Austin Community College Emporia State University
Subject Code Description Subject Code Description
ACC 1623 Prin of Accounting I AC 100T3 Acct Elective
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ACCT 2301 Prin Fin Acct AC 223 Financial Accounting
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ACCT 2302 Prin Mgrl Accn AC 233 Managerial Accounting I
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ANT 2403 Physical Ant AN 200T3 Anth Elective
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ANT 2413 Cultural Ant AN 210 Cultural Anthropology
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ARTC 1413 Dig Pub I FREE 100T Free Elective
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ARTS 2346 Ceramics I AR 314 Ceramics I
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ASTR 1304 Solar Sys Ast PS 218 Descriptive Astronomy
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ASTR 1403 Stel Ast + Lab PH 111 Intro to Space Science Lab
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ASTR 1403 Stel Ast + Lab PH 110 Introduction to Space Science
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BCIS 1305 Bus Comp Appl IS 113 Intro to Microcomputer Applica
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BIOL 1406 Cellular & Molecular Biology GB 140 Principles of Biology
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BIOL 1406 Cellular & Molecular Biology GB 141 Principles of Biology Lab
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BIOL 1408 Biology for Non-Science Majors GB 101 General Biology Lab
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BIOL 1408 Biology for Non-Science Majors GB 100 General Biology
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BIOL 2421 Microbiology MC 317 Microbiology Lab
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BIOL 2421 Microbiology MC 316 Microbiology
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BMG 1013 Intro to Bus BU 140 Introduction to Business
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BMG 2013 Bus Law I BU 200T Business Elective
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BMGT 1327 Prin of Mgmt MG 301 Principles of Management
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BUSG 2371 Business Stat BU 255 Business Statistics I
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BUSI 1301 Bus Principles BU 102 Business Dynamics
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BUSI 2301 Bus Law I BU 200T Business Elective
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BUSI 2305 Business Statistics BU 255 Business Statistics
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CHEM 1105 Intro Chem I Lab CH 121 General Chemistry Lab
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CHEM 1111 Gen Chem I Lab CH 124 Chemistry I Lab
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CHEM 1305 Intro Chem I CH 120 General Chemistry
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CHEM 1311 Gen Chem I Lab CH 123 Chemistry I
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COSC 1300 Intro Computing CS 100T CIS Elective
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CSC 1003 Personal Comp IS 100T3 Cis Elective
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DRAM 1351 Acting I TH 121 Acting I
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ECON 2301 Prin Macro Eco BC 103 Principles of Economics I
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ECON 2302 Prin Micro Eco BC 104 Principles of Econoics II
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EDUC 1300 Learning Framework ED 100T1 Education Elective
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EDUC 1301 Intro Teaching ED 220 Introduction to Teaching
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EMSP 1160 Emt-B Clinical FREE 100T1 Free Elestive
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EMSP 1501 Emt-Basic FREE 100T5 Free Elective
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ENG 1613 Composition I EG 101 Composition I
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ENG 1623 Composition II EG 102 Composition II
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ENGL 1301 Composition I EG 101 Composition I
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ENGL 1302 Composition II EG 102 Composition II
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ENGL 2327 American Lit I EG 240 Early American Literature
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ENGL 2342 Intro Lit I EN 207 Introduction to Literature I
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ENVR 1301 Intro to Environmental Science PS 100T1 Physical Science Elective
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FNM 1093 Personal Finance BU 241 Personal Finance
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GEO 1301 Phys Geography GE 254 Physical Geography
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GEO 1633 Environ Geol GO 100T3 Geol Elective
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GEO 1643 Oceanography ES 100T3 Free Elective
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GEOG 1301 Physical Geography GE 254 Physical Geography
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GEOG 1302 Cult Geography GE 454 Cultural Geography
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GEOL 1301 Nat Haz & Dis ES 366 Natural Hazards
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GOG 2403 Physical Geography GE 254 Physical Geography
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GOG 2411 Cultural Geography GE 454 Cultural Geography
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GOG 2413 Cult Geography GE 101 World Regional Geography
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GOV 2613 U S Government PO 121 American National Government
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GOV 2623 Texas & Local Gov PO 200T3 Pol Sci Elective
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GOVT 2305 US Government PO 121 American Government
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GOVT 2306 Tx & Local Gov PO 200T Pol Sci Elective
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HIS 1613 U S History I HI 111 U.S. History to 1877
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HIS 2613 Depression Us AH 200T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 1301 US History I HI 111 U.S. History to 1877
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HIST 1302 U S History II HI 112 U. S. History Since 1877
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HKN 1601C Conditioning/Jogging PE 104 Jogging
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HKN 1601S Softball I PE 113 Softball
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HUMA 1301 Great Questions Seminar FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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HUMA 1311 Mexican-American Fine Arts FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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ITSC 1309 Intg Soft Appl IS 100T CIS Elective
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KINE 1304 Personal Health HL 150 Critical Health Iss/Dec in Soc
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MATH 1314 Coll Algebra MA 110 College Algebra
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MATH 1316 Trigonometry MA 112 Trigonometry
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MATH 1324 Math Bus & Eco MA 100T2 Mathematics Elective
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MATH 1325 Bus Calculus MA 165 Basic Calculus
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MATH 1414 College Algebra PreCalc MA 110 College Algebra
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MATH 1425 Bus Calculus I MA 165 Basic Calculus
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MATH 2412 Precalculus MA 160 Precalculus
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MKT 2043 Bus Finance FI 100T Finance Elective
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MTH 1423 Intermediate Algebra MA 109 Intermediate Algebra
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MTH 1743 College Algebra MA 110 College Algebra
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PAR 1013 College Study Skills FREE 000T0 Not Transfer Credit
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PAR 1211 Coll Alg Lab MA 100T1 Free Elective
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PAR 1323 Speed Reading FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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PAR 1403 Writing Skills I EG 101 Composition I
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PHIL 1301 Intro Phil PI 225 Introduction to Philosophy
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PHIL 2306 Ethics PI 301 Ethics
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PHL 1623 Ethics PI 301 Ethics
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PHYS 1405 Concept Phy I PY 100T Physics Elective
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PSYC 2301 Intro to Psych PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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PSYC 2314 Hum Growth Dev PY 211 Developmental Psychology
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SOC 2673 Criminology SO 353 Criminology
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SOCI 1301 Intro to Soc SO 101 Introduction to Sociology
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SOCI 2326 Social Psychol PY 333 Social Psychology
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SPAN 1411 Spanish I SA 110 Spanish Lang & Cult I
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SPAN 1412 Spanish II SA 210 Spanish Lang & Cult II
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SPCH 1311 Intro Sp Comm SP 101 Public Speaking
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SPCH 1315 Pub Speaking SP 101 Public Speaking
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SPCH 1321 Bus&Prof Comm BU 100T Business Elective
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SPE 1603 Intro Sp Comm SP 101 Public Speaking
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SPN 1615 Spanish I SA 110 Spanish Language & Culture I
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SPN 1625 Spanish II SA 210 Spanish Language & Culture II
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