Brevard College Emporia State University
Subject Code Description Subject Code Description
ACT 132 Bowling PE 123 Bowling
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ACT 143 Racquetball PE 180 Racketball
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BU 103 Business Machines OA 100T2 Free Elective
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BUS 101 Intro to Business BU 140 Introduction to Business
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BUS 103 Business Machines OA 100T2 Free Elective
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COMM 289 Word Origins EN 200T3 Free Elective
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ENG 101 Rhetoric And Composition EN 107 English Composition I
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ENG 102 Literary Genres EN 108 English Composition II
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ENGL 101 Rhetoric And Composition EN 107 English Composition I
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ENGL 102 Literary Genres EN 108 English Composition II
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HIST 102 Western Civilization WH 101 Surv of Ancient & Medieval Civ
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MATH 100 Intermediate Algebra MA 109 Intermediate Algebra
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PE 132 Bowling PE 123 Bowling
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PE 143 Racquetball PE 180 Racketball
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POL 201 American Government PO 121 American National Government
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POLSC 201 American Government PO 121 American National Government
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PSY 101 Personal Development PY 100T3 Psych Elective
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PSY 201 General Psychology PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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