Carson-Newman College Emporia State University
Subject Code Description Subject Code Description
CA 135 Speech Fundamentals SP 101 Public Speaking
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CIS 105 Microcomputer Appl IS 113 Intro/Microcomp Applic
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ENG 101 Composition I EG 101 Composition
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ENG 201 Writing & Lit Studies II EG 102 Composition II
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FREN 101 Elementary French I FR 110 Beginning French I
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FREN 102 Elementary French II FR 111 Beginning French II
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HIST 100 Mil Hist of The Us AH 100T3 Hist Elective
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HLTH 022 Wellness: Lifetime Obj PE 100 Lifetime Fitness
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HLTH 202 Wellness: Lifetime Obj HL 200T3 Hlth Elective
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ID 050 Community Life & Worship FREE 100T Free Elective
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ID 051 Community Life & Wor FREE 100T0 Free Elective
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ID 052 Community Life & Wor FREE 100T0 Free Elective
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ID 101 Freshman Sem FREE 100T2 Free Elective
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MUS 022 Women Singers MU 100T Music Elective
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MUS 117 Sight Sing Ear Trng I MU 108 Ear Training/Sight Singing I
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MUS 118 Sight Sing Ear Trng II MU 109 Ear Training/Sight Singing 2
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MUS 135 Intro Mus Hist & Lit I MU 100T Music Elective
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MUS 136 Intro Mus Hist & Lit II MU 100T Music Elective
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MUS 155 Applied Voice MU 121 Voice Class
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MUS 203 Class Piano III MU 133 Group Piano 3
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MUS 204 Class Piano IV MU 134 Group Piano 4
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MUS 211 Advanced Theory I MU 118 Music Theory I
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MUS 212 Advanced Theory II MU 119 Music Theory 2
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PE 072 Varsity Football PE 215 Varsity Football
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REL 101 Intro Old Testament PI 100T3 Phil Elective
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REL 102 Intro New Testament PI 100T3 Phil Elective
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SOC 101 Intro to Sociology SO 101 Introduction to Sociology
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