Boston University Emporia State University
Subject Code Description Subject Code Description
AS 101 The Solar System PH 111 Intro to Space Science Lab
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AS 101 The Solar System PH 110 Introduction to Space Science
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FY 103 First Year Topics FREE 100T2 Free Elective
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HU 221 Major Authors I EN 200T4 Lit Elective
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LF 303 French Com & Conversation I FR 110 French Language and Culture I
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LF 305 Adv Written Expression FR 300T1 French Elective
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LF 350 Intro to Analysis French Texts FR 210 French Language & Culture II
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LS 112 Second Sem Spanish SA 210 Spanish Language & Culture II
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LX 250 Intro Liguistics EG 200T1 English Elective
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LX 311 Morphology EG 300T4 English Elective
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MA 115 Statistics I MA 100T Mathematics Elective
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PH 160 Reason & Argument PO 100T Philosophy Elective
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PS 101 Gen Psychology PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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PS 222 Perception PY 200T Psychology Elective
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PS 241 Dev Psychology PY 211 Developmental Psychology
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PS 251 Psy of Personal PY 200T Psychology Elective
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PS 261 Social Psychology PY 333 Social Psychology
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RN 103 Relig World East PI 100T4 Phil Elective
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WR 100 Writing Seminar EG 101 Composition I
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