Texas Wesleyan University Emporia State University
Subject Code Description Subject Code Description
BUA 1301 Amer Enterprise Sys BU 140 Introduction to Business
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ECO 2305 Prin of Econ I BC 103 Principles of Economics I
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ENG 1301 Composition I EG 101 Composition I
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ENG 1302 Composition II EG 102 Composition II
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ENG 2311 Survey of Engl Lit EG 230 Early British Literature
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ENG 3300 Style & Structure EG 300T3 Eng Elective
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ESS 1220 Basic Conc Hlt Ped PE 100 Active Living
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ESS 1220A Basic Conc Hlt Ped PE 100T1 P E Elective
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GEO 1401 Prin Physical Geol ES 110 Intro to Earth Science
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GEO 1401L Prin Physical Geol Lab ES 111 Intro to Earth Sci Lab
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HIS 2302 US In World Perspect HI 111 U.S. History to 1877
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HIS 2321 Fund of Early American History HI 111 US History to 1877
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HIS 2324 Fund of Modern America History HI 112 US History Since 1877
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HUM 3341 The Human Prospect FA 220 Analysis of The Fine Arts
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MAP 1132 Voice MU 250 Applied Music
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MAT 1302 College Algebra MA 110 College Algebra
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MUS 0120 Opera Workshop MU 100T1 Mus Elective
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NSC 1308 Plants & Human Affairs BO 212 Biology of Plants
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NSC 1308L Plants & Human Affairs Lab BO 213 Biology of Plants Lab
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PSY 1301 General Psychology PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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REL 1312 Intro to New Testament PI 100T3 Phil Elective
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REL 1321 Intro St World Reli PI 100T3 Phil Elective
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SPC 1301 Fund of Speech SP 101 Public Speaking
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SPN 1413 Continuing Spanish SA 100T4 Spanish Elective
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SPN 1416 Spanish II SA 210 Spanish Language & Culture Ii
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THA 2300 Script Analysis TH 325 Script Analysis
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THA 2307 Theatre Voice Produc TA 200T3 Thea Arts Elective
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THA 3303 Scene Painting & Design TA 300T3 Thea Arts Elective
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THA 3310 Thea/Stage Mgmt TA 300T3 Thea Arts Elective
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THA 3315 Act Styles: Musical TA 300T3 Thea Arts Elective
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THA 3317 Act Style: Period/Sty TH 421 Acting in Period Styles
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THA 3341 Hist of The Theatre I TH 390 History of the Theatre I
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THA 3342 History of Theatre II TH 391 History of the Theatre II
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THA 4300 Bachelor of Fa Proj TA 400T3 Thea Arts Elective
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THA 4311 Dialects TA 400T3 Thea Arts Elective
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THA 4336 Shakespeare: Tragedie TH 383 Introduction to Shakespeare
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