Cisco College Emporia State University
Subject Code Description Subject Code Description
BIOL 114 Gen Biol - Botany BO 212 Biology of Plants
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BIOL 114LB Gen Biol - Botany Lab BO 213 Biology of Plants Lab
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BIOL 124 Gen Biol - Zoology ZO 214 Biology of Animals
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BIOL 124LB Gen Biol - Zoology Lab ZO 215 Biology of Animals Lab
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BIOL 1408 Biology for Non-Sci Majors I GB 101 General Biology Lab
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BIOL 1408 Biology for Non-Sci Majors I GB 100 General Biology
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BIOL 214 Anatomy & Physiol ZO 362 Human Anatomy & Physiology
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BIOL 214LB Anatomy & Physiology Lab ZO 363 Anatomy & Physiology Lab
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BIOL 224 Anat & Physiology II ZO 200T4 Zool Elective
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BUS 113 Intro to Business BU 140 Introduction to Business
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C J 103 Intro to Crim Jus FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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C J 113 Criminal Investg FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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C J 133 Crime In America FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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C J 203 Fund of Crim Law FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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C J 213 Crt & Crim Proc FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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C J 223 Police Operations FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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C J 273 Traffic Law & Ct FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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C J 293 Police System & Prc FREE 200T3 Free Elective
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C S 123 Intro to Computers IS 113 Intro/Microcomp Applic
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CJSA 1313 Crt Syst & Pract FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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CJSA 1317 Juvenile Justice FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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ENG 003 Dev Writing I EN 078 English Practicum
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ENG 013 Dev Writing II EN 078 English Practicum
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ENG 023 Dev Writing III EN 078 English Practicum
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ENG 113 Eng Comp & Rhetor EG 101 Composition I
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ENG 123 Eng Comp & Rhetor EG 102 Composition II
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ENGL 1301 Composition I EG 101 Composition I
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ENGL 1302 Composition II EG 102 Composition II
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ENGL 2328 Amer Lit II EG 241 Later American Literature
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GOVT 213 American Govt PO 121 American National Government
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GOVT 223 State & Local Gov PO 322 State & Local Gov'T & Politics
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HIST 113 Hist of U S to 1865 HI 111 U.S. History to 1877
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HIST 123 Hist of U S Since HI 112 U.S. History Since 1877
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HIST 1301 US Hist I HI 111 US History to 1877
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KINE 1101 Fresh BB Wgt Lifting PE 174 Weight Training
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KINE 1101A Fresh Baseball PE 205 Varsity Sport
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KINE 1102 Fresh BB Wgt Lifting PE 174 Weight Training
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KINE 1102A Fresh PE Football PE 215 Varsity Football
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KINE 1102B Fresh Baseball PE 205 Varsity Sport
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KINE 1304 Pers/Comm Health I HL 150 Crit Hlth Issues & Dec in Soci
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KINE 1321 Basketball Coaching PE 351 Fund & Coaching of Basketball
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KINE 1322 Coaching/Sports/Athletics II PE 350 Fund & Coaching of Baseball
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KINE 1346 Drug Use and Abuse HL 252 Drugs and Human Health
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MATH 003 Basic Mathematics MA 099 Computational Skills Improveme
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MATH 013 Elem Algebra MA 095 Beginning Algebra
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MATH 103 Intermediate Algebra MA 109 Intermediate Algebra
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MATH 113 College Algebra MA 110 College Algebra
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MATH 1314 College Algebra MA 110 College Algebra
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MUS 133 Music Appreciation MU 226 Music Exploration
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MUSI 1306 Music Appreciation MU 226 Music Appreciation
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P E 111 Freshmen P E - Football PE 215 Varsity Football
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P E 111B Fresh P E - Bowling PE 123 Bowling
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P E 113 Intro to Phys Ed PE 100T3 P E Elective
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P E 121 Fresh P E - Football PE 215 Varsity Football
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P E 123 Per Hlth & Hygiene HL 150 Critical Health Iss/Dec in Soc
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P E 133 First Aid & Safety HL 155 First Aid And Personal Safety
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P E 141 Drug Use & Abuse HL 152 Drugs In Sport
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P E 211 Soph P E - Football PE 215 Varsity Football
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P E 211R Soph P E - Racquetball PE 180 Racketball
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P E 213 Fball/Bball Coach PE 200T3 P E Elective
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P E 221 Soph P E - Football PE 215 Varsity Football
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P E 233 Sports Officiating PE 310 Rules & Mech of Offic Men'S Sp
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PSY 111 Psychology PY 100T1 Psy Elective
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PSY 113 General Psychology PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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PSYC 2301 Gen Psychology PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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READ 003 Dev Reading I EL 072 Improvement In Reading Skills
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READ 013 Dev Read II EL 072 Improvement In Reading Skills
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READ 123 Read/Critical Thinking CI 100 Special Topics In Reading
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SOC 213 Prin of Sociology SO 101 Introduction to Sociology
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SOCI 1301 Intro Sociology SO 101 Introduction to Sociology
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SPCH 113 Voice & Diction SP 100T3 Comm Elective
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SPCH 123 Public Speaking SP 101 Public Speaking
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