University of Houston Emporia State University
Subject Code Description Subject Code Description
ACCT 2331 Acct Principles I-Financial AC 223 Financial Accounting
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ANTH 2301 Intro Physical Anth AN 200T3 Anth Elective
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ANTH 4331 Medical Anthropology AN 400T3 Anth Elective
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ANTH 4394 Ant of Religions AN 400T3 Anth Elective
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BIOL 1310 General Biology GB 100 General Biology
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BIOL 3424 Animal Physiology ZO 300T4 Biol Elective
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BTEC 1361 Business Oper & Control MG 423 Basic Production/Operation Mgm
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CHEM 1111 Fund of Chm Lab CH 111 Chemistry for Today's Wrld Lab
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CHEM 1301 Foundations of Chem CH 110 Chemistry for Today's World
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CHEM 1331 Fund of Chemistry CH 110 Chemistry for Today's World
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CIS 4312 Systems Development Project IS 400T3 Cis Elective
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CORE 1101 Freshman Sem :Scholar's Comm FREE 100T Free Elective
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DRAM 1335 Stage Movement I TH 210 Movement for Actors
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DRAM 1338 Acting TH 221 Acting II
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ECON 2304 Microeconomics Principles BC 104 Principles of Economics II
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ECON 2305 Macroeconomic Principles BC 103 Principles of Economics I
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ENGL 1303 Engl Comp I EG 101 Composition I
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ENGL 1304 Engl Comp II EG 102 Composition II
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ENGL 2301 Western World Lit EN 207 Introduction to Literature
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HDCS 1300 Human Ecosystems & Tech Change GB 100T Biology Elective
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HIST 1301 Western Civilization HI 101 World Cultures to 1500
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HIST 1302 Western Civilization WH 100T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 1377 The U S to 1877 HI 111 U.S. History to 1877
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HIST 1378 The U S Since 1877 HI 112 U.S. History since 1877
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HIST 2301 The U S to 1877 HI 111 U.S. History to 1877
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HIST 3380 World Civ Since 1000 Ad HI 102 Modern World Civilization
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HIST 4314 Am Hist Through Film AH 400T3 Hist Elective
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HIST 4326 Sci In 20 C History WH 400T3 Hist Elective
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HLT 1353 Personal Health HL 150 Critical Health Iss/Dec in Soc
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HLT 2320 Introduction to Public Health HL 353 Community Health Programs/Serv
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HLT 4302 Hlt Aspect Human Sexuality HL 458 Teaching Human Sexuality Educ
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KIN 1252 Foundatns of Kines Studies PE 100T P E Elective
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KIN 1304 Pulic Hlth Issues in Phys/Obes HL 100T Health Elective
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MANA 3333 Intro to OBM I MG 300T Management Elective
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MARK 3336 Elmnts-Mkt Administration MK 300T Marketing Elective
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MATH 1300 Fundamentals of Math MA 098 Intermediate Algebra
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MATH 1310 College Algebra MA 110 College Algebra
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MATH 1313 Finite Math w Applications MA 100T Math Elective
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MATH 1431 Calculus I MA 161 Calculus I
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MATH 2331 Linear Algebra MA 322 Intro to Linear Algebra
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MUSI 4343 Music for Children MU 400T Music Elective
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NUTR 2332 Inro to Human Nutrition GB 385 Nutrition
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PEB 1138 Tennis I PE 127 Tennis
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PHYS 2411 Physics I PH 140 College Physics I
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PHYS 2411L Physics I Lab PH 141 Coll Phys I Lab
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POLS 1336 US And Texas Const/Politics PO 100T3 Pol Sci Elective
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POLS 1337 U S Govt PO 121 American National Government
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POLS 2333 Am Gov Natl State Local PO 121 American National Government
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PSYC 1300 Intro to Psychology PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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PSYC 2301 Intro to Methods In Psy PY 301 Statistics I
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PSYC 4321 Abormal Psychology PY 427 Abnormal Psychology
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RELS 2310 Bible and Western Culure I PI 200T Philosophy Elective
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SOC 1300 Introduction to Sociology SO 101 Inroduction to Sociology
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SOC 2300 Intro to Sociology SO 101 Introduction to Sociology
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SPAN 1205 Intensive Ele Spa Consersation SA 100T2 Span Elective
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SPAN 1305 Intnsve Elem Span SA 100T3 Span Elective
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SPC 1331 Fund of Public Speaking SP 101 Public Speaking
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