Casper College Emporia State University
Subject Code Description Subject Code Description
ART 1150 Photography I AR 208 Photography
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BADM 1030 Personal Finance BU 241 Personal Finance
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BIOL 1000 Intro to Biology I GB 100 General Biology
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BIOL 1000L Intro to Biology I Lab GB 101 General Bio Lab
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BUS 117 Management MG 100T3 Mgt Elective
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CMPA 1550 Beginning Dos FREE 100T1 Free Elective
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CO/M 1000 Intro to Mass Media JO 200 Mass Communication
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CO/M 1010 Public Speaking SP 101 Public Speaking
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CO/M 1030 Interpersonal Communication SP 100 Interpersonal Communication
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CO/M 2110 Nonverbal Communication SP 325 Nonverbal Communication
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CO/M 2490 Topics: Comm At Work SP 200T3 Speech Elective
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COSC 1200 Computer Information Systems IS 113 Intro/Microcomp Applic
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DVST 0930 Intermediate Algebra MA 098 Intermediate Algebra
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ECON 151 Prin of Econ I BC 103 Principles of Economics I
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ENGL 1010 English I: Composition EG 101 Composition I
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ENGR 101 Engineering Graphics IE 100T3 Free Elective
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HLED 1006 Personal & Community Health HL 150 Critical Health Iss/Dec in Soc
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HLTK 0950 Basic Life Support/Hlth Care FREE 000T3 Free Elective
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HLTK 1200 Medical Terminology FREE 100T3 Free Elective
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MATH 1000 Problem Solving MA 100T1 Mathematics Elective
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MATH 1400 Pre-Calculus Algebra MA 160 Functions of Calculus
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OFAD 109 Elem Typewriting OA 108 Keyboarding Fundamentals
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PEAC 1002 Football, Volleyball PE 100T Activity Elective
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PEAC 1003 Basketball-Hockey-Softball PE 100T Activity Elective
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PEAC 1041 Basic Self Defense PE 000T0 Activity Elective
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PEAC 1272 Beg Weight Training PE 174 Weight Training
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PEAC 2011 Intermediate Swimming PE 240 Intermediate Swimming
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PEAT 2062 Varsity Basketball: Men's PE 210 Varsity Basketball
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PEPR 2012 Phys Ed Elementary School PE 365 Elementary Physical Education
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PEPR 2030 Motor Learning PE 361 Motor Behavior
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PEPR 2090 Foundations of Coaching PE 305 Theory of Coaching
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PEPR 2135 Personal Trainer Education PE 200T P E Elective
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POLS 1000 U S And Wyoming Government PO 100T3 Pol Sci Elective
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PSYC 1000 General Psychology PY 100 Introductory Psychology
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PSYC 2210 Drugs and Behavior PY 200T1 Psychology Elective
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PSYC 2340 Abnormal Psychology PY 427 Abnormal Psychology
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PSYC 2380 Social Psychology PY 333 Social Psychology
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SOC 1000 Introduction to Sociology SO 101 Introduction to Sociology
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SPAN 1010 First Year Spanish I SA 110 Beginning Spanish I
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SPAN 1020 First Year Spanish II SA 111 Beginning Spanish II
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SPAN 2030 Second Year Spanish I SA 213 Intermed Spanish I
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THEA 2120 Oral Interpretation TA 128 Acting I
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THEA 2130 Readers Theater TA 200T3 Thea Arts Elective
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ZOO 2010 Human Anatomy & Phys I ZO 362 Human Anatomy & Physiology
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ZOO 2010L Human Anatomy & Phys I Lab ZO 363 Human Anat & Physio Lab
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ZOO 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II ZO 200T4 Zool Elective
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