T3 Art Elective
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VISC 202 Typography AR 200T3 Art Elective
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VISC 204 Visual Concepts AR 200T3 Art Elective
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VISC 302 Typographic Systems AR 300T Art Elective
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VISC 304 Designing Understanding AR 300T Art Elective
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VISC 520 Hallmark Sympos Ser FREE 500T1 Free Elective
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VNCL 100 Violoncello MU 100T1 Music Elective
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VOIC 120 Vocal Perf Cls MU 250 Applied Music
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VOIC 121 Voice MU 121 Voice Class
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VOIC 224 Voice MU 250 Applied Music
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VOIC 270 English MU 200T1 Free Elective
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W C 1 Wc Prog Discuss I WH 100T1 Free Elective
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W C 104 Western Civ I Read-Discuss CW 221 Major Ideas In Western Civ I
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W C 105 Western Civ II CW 222 Major Ideas In Western Civ II
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W C 114 Western Civ I Honors CW 221 Major Ideas In Western Civ I
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W C 115 Western Civ II Honors CW 222 Major Ideas In Western Civ II
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W C 120 Comprehensive Exam HI 100T2 World Hist Elective
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W C 134 Wc Lec-Dis Progm I WH 100T3 Hist Elective
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W C 135 Wc Lec-Dis Prog II WH 100T3 Hist Elective
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W C 2 Wc Prog Discuss II WH 100T1 Free Elective
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W C 204 Western Civilization I HI 101 World Cultures to 1500
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W C 205 Western Civilization II HI 102 Modern World Civilization
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W C 234 Western Civilization I HI 101 World Cultures to 1500
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W C 235 Western Civilization II HI 102 Modern World Civilization
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W S 201 U S Womn Today: Intr FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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W S 520 Women And Violence FREE 500T3 Free Elective
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WENS 252 Wind Ensemble MU 200T1 Music Elective
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WENS 456 Wind Ensemble MU 400T1 Music Elective
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WGSS 101 Intro Wmn, Gndr & Sexuality St ID 401 Intro to Women's Studies
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WGSS 201 Wmn std: Intrdisciplinary Intr FREE 200T Free Elective
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WGSS 320 Goddesses-Witches: Premd Europ FREE 300T Free Elective
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WGSS 333 Politics of Physical Appearanc FREE 300T Free Elective
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WGSS 351 Womn & Ldrshp: Legist Process FREE 300T1 Free Elective
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WGSS 389 Anthr ender: Femail Male & Bey FREE 300T1 Free Elective
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WGSS 396 Studies in: Topics FREE 300T Free Elective
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WOLO 110 Elementary Wolof I FL 100T1 Modern Language Elective
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WOLO 120 Elementary Wolof II FL 100T2 Modern Language Elective
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WS 201 Womn Std: Intrdscpl FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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WS 511 Hst Am Wmn/1870-PR FREE 300T3 Free Elective
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