Salem State University Emporia State University
Subject Code Description Subject Code Description
BIO 101 Biological Science I GB 100 General Biology
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BIO 101LB Biological Science I Lab GB 101 General Bio Lab
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CSC 200 Survey Computer Sci CS 115 Elements of Computer Science
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CSC 201 Algorit Design/Imp I CS 340 Algorithms & Data Structures I
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CSC 202 Algor Design/Imp II CS 345 Algorithms & Data Structures I
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EN 101 English Composition I EN 107 English Composition I
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EN 102 English Composition II EN 108 English Composition II
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ENG 101 Composition I EG 101 Composition I
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ENG 102 Composition II EG 102 Composition II
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HIS 101 History World Civ I WH 101 Surv of Ancient & Medieval Civ
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HIS 102 History World Civ II WH 102 Survey of Modern Civilization
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HST 102 World History II HI 102 Modern World Civilization
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HST 454 Tudor-Stuart England HI 461 England Since 1660
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IDS 108 First Year Sem I FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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MAT 108 Finite Mathematics MA 100T3 Math Elective
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POL 316 The American Judicial System PO 448 The American Judiciary
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POL 371 Women in Politics HI 486 Modern American Women
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POL 385 Politics in Fiction and Film HI 451 History & Film
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SFL 194 Health & Wellness HL 150 Health For Human Wholeness
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SOC 345 Race & Ethnic Inequality SO 370 Race and Ethnic Relations
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TC 101 Speech Communication SP 101 Public Speaking
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