Carthage College Emporia State University
Subject Code Description Subject Code Description
BIO 2200 Introduction to Ecology EB 480 Principles of Ecology
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BIO 2200 Introduction to Ecology EB 481 Principles of Ecology Lab
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CHM 1000 Better Livng Through Chemistry CH 111 Chemistry for Today's Wrld Lab
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CHM 1000 Better Livng Through Chemistry CH 110 Chemistry for Today's World
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COR 1100 Intell Hstry of Wstrn Herit I EG 220 Early World Literature
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COR 1110 Intell Hstry of Wstrn Herit II EG 221 Later World Literature
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ECN 1030 Issues in Economics EC 101 Basic Economics
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ENV 1600 Introduction to Environmen Sci GB 100T1 Biology Elective
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ENV 1600 Introduction to Environmen Sci GB 100T2 Biology Lab Elective
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ENV 2610 Case Studies in Environ Sci GB 200T1 Biology Elective
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EXS 0810 Men's Swimming PE 100T1 Activity Elective
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GEO 1610 Intro to Geographic Info Sci ES 100T1 Earth Science Elective
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GRM 1010 Elementary German I GR 100T1 German Elective
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GRM 1020 Elementary German II GR 110 German Language & Culture I
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GRM 2010 Intermediate German I GR 200T1 German Elective
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GRM 2020 Intermediate German II GR 210 German Language & Culture II
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GRM 3010 Advanced German GR 313 German Language & Culture III
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GRM 3030 German Conversation GR 300T1 German Elective
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GRM 3090 German-Speaking World: Cult/In GR 379 Civilization of German Spkng C
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GRM 3110 Interpreting Written Texts FL 300T1 Modern Language Elective
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GRM 400C TP: East German Film GR 400T1 German Elective
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GRM 400E TP: Represent of the Holocaust GR 400T3 German Elective
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HIS 2100 World War II HI 425 World War II
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MLA 2200 Cultural Awareness FL 200T1 Modern Language Elective
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MTH 1050 Elementary Statistics MA 120 Elementary Statistics
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MUS 0020 Carthage Chorale MU 100T1 Music Elective
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POL 1050 Intro to International Relatio PO 330 International Relations
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POL 1070 Intro to Political Theory PO 405 Development of Political Thght
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POL 3620 Environmental Politics PO 530 Hydro & Water Res in 21st Cent
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REL 1000 Understanding of Religion PI 369 World Religions
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SP&T 116 Intro to Performing Arts TA 125 Theatre Appreciation
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