Univ of Missouri-St Louis Emporia State University
Subject Code Description Subject Code Description
ANTH 011 Intro to Cultural Anthropology AN 101 Introduction to Anthropology
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ANTHR 025 World Cultures AN 100T3 Anth Elective
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ANTHRO 1011 Intro to Cultural Anthropology AN 210 Intro to Cultural Anthropology
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ANTHRO 2109 Archaeol Field School AN 200 Field Archaeology
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ANTHRO 3290 Adv Top in Archaeology Greek H AN 300T Archaeology Elective
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ART 005 Intro to Art AR 000T0 Art Elective
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ARTHS 005 Introduction to Art AR 105 Art Appreciation
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ARTHS 015 Primitive/Tribal Arts AR 000T0 Art Elective
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ARTHS 1100 Intro to Western Art AR 225 Art History I
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ARTHS 2291 Issues & Ideas Art Hist AR 200T Art Elective
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ASTR 011 Planets & Life In Univer PS 218 Descriptive Astronomy
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ASTR 0111 Planets & Life In Univer PH 110 Intro to Space Science
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BIOL 1110 Nutrition in Health GB 385 Nutrition
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BIOL 1131 Human Physio & Anat I ZO 363 Human Anatomy & Physio Lab
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BIOL 1131 Human Physio & Anat I ZO 362 Human Anatomy & Physiology
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BIOL 1800 Intro to Biology Major FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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BIOL 1821 Intr Bio: Organsms & env GB 160 Prin cof Organismal Biology
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BIOL 1821 Intr Bio: Organsms & env GB 161 Prin of Organismal Biology Lab
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BUSAD 2900 Legal Environ Business BU 353 Principles of Business Law
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BUSAD 392 Entrprnshp-Sm Bus Mgt MG 370 Small Business Management
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CHEM 1111 Introductory Chemistry I CH 121 Essentials of Chemistry Lab
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CHEM 1111 Introductory Chemistry I CH 120 Essentials of Chemistry
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CMPSC 125 Intro to Computing IS 113 Intro/Microcomp Applic
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CMPSC 225 Prog & Data Structures CS 250 Intro to Computer Programming
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CMPSC 275 Adv Programming With Unix CS 200T3 Comp Sci Elective
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COMM 040 Intro Public Speaking SP 101 Public Speaking
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COMM 1030 Interpersonal Communication I SP 100 Interpersonal Communication
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COMM 1040 Intro Public Speaking SP 101 Public Speaking
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COMM 1050 Intro to Mass Communication JN 100 Intro to Mass Communication
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COMM 1150 Intro Ppublic Relations SP 305 Principles of Public Relations
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COMM 40 Intro to Public Speaking SP 101 Public Speaking
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COMMU 110 Intro Radio Tv Brdcasting SP 100T3 Comm Elective
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CRIME 1110 Theories of Crime SO 100T Sociology Elective
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CRIMIN 1100 Intro Crim & Crim Just SO 125 Intro Criminal Justice
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CRIMIN 1110 Theories of Crime SO 510 Theories of Crime and Deliquen
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CRIMIN 1120 Criminal Law SO 335 Criminal Court Process
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CRIMIN 2130 Criminal Justice Policy SO 200T1 Sociology Elective
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CRIMIN 2210 Research Methods in CCJ SO 450 Research Methods & Statistics
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CRIMIN 2220 Statistical Analysis in CCJ SO 550 Sociological Statistics
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CRIMN 1150 Violence in America SO 100T Sociology Elective
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ECON 1001 Prin of Microeconomics BC 104 Principles of Economics II
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ECONO 051 Prin of Microeconomics BC 104 Principles of Economics II
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ED 111 Sch Contemporary Society CI 100T3 Educ Elective
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ENG 013 Topics In Literature EN 100T3 Literature Elective
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ENG 210 Adv Expository Writing EG 102 Composition II
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ENGL 010 Freshman Composition I EG 101 Composition I
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ENGL 012 Literary Types EG 207 Literary Perspectives
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ENGL 013 Top Lit: Rituals Am Lit EN 100T3 Lit Elective
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ENGL 1100 First-Year Writing EG 101 Composition I
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ENGL 1170 Ameri Literary Masterps EG 241 Later American Literature
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ENGL 210 Advanced Expository Writing EG 102 Composition II
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ENGL 3100 Adv Expository Writing EG 102 Composition II
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FREN 001 French I FR 110 French Language and Culture I
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GERMA 001 German I GR 110 German Language & Culture I
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GERMA 002 German II GR 210 German Language & Culture II
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GERMA 101 Inter German Lang & Cult GR 313 German Language & Culture III
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HIST 004 American Civilization 1865 to HI 112 U.S. History Since 1877
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HIST 1001 Amer Civ to 1865 HI 111 U.S. History to 1877
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HIST 1002 Amer Civ 1865 to Present HI 112 U.S. History Since 1877
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HIST 32 Top Euro Civ: 1715-Present HI 300T History Elective
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INFSYS 1800 Computers & Info Systems IS 113 Intro to Digital Info & Applic
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INTDSC 1002 Freshman Success Seminar FREE 100T Free Elective
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INTDSC 1003 Univ Studies FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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M H L T 1140 Popular Music in America MU 226 Music Appreciation
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M H L T 1150 Drumming Cult of the World MU 100T1 Music Elective
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MATH 002 Fund of Algebra I MA 095 Beginning Algebra
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MATH 1030 College Algebra MA 110 College Algebra
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MATH 1035 Trigonometry MA 112 Trigonometry
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MATH 132 Applied Statistics I MA 120 Elementary Statistics
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MATH 180 Anal Geom & Calc III MA 363 Calculus III
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MATH 245 Elementary Linear Algebra MA 322 Intro to Linear Algebra
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MGMT 4219 Strategic Management MG 473 Business Policy
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PHIL 050 Major Questions In Phil PI 225 Introduction to Philosophy
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PHIL 060 Logic And Language PI 302 Basic Logic
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PHIL 1030 Present Moral Problems PI 301 Ethics
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PHIL 1130 Approaches to Ethics PI 301 Ethics
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PHIL 1150 Intro to Philosophy PI 225 Introduction to Philosophy
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PHYED 165 Pe Activity Elementary School PE 100T3 P E Elective
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PHYED 261 Phy Activity Except Lrn PE 200T3 P E Elective
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PHYED 268 Cur Meth Tchg Phys Educ PE 200T3 P E Elective
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PHYSICS 1011 Basic Physics I PH 140 College Physics I
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PHYSICS 1011L Basic Physics I Laboratory PH 141 College Physics I Lab
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POL 011 Intro American Politics PO 121 American National Government
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POLSC 011 Intro Amer Politics PO 100 Intro to Government & Politics
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PSYCH 003 General Psychology PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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PSYCH 1003 General Psychology PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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PSYCH 271 Adolescent Psychology PY 211 Developmental Psychology
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PSYCH 3290 Trauma Stress in Childhd/Adol PY 300T1 Psychology Elective
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PSYCH 4376 Mental Health and Aging PY 300T3 Psychology Elective
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SOC 1010 Intro to Sociology SO 101 Introduction to Sociology
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SOC 2160 Sociological Social Psychology SO 460 Society and Personality
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SPAN 001 Spanish I SA 110 Spanish Language & Culture I
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SPANISH 1001 Spanish Language & Culture I SA 110 Spanish Language & Culture I
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SPANISH 1002 Spanish Language & Culture II SA 210 Spanish Language & Culture II
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TCH ED 211 Intro to American School ED 220 Introduction to Teaching
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TCH ED 2212 Int to Learners & Learning ED 200T Secondary Education Elective
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WGST 2102 Intro Women's & Gend Std FREE 200T Free Elective
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