Univ of Maryland-Eastern Shore Emporia State University
Subject Code Description Subject Code Description
ACCT 201 Intro to Financial Acctng AC 223 Financial Accounting I
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ACCT 202 Intro Corp & Mang Acctng AC 233 Managerial Accounting I
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BIOL 101 Theory & Appl Biol Sci GB 100 General Biology
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BUAD 288 Business Ethics BU 200T3 Bus Elective
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BUAD 302 Mngt & Org Behavior MG 342 Prin Mgmt & Org Behavior
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BUED 212 Comp Concepts/Ap I IS 113 Intro/Microcomp Applic
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BUED 333 Business Communications OS 330 Business Communications
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BUS 1213 Word Processing Applic OS 104 Word Processing Fundamentals
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BUSI 252 Math Anal For Bus & Econ MA 165 Basic Calculus
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ECON 201 Prin of Economics I BC 103 Principles of Economics I
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ECON 202 Prin of Econ II (Micro) BC 104 Principles of Economics II
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ENGL 102 Basic Composition II EN 108 English Comp II
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ENGL 305 Technical Writing EN 265 Technical Writing
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ENVS 101 Intro to Environmental Sci GB 100T3 Biol Elective
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MKTG 404 Consum Behavior & Theory MK 451 Consumer Behavior
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